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"Why would he say no?"

whatever you say, wrong way.

I wasn't playing in a real game. I was just having fun going out for passes. I was hustling back to the line of scrimmage because I was anxious to go out for another pass, so therefore I was going the right way.

If you think I don't know which way to run when it is a real game, lets make a bet. I'll bet any amount you want.

That's the question I got from an FSU fan I work with today regarding Scott Frost's potential employment by the University of Nebraska. "Why?"

Like most competitive people, Frost is driven. He wants to win. He wants to improve himself, his family's position in life and be the best at what he does. I get it. I was it. Different business, but similar choice.

Why would he say no?

I have to step back twenty years when I had an opportunity to step into the 'big time' in my business. I owned and operated my own business. Was successful in that my family didn't want or need anything I couldn't provide. I enjoyed what I did, had many repeat clients and was able to spend time with my wife and kids. I had hobbies I enjoyed on occasion. Then came an offer from a large, multi billion dollar firm to take a step up in every single way as it relates to what I do. More money, bigger, more complex projects, bigger bonuses, etc. The position included travel, but as an Air Force brat, that didn't concern me in the least. I will tell people who ask to this day that I struggled with the decision, but that's BS. I knew I what I wanted to do the minute the offer was in my hand. I talked to the wife and as is typical for my wife she said 'Whatever you think is best, I'll support'. Sealed the deal. Had I chosen to decline the offer, kept my company and just kept doing what I'd done for more than a decade, I'd not have missed my kids growing up. I wouldn't have spent months at a time away from my wife, my parents, my siblings. I got what I agreed to, that's for sure. I built some great buildings and worked on some very difficult projects that checked all the boxes I'd secretly longed for. I guess you could say I reached the pinnacle of what I do for a living, but at what cost? Family pictures for years that don't include me. Two decades of life lived in a temporary condition. New cities living in apartments, hotels, trips home when they could be fit in. I left a perfectly acceptable and comfortable life for more...and I made a mistake. If I could hit the reset button and go back twenty years, I'd say 'Thanks for the offer, but no.'

Like I said, different business, but there is more to life than just reaching the top. Frost is a smart man and now he's a dad as well. I'm guessing he'll be looking at all of it a little harder than most of us think. There are reasons beyond UCF's status in the football world to say no. I can think of a few I should have thought more about back in the day.
One difference in his choice from yours. There is really not much of a difference in the time away factor from G5 to P5. College coaching is college coaching. The main thing that changes is the pressure. The one thing I would say that would give him pause. He knows first hand just how nasty Husker fans can be. He is in a spot where the primary supporters LOVE him.
SF is only 42 and his pockets aren't yet bulging with money versus those other coaches. Urban had made a lot money and was pretty well financially set when he walked away from Florida. Stoops a multi millionaire and I'm not sure of Chizik except he had a 5 year deal worth almost 2 million a year. Bottom line all 3 of those coaches could well afford to walk away with ZERO financial issues.

All SF needs to do now is make 1 huge financial score with say Nebraska? If he succeeds all well and good but if he doesn't he's still set financially for life. How can it be anything but a win win? Not saying 100% it's Nebraska but he's going to get the most time and fan support to make work IMO.

It's certainly going to be fun to watch what happens the next month or so....
Good post. If you scroll up in the thread I made the same point about 1 excellent contract will set him up for life.
One difference in his choice from yours. There is really not much of a difference in the time away factor from G5 to P5. College coaching is college coaching. The main thing that changes is the pressure. The one thing I would say that would give him pause. He knows first hand just how nasty Husker fans can be. He is in a spot where the primary supporters LOVE him.

I do think his time demands for a variety of reasons as well as the stress level at Nebraska will be higher. He may do as I did and look at the shine of being Nebraska's head coach and forsake everything else. You're absolutely right about his first hand knowledge of how quickly things can turn in Lincoln, but that's not unique to big time P5 football. Florida eats it's own too, it would seem. I don't know the man at all and can't pretend to read his mind, but I do think he's smart enough to access the risk/reward and make his decisions.

Urban with all his success walked away, so anyone could if they wanted.

My opinion on that is that he saw the writing on the wall with his players getting into trouble and talent drop-off, got out while there was still luster on the program and used 'health' as an excuse.

He certainly may have been experiencing some problems; but, it sure didn't take him long to reappear on the scene.
Do we really think Scott started as a position coach at Northern Iowa, then a DC at Northern Iowa, then moved to Oregon as a position coach, then became OC in Eugene, then took the HC job at UCF and is now "not concerned with getting to the top of his field" and thinking to himself "i've reached where I want to be"? I mean, are we so scared he may turn us down we are coming up with this scenario?

My opinion on that is that he saw the writing on the wall with his players getting into trouble and talent drop-off, got out while there was still luster on the program and used 'health' as an excuse.

He certainly may have been experiencing some problems; but, it sure didn't take him long to reappear on the scene.
The key is he walked away from Florida and his personal reason isn’t that important. Those AD’s don’t have a gun to your head demanding that you take those millions. Urban could have stayed as a commentator for the rest of his career. It was his choice to go to tOSU. Highly doubtful he needed the coaching salary.
Do we really think Scott started as a position coach at Northern Iowa, then a DC at Northern Iowa, then moved to Oregon as a position coach, then became OC in Eugene, then took the HC job at UCF and is now "not concerned with getting to the top of his field" and thinking to himself "i've reached where I want to be"? I mean, are we so scared he may turn us down we are coming up with this scenario?

Not at all, at least I don't think that.

I was asked why he'd potentially say 'no' and gave my story as a potential reason for staying put. I didn't say no, so there's that.

Let’s be honest - it’s not a good look for the program if SF turns down his alma mater. Lots of other good coaches that could do a good job. But it won’t have the same juice...at least initially.
Agree. That Lars Anderson tweet put Frost in a real bad spot because for some reason people took that one more serious than other tweets of the exact same nature.
Let’s be honest - it’s not a good look for the program if SF turns down his alma mater. Lots of other good coaches that could do a good job. But it won’t have the same juice...at least initially.

No, it would not be and the fan base would be even crazier at that point.

I would compare it to the Iowa hiring of Ferentz. Many fans wanted alum Bob Stoops to be given the job; in the view of some fans I knew at the time, they thought Iowa waited too long with the process, thus losing Stoops to Oklahoma. (I argued that Stoops would have chosen OU regardless and history seemed to support the idea that he'd have a better shot at championships at OU that at Iowa). After KF went 0-12 his first season (and during every losing or sub-par season since), those same fans frequently called for firing of KF. Even two years ago, KF was on the hot seat until he went 12-0 and played for the B1G title.

If Frost receives and turns down an offer, we certainly could find a very good coach. But, I'm also certain that the patience of the Nebraska fan based will be limited and we'll just demand change every time we have a sub-par year and the churn continues...

Do we really think Scott started as a position coach at Northern Iowa, then a DC at Northern Iowa, then moved to Oregon as a position coach, then became OC in Eugene, then took the HC job at UCF and is now "not concerned with getting to the top of his field" and thinking to himself "i've reached where I want to be"? I mean, are we so scared he may turn us down we are coming up with this scenario?

Yes, as a fanbase we are like a battered spouse.


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