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Narduzzi = Can't Remember??

I hear you. There is concern that Whipple may want to pass more than NU fans would like him to. Hopefully our O-line is ready to open up some holes for RB’s this year to allow 2nd and 3rd down options.

But what PN said is just silly. They ran more that game (relatively ineffectively) than passed. An almost perfect balance in play calling. They scored 45 points using the passing game. As NU fans have realized, style points aren’t as important as winning. The idea of looking down on a win because there wasn’t enough rushing yardage is a good strategy for failure. Do what works at the moment. They apparently ran enough that they weren’t predictable.

They won the game. All PN should be saying about Whipple is thank you. If he wants his next coach to be run oriented, hire someone who fits that mold.

Now, am I concerned that Whipple may not run enough and be too pass happy? Not yet. We seem to have some promising RB’s in the fold. I think Whipple will use them if Raiola can develop an effective o-line. If Whipple wins but has more passing than rushing, I’m good.
At this point Husker fans are NOT picky about how Nebraska scores . Just SCORE early and often... let the games be decided by halftime like the good old days.

If Whipple has ever said anything negative about Pitt or Narduzzi, I've never seen that.
. Never seen or heard any of this. Now could some comments…..defensible ones…..come out from Whip after this public meltdown by PN. Yes. Wouldn’t blame him if he did.
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At this point Husker fans are NOT picky about how Nebraska scores . Just SCORE early and often... let the games be decided by halftime like the good old days.
I hear about it all the time from my elders, only been able to shut the game off at halftime and go hunting a few times in my life. I’d like it to become more common
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Yeah he is doing a bang-up job of destroying himself in public opinion and through the media

Best to take the high road and be thankful to be out of that mess at Pitt

Whipple getting out there is looking pretty darn smart right now
Coach Nardizzi had better hope he has another great season after all the rubbish he's been spewing. Going to really look foolish should Pitt have a not so good season. Local press will roast him and the fans won't be happy to say the least. He really sounds like he's struggling for some reason with all his negative comments.

Whipple knows exactly what's on the line this season for the Huskers!
Coach Nardizzi had better hope he has another great season after all the rubbish he's been spewing. Going to really look foolish should Pitt have a not so good season. Local press will roast him and the fans won't be happy to say the least. He really sounds like he's struggling for some reason with all his negative comments.

Whipple knows exactly what's on the line this season for the Huskers!

Losing a Heisman finalist as a first round draft pick in the NFL and the #1 WR in the country and yet another (#4) OC in his tenure is going to make it tough

I think he senses that's its going to be tough this year for Pitt


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