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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Alternative Uniforms to be announced soon...

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It's fine for the basketball team. They play almost 30 games a year and quite frankly have never had much tradition. A black changeup isn't that bad for them. The 'Blackshirts' tradition refers to a practice jersey and a name for the defense. It's never been part of gameday other than in name. It needs to stay that way. IMO, the whole team donning black doesn't do the tradition any justice, it takes away from it. And I strongly disagree that black is widely considered an alternate color anymore than gray is. It's just a stupid BFBS fad running rampant through sports right now.

Agreed. I hate the all black uniforms. They are not attractive, and they really have nothing to do with the Blackshirt tradition. It's just the "in" thing right now.
I think the notion that alternate uniforms affect recruits decisions is a bit overplayed.

Yeah, you are correct. I am waiting for the first recruit to say, "You know, I was all ready to sign with Alabama, but then I saw those black uniforms. Wow!! That is when I made my decision to go to Nebraska."
Herein lies a societal problem. Kids don't relish or respect tradition, have little discipline for most anything and, as per this thread, have no guidance by their parents/leaders to respect those traditions. They live in the self-gratification of the moment. They live in a society of instant gratification, the "oh, look at me" syndrome. Instead of focusing on the demands of playing as a team and the discipline to meet those demands, they are more concerned about the "me" and not the "we."

When recruits "commit" to an institution, they commit to upholding the substance of that institution and the traditions of that institution. In my opinion, if you recruit with gimmicks, like clown uniforms, you succumb to the tail wagging the dog. Working in weight room, practicing 110% effort all the time, playing through injuries, continuing a winning tradition, contributing to the community in a positive manner, growing as a person, and receiving an education is the essence of four/five years at NU. Looking like a clown once a year does not cut it.

Should we paint memorial stadium with red and white polka dots one Saturday and then red and white stripes the next Saturday just to draw attention to the football program? (Then, get trounced by Wisconsin 100-0?) It all seems sort of silly to me. What we need to do to get recruits is promote our winning traditions and fill the trophy case with Championships. And, for those of you who don't understand, it is hard work, dedication, discipline and production, that gets those Championships, not gimmick uniforms.

As my high school coach once told our team, "The work is in the practice, the fun is winning the game on game day." I shutter to think what his response would have been if we wanted to wear flowing ribbons on our helmets. Yes, I am a grumpy old fart but that is the way I see it.

"Get off my lawn you darn kids!"--Grumpy Old Man.
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I think the notion that alternate uniforms affect recruits decisions is a bit overplayed.

It does, but the magnitude to which it affects the decision is small. They don't choose based on uniform, but you could win a recruiting battle where all else is equal based on your uniform.

But more than anything it's another marketing tool to bring a recruits attention to your school so you can pitch the important things to them once you have their ears.
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It does, but the magnitude to which it affects the decision is small. They don't choose based on uniform, but you could win a recruiting battle where all else is equal based on your uniform.

But more than anything it's another marketing tool to bring a recruits attention to your school so you can pitch the important things to them once you have their ears.

Agree. To expand on that, I have no problems with doing the alternate uniform, my argument is only that it's possible for NU to do an alternate without adding black. Black isn't the only thing that appeal to recruits.

Herein lies a societal problem. Kids don't relish or respect tradition, have little discipline for most anything and, as per this thread, have no guidance by their parents/leaders to respect those traditions. They live in the self-gratification of the moment. They live in a society of instant gratification, the "oh, look at me" syndrome. Instead of focusing on the demands of playing as a team and the discipline to meet those demands, they are more concerned about the "me" and not the "we."

When recruits "commit" to an institution, they commit to upholding the substance of that institution and the traditions of that institution. In my opinion, if you recruit with gimmicks, like clown uniforms, you succumb to the tail wagging the dog. Working in weight room, practicing 110% effort all the time, playing through injuries, continuing a winning tradition, contributing to the community in a positive manner, growing as a person, and receiving an education is the essence of four/five years at NU. Looking like a clown once a year does not cut it.

Should we paint memorial stadium with red and white polka dots one Saturday and then red and white stripes the next Saturday just to draw attention to the football program? (Then, get trounced by Wisconsin 100-0?) It all seems sort of silly to me. What we need to do to get recruits is promote our winning traditions and fill the trophy case with Championships. And, for those of you who don't understand, it is hard work, dedication, discipline and production, that gets those Championships, not gimmick uniforms.

As my high school coach once told our team, "The work is in the practice, the fun is winning the game on game day." I shutter to think what his response would have been if we wanted to wear flowing ribbons on our helmets. Yes, I am a grumpy old fart but that is the way I see it.

I think it is a tad bit unfair to make general statements about kids not respecting tradition, lacking discipline, and their parents not providing guidance. There may be many that fit but there are just as many if not more that do respect tradition, hard work, discipline, and have been raised by good parents. I am sure grumpy old men said the same about you in your youth just as they did about me and my youth, and some of today's kids will say the same when they are older.

I don't see how cool alternates and hard work have to be mutually exclusive of each other.

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