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"Why would he say no?"

the major difference is that Frost will work mad hours and spend lots of time away from family either way...he doesnt have the luxury of not working as hard just because he is in a smaller conference. and regardless of his current location he will still spend a roughly equivalent time away from home recruiting

Above post is inaccurate. The opposite is true.

On good authority, Frost has a "Home by 5 rule" (obviously not implying Frost or his coaches are at home at 5 during the season), but the culture is there.

That's the question I got from an FSU fan I work with today regarding Scott Frost's potential employment by the University of Nebraska. "Why?"

Like most competitive people, Frost is driven. He wants to win. He wants to improve himself, his family's position in life and be the best at what he does. I get it. I was it. Different business, but similar choice.

Why would he say no?

I have to step back twenty years when I had an opportunity to step into the 'big time' in my business. I owned and operated my own business. Was successful in that my family didn't want or need anything I couldn't provide. I enjoyed what I did, had many repeat clients and was able to spend time with my wife and kids. I had hobbies I enjoyed on occasion. Then came an offer from a large, multi billion dollar firm to take a step up in every single way as it relates to what I do. More money, bigger, more complex projects, bigger bonuses, etc. The position included travel, but as an Air Force brat, that didn't concern me in the least. I will tell people who ask to this day that I struggled with the decision, but that's BS. I knew I what I wanted to do the minute the offer was in my hand. I talked to the wife and as is typical for my wife she said 'Whatever you think is best, I'll support'. Sealed the deal. Had I chosen to decline the offer, kept my company and just kept doing what I'd done for more than a decade, I'd not have missed my kids growing up. I wouldn't have spent months at a time away from my wife, my parents, my siblings. I got what I agreed to, that's for sure. I built some great buildings and worked on some very difficult projects that checked all the boxes I'd secretly longed for. I guess you could say I reached the pinnacle of what I do for a living, but at what cost? Family pictures for years that don't include me. Two decades of life lived in a temporary condition. New cities living in apartments, hotels, trips home when they could be fit in. I left a perfectly acceptable and comfortable life for more...and I made a mistake. If I could hit the reset button and go back twenty years, I'd say 'Thanks for the offer, but no.'

Like I said, different business, but there is more to life than just reaching the top. Frost is a smart man and now he's a dad as well. I'm guessing he'll be looking at all of it a little harder than most of us think. There are reasons beyond UCF's status in the football world to say no. I can think of a few I should have thought more about back in the day.
Great post and I whole heartedly agree.
If he stays at CFU he leaves MILLIONS on the table with no gurantee about what happens down the road. Timing in life is everything and SF's time IMO is now to strike it rich and expand his horizons. I'll still bet at the end of the season he's GONE from CFU the only question is where does he land....

I don't know SF well enough to bet on what he will do.

SF is not saying he will return to UCF next year. To me that indicates that he will consider any offers he may receive this year. However, that does not mean that he will accept one of them.

If SF is willing to look at offers, there is certainly a chance he could accept one of them. I believe it will come down to UCF or NU, but I am not making any bets on who will win.
You need to stop being so delusional. You are a wonderful person and I'd hate for anyone to think you are a moron.

SF said...

“I've been recruiting all week,” Frost said last year upon taking his name out of the running at Oregon. “[One day,] I drove to a [nearby] town in Florida, recruited and was back in Orlando that night. [The next day,] I drove to another town in Florida and was back at home that night. That's a lot different than flying all over the country and sleeping in a different state every night.”


Its OK to spend lots of travel time flying from Nebraska to Florida and California when you are single. But SF has a wife and child now. I'll bet SF feels just like CrabHusker...he would like to spend as much time with his family as he can. At UCF he can recruit and be home in time for supper. In addition, top Florida recruits can easily drive to UCF for an unpaid, unofficial visit. I'll bet he values that very much, and I'll bet his wife does too.

Years ago I recall TO saying that he would like to have the same advantage as the HC at Missouri where he could recruit his team without having to leave the state. Like CrabHusker, TO missed seeing his family grow up. To be successful at DONU that is the price a HC has to pay. Is SF willing to pay that price?

We shall see.

But with today's salaries SF wouldn't need to do it for 25 years like TO did. Take the 5 year contract and have a good life.
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Men who compete and succeed at the level he has, seldom shy from a challenge when the reward is so great.

SF may feel that being home in time for supper provides him with a greater reward than winning a NC.

What you think is a great reward may not mean much to SF. Everybody is different.
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You need to stop being so delusional. You are a wonderful person and I'd hate for anyone to think you are a moron.

SF said...

“I've been recruiting all week,” Frost said last year upon taking his name out of the running at Oregon. “[One day,] I drove to a [nearby] town in Florida, recruited and was back in Orlando that night. [The next day,] I drove to another town in Florida and was back at home that night. That's a lot different than flying all over the country and sleeping in a different state every night.”


Its OK to spend lots of travel time flying from Nebraska to Florida and California when you are single. But SF has a wife and child now. I'll bet SF feels just like CrabHusker...he would like to spend as much time with his family as he can. At UCF he can recruit and be home in time for supper. In addition, top Florida recruits can easily drive to UCF for an unpaid, unofficial visit. I'll bet he values that very much, and I'll bet his wife does too.

Years ago I recall TO saying that he would like to have the same advantage as the HC at Missouri where he could recruit his team without having to leave the state. Like CrabHusker, TO missed seeing his family grow up. To be successful at DONU that is the price a HC has to pay. Is SF willing to pay that price?

We shall see.
whatever you say, wrong way.

head coaches don't hit the road QUITE like assistants. but yeah, he will be gone a little more. i ask you this...if the UCF hasn't opened up or if he hadn't gotten it would he have just given up on the idea of coaching football? he knew the deal and so did his wife. he may pass on NU but he is smarter than to think he can have the career he wants and avoid wearing a coat in january or sleeping in a hotel room.
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SF may feel that being home in time for supper provides him with a greater reward than winning a NC.

What you think is a great reward may not mean much to SF. Everybody is different.
home in time for supper....and I'M the delusional one. wow
he may pass on NU but he is smarter than to think he can have the career he wants and avoid wearing a coat in january or sleeping in a hotel room.

SF has already told us about the kind of career he wants. He has publically stated that he wants a HCing career that does not involve long distance recruiting...and he has it.

He likely would consider a P5 job in one of the recruiting hot beds, and if he has a strong yen to coach at his alma mater, he might be willing to go there and endure the required long distance recruiting.

But SF has also stated that he feels a strong commitment to UCF and that it is where he wants to be (see post #34). I have no idea what he will do, but if I had to bet, I think there is less than a 10% chance he will leave UCF. I say that because I think SF values his integrity more than big bucks.
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I'll provide another possible reason why SF might say no to NU.

The reason is love.

SF said this is the closest team he has ever been associated with. He calls them his family. The love he and his staff have developed with this team certainly outweighs any love they have for Florida, UCLA, or Tennessee...and it might outweigh the love SF has for his Alma Mater.

It could be that SF values family and love more than national championships and more wealth.

I think SF is a bit shocked that his team is 10-0. His team has done everything they have been asked to do (and then some) and I'll bet SF' & his staff are feeling the love the team has for them. A strong bond and a very special player/coach relationship has developed at UCF.

Would SF be hard-pressed to walk away from the family he has adopted at UCF? I think so... very much so.

I doubt that Scott Frost expected to become the hottest HCing commodity in 2017. He will get some great offers, and he will weigh his options, but in the end, love might prevail.

Scott needs to pray about it.
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Good point! And it is also what brought Christ into the world. Do you remember how Tim Tebow always had John 3:16 printed on his cheeks?

Here is what it says...

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

If love is important to the creator, it ought to be important to the created.

UCF has it.

Love is the central theme of Christianity, and the entire focus of God's 2 greatest commandments. Without love, how can one have lasting joy in this life? Big bucks and NC's won't do it.

Matthew 22: 34-40

Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

When it comes to experiencing great joy in life I would venture to say Mother Teresa is near the top of the list... because there is no joy that can equal the joy of loving and serving others. It is what we were created for. I think Tom Osborne and SF would agree.


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SF may feel that being home in time for supper provides him with a greater reward than winning a NC.

What you think is a great reward may not mean much to SF. Everybody is different.
Except he likely wouldn’t be aspiring to D1 head coach anywhere if he didn’t feel he could balance those things in his life IMO.
"UCF is where I want to be. When you recruit kids to come play for you and you agree to do something for a program; when you give your word to people, I think it's your responsibility to see those things through. I started something here and I want to see it through.”

If Scott Frost really means it when he say this, and he has already decided to return to UCF next season, why wouldn't he say so?

I can think of 3 reasons:

1. If he reveals he is staying at UCF (now), the donations to UCF's "football enhancement" fund will end. SF wants to keep his assistants at UCF and he wants to give them as big a pay raise as he can. Logically, the longer he waits to make an announcement, the larger the fund should become.

2. Scott Frost is curious to see what kind of offers he can get. Just for the fun of it, he would like to see what is new (post 10-0) market value is.

3. If Scott Frost announces he is staying at UCF at this time, the big-time offers will not materialize. But if he waits until all of the big-time offers are made, and then refuses all of them, he will achieve instant UCF sainthood.

It would not surprise me if Danny White already knows SF is staying. But it is smart to keep it hush in order to keep the football donations coming in.
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Except he likely wouldn’t be aspiring to D1 head coach anywhere if he didn’t feel he could balance those things in his life IMO.

SF was talked into becoming a football coach. Turns out he has the right stuff and the potential to be great one. He will continue in that profession. But achieving success at DONU will take away more of his family time than UCF will. The "balance" is easier when your school is located in the heart of a recruiting hot bed. SF knows this, and it is why he chose UCF over offers from Colorado State, P5 Syracuse, and P5 Maryland.


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