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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Alternative Uniforms to be announced soon...

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A tradition of toughness meets the future of fast.


<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GBR?src=hash">#GBR</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/teamadidas?src=hash">#teamadidas</a> <a href="http://t.co/44aW9WjFPm">pic.twitter.com/44aW9WjFPm</a></p>&mdash; Nebraska Huskers (@Huskers) <a href="https://twitter.com/Huskers/status/623221919794368512">July 20, 2015</a></blockquote>
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From the official Huskers twitter page, the caption is what leads me to believe it's going to include the color black. "Tradition of toughness" might be referring to the Blackshirts.
The countdown...


Anyone want to just admit now that they will hate the uniforms no matter what they look like? :)

I think the notion that alternate uniforms affect recruits decisions is a bit overplayed.

I think you might be surprised with some of the idiocy of kids my age. I'm 18, and growing up in Texas around some of the best athletes in the country, I don't know how many Oregon "fans" I've met. I ask them, "Why Oregon?" And they give answers like "'cus they got that Nike swag."
It does, but the magnitude to which it affects the decision is small. They don't choose based on uniform, but you could win a recruiting battle where all else is equal based on your uniform.

But more than anything it's another marketing tool to bring a recruits attention to your school so you can pitch the important things to them once you have their ears.

This all day.
I think you might be surprised with some of the idiocy of kids my age. I'm 18, and growing up in Texas around some of the best athletes in the country, I don't know how many Oregon "fans" I've met. I ask them, "Why Oregon?" And they give answers like "'cus they got that Nike swag."

Don't mean to derail this thread... but did you decide to attend NU in the fall? My kid #2 has chosen NU, so I'll have 2 there this fall.

What's your point? Pretty sure almost everyone understands that white is all colors and black is the absence of color since that is taught in grade school art.


I am sure many don't understand color theory. It was my business, along with, coaching for many years. Still is as a matter of fact.

I think you might be surprised with some of the idiocy of kids my age. I'm 18, and growing up in Texas around some of the best athletes in the country, I don't know how many Oregon "fans" I've met. I ask them, "Why Oregon?" And they give answers like "'cus they got that Nike swag."

To the bold, I have no doubt. To the rest, I never said it doesn't affect decisions, just that the amount it does is overplayed. Being a fan of something is also different than deciding to play at that school. And finally, I have no problem with alternate uniforms, they can make cool stuff that's red and white though. Why is black the only cool thing?
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