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Friday Night Lights II (6/22/18)

>>Something that Derek Peterson and I noticed over the last two weeks is the size of some of the incoming freshman. Between Justin McGriff, Caleb Tannor, Katerian Legrone, Cam Jurgens, Tate Wildeman, Casey Rogers, Cam Jones and Cam Taylor the Huskers have some young guys that are going to be on the “get off the bus” group you send first to intimidate opponents.


Ya, things are really blowing up on social media about that clip. Lot of people not happy they are hyping it up and promoting it. Just doesn’t make a ton of sense to me, would be like a one on one basketball game where the defender just grabs the guy dribbling and throws him down.
Bad as it was, not sure the "throw down" was even the worst part...he had the receiver by the throat. That kid deserved a butt kicking.
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All the outrage is a bit of over blown. Henderson was busting his ass to make an impression as a tough corner to the coaches. Sure the play was dirty and uneccesary, however it’s a little much when everyone is saying they’d beat his ass. If this was in game and Henderson threw down a Hawkeye WR, every husker fan would love it. This type of stuff happens all the time at football practices. Boys will be boys. If Henderson is worthy of a scholie, I hope this video doesn’t deter that.

And that’s all that needs to be said. Current and former players are calling it out. That’s all I need. Tough guy fans who blow stuff off when actual players take issue tend to bore me.
Serious question. Is anyone asking why the other kid did nothing? To me that says as much about him. Let another guy push him around and did nothing.


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