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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked NU in Top 10 next year

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I feel emphatically that this group on defense has the potential to match what was accomplished in 2009.

I can only imagine and hope for what a seasoned and healthy offense can accomplish next year. It's apparent that this is a high-risk offense, but even at that it would be nice for once to get through a season without the pass interceptions by ill-equipped QBs, and the fumbles due to OL missing their blocks.

And for the love of God, can we finally get someone back on PR who is a bit more JR-like?

Unless we change up our blocking on the punt returns, no one is going to be able to get much accomplished back there.
I believe NU will be in the top 10 next year with Pelini as coach. Armstrong pushed by Stanton will be much better. The offensive line will be shored up. And with an experienced defense I really think we are poised for something special. The QB will be the key along with some maturation of Bo as head coach.

If they can figure out how to stop beating themselves, this team could be pretty good next year. I would be disappointed if we are not a top 10 program.
We should be a Top 10 team. The schedule sets up very nice. Have a big win against Miami at home and we're well on our way.

You sort of made a point I been harping for awhile, the erosion of expectations. When the big goal for next year is a top10 finish (Granted: A very good achievement) and not winning it all, or at least winning the Conference, it just shows.

That's interesting. I would think the erosion of expectations would be more related to our four or five losses and likely unranked finish this year, rather than where the bar is set for next year.

I expect four losses next year.

We'll have the Talent to finish in the top 10; but we'll have to do something about the poor tackling, special teams play, and turnovers.

Last year posters were predicting a National Championship run in 2013. Now they have downgraded to the Top Ten. I think I will temper my enthusiasm a little.
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