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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Hey! Phissssst everybody come over here! SHHHHH! I have a secret!

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Oh so you are one of those guys huh....someone who ignores the questions ask to him but throws out a question that was already addressed.

My rhetorical question was put there to help you think about what you are saying. Verbals are great things. And they become even greater when you finish the job with them, just like everything. If you don't then they hurt you.

Where did I say you stop recruiting after a verbal? Getting a kid to say, "I want to play for you coach" is apart of the process. Keeping up with his progress over his senior season is apart of the process. Making sure he's staying in shape and getting his grades together to get on campus is part of the process. Recruiting is apart of building a RELATIONSHIP with the recruit. You don't live life not caring about good to great things happening for fear of it ending early.....That's a sad life to live.

Your last line should get the "Captain Obvious" award. Of course, we all like seeing the signed contracts (though WE don't see them) even more. Because that makes it official. And even that isn't a for sure thing, just ask B.Heard & C.Jax. But getting a verbal from a kid shows that the staff is building somewhat of a relationship with the recruit and gaining the trust of the player, enough that the player believes that this staff and program can help him to succeed. If that kid can see that in the staff, then maybe the next kid can see the same. if you get a highly recruited player to feel that way, MAYBE we can get another highly recruited player to join him. Great players want to play with other great players. You know chemistry, before even taking a snap together.


Do you really think a huskermax poster would not expect a response to a rhetorical question?


lol, my bad..

HuskerRedDread, here is my response to your "rhetorical" question..

I don't care how many verbals Bo has, as long as he has the number needed signing on the big day. That is all that matters.
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I'm with many of you on the verbals. I try not to count 'em until they've signed on the dotted line.

That said, some of you WILL count them for other schools if, and only if it makes Nebraska look bad. Go Big Red?
yeah, I saw the question but he himself said it was a "rhetorical question".. Last I knew that meant he wasn't expecting a reply.

Did you read the post at all. The rhetorical question was labeled. This is what I asked before the rhetorical question......

"If a verbal meant nothing, then why do programs spend so much $$ on air fair and such things to recruit these kids. Why is there so many recruiting sites that spend so much time tracking schools and where kids commit to? Why not just play the game, win them and let the players come to you. You know, put out a want ad for a QB for the 2014-15 season."

I didn't then nor do I now expect you to answer a question that I blatantly pointed out to be rhetorical. But I didn't expect for you to use it as an excuse to ignore the conversation and take the easy way out. Maybe I could have made it easy for you and put "?'s" at the end of those questions like they were suppose to.......;). Hope that helps your confusion.

I'm with many of you on the verbals. I try not to count 'em until they've signed on the dotted line.

That said, some of you WILL count them for other schools if, and only if it makes Nebraska look bad. Go Big Red?

Exactly. Some would try to get us to believe that they don't care how many verbals or who verbal to NU but are quick to point out how the OSU's/Bama's/Texas's of CFB are doing to prepare for their coming years with the kids they are getting.

I know that if Bo had no verbals or he doesn't look to be getting good to great talent at the positions of need like he is doing currently, that would be scribbled in crayon on the next picket sign as a reason for him to pack his bags.
I'm with many of you on the verbals. I try not to count 'em until they've signed on the dotted line.

That said, some of you WILL count them for other schools if, and only if it makes Nebraska look bad. Go Big Red?

personally, I could care less about other schools. We all know a 4 star or a 5 star means nothing as well.. if we get all 3 stars and the play better than those 4 or 5 star players our coaches are doing their jobs. That is what matters most.
Did you read the post at all. The rhetorical question was labeled. This is what I asked before the rhetorical question......

"If a verbal meant nothing, then why do programs spend so much $$ on air fair and such things to recruit these kids. Why is there so many recruiting sites that spend so much time tracking schools and where kids commit to? Why not just play the game, win them and let the players come to you. You know, put out a want ad for a QB for the 2014-15 season."

I didn't then nor do I now expect you to answer a question that I blatantly pointed out to be rhetorical. But I didn't expect for you to use it as an excuse to ignore the conversation and take the easy way out. Maybe I could have made it easy for you and put "?'s" at the end of those questions like they were suppose to.......;). Hope that helps your confusion.

Programs don't spend all that money to just get a verbal, they spend the money to get the guy to sign the contract.. Recruiting sites are for the fans.. Often times just playing and winning does bring players to you, but you still have to convince them to SIGN THE CONTRACT... and until they do it doesn't mean much.

I didn't respond the first time because it was literally a silly couple questions. No offense meant!!

There, I answered yours.. Now, what about the question I asked you? You say it was already answered, but humor me and answer again.

If NU recruits a 4 star, and he verbals to NU.. but then changes and actually signs with, let's say OSU. What good was that verbal?
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Why do we think he's doing a great job? Just because of the sudden number of verbals? We are 32nd rated on Rivals as far as average stars. Obviously stars aren't EVERYTHING, but they prove consistently to mean a lot. Seem to me we are doing average at best w/ our class this year.

That said it is nice to see 3 of the last 4 verbals got offers from a lot of top programs.
Why do we think he's doing a great job? Just because of the sudden number of verbals? We are 32nd rated on Rivals as far as average stars.

How many commits do the 31 teams that Rivals says is ahead of us have?

(hint: they have the same number we do)

How many commits do the 31 teams that Rivals says is ahead of us have?

(hint: they have the same number we do)

Wow, how tricky. I couldn't care less about recruiting. The only thing that matters is game day success and Bo hasn't exactly been wowing anyone in that respect.
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