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Winter conditioning seems safe this year

Partial reps are used by most power lifters. Not as a steady diet but part of the program, used mostly to break through sticking points (either mental or physical). There is a place for them.
Partial reps are used by most power lifters. Not as a steady diet but part of the program, used mostly to break through sticking points (either mental or physical). There is a place for them.

but these are football players lifting to improve their ability on the field not powerlifters trying to increase their 1RM for a competition. also judging by the reaction of everyone in that video i'm guessing he's not going to be telling everyone the rest of the day how he 'partially squatted' 700 lbs

My head is going to explode soon...

Yikes...that is an ugly partial squat. I hope it’s for psychological reasons as stated and they’re normally lifting with good form. The psychological benefits aren’t worth the potential injury IMO. It goes against everything I was tought lifting, but then again I didn’t have as high of a profile S&C coach so I hope he know he what he’s doing.
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This thread wins the wet blanket competition.
I'm with you on this one. When one of the most respected posters on this site says the following:
Again, if Duval is a good strength coach, he should be able to go workout a 600 pound 'Biggest Loser' contestant and not send them to hospital. I would expect that out of any local trainer at Lifetime Fitness or anywhere else. If my kid was in the hospital and the trainer told me "I even scaled it back" and then when I told others that and they said "he must have really been out of shape", I would lose it.
That is saying that Duval is NOT a good strength coach. That doesn't give me very much confidence that I will see anything on the football field this fall that I will like. That paints a pretty bleak picture to me.
...That is saying that Duval is NOT a good strength coach. That doesn't give me very much confidence that I will see anything on the football field this fall that I will like. That paints a pretty bleak picture to me.

I sort of had that feeling also, but I suspect there is more to the story there - perhaps some back story, who knows (?) - within which those remarks might make more sense. He didn't gain that respect by making similar remarks for no reason.

Or maybe it's a teaser for us to "stay tuned" to the next response? :Lol::Mfclap:

In any event *** does tell us that he's behind any coach that Scott hires, but the BUT... keeps peeking it's head out!

I'm with you on this one. When one of the most respected posters on this site says the following: That is saying that Duval is NOT a good strength coach. That doesn't give me very much confidence that I will see anything on the football field this fall that I will like. That paints a pretty bleak picture to me.

As a strong supporter of SOS I will say that he is only human and is right only 99% of the time. I'm hoping this is the 1%. :Cheers:
I'm with you on this one. When one of the most respected posters on this site says the following: That is saying that Duval is NOT a good strength coach. That doesn't give me very much confidence that I will see anything on the football field this fall that I will like. That paints a pretty bleak picture to me.
Oh dear... when you quote me like that it doesn’t sound great. My apologies. I don’t think Duval is a bad strength coach. I would just do some things differently and see some issues that could come up the way we are training.

Frost and Duval will get us to 8 or 9 wins this year. I just think there will be a couple more hurdles to overcome. Our guys are making some great gains in the weight room, are working hard, and are being held accountable by Duval with the support of Frost. Good times ahead.
I'm with you on this one. When one of the most respected posters on this site says the following: That is saying that Duval is NOT a good strength coach. That doesn't give me very much confidence that I will see anything on the football field this fall that I will like. That paints a pretty bleak picture to me.
Take heart, Duvall's peers did name him S&C COY. They might know a thing or two posters on here dont.
Take heart, Duvall's peers did name him S&C COY. They might know a thing or two posters on here dont.
They would probably even know enough to not misquote said posters and run with it

Geez, this thread is pretty ugly with a few posters quickly returning to their anti-Duval stance.

A few questions and comments:

1. Do the Duval critics know whether last years' Rabdo boys were doing only what the staff was scheduling, recommending, and monitoring? What if those 2 players were doing extra work, or pushing things beyond the coaching recommendations, thus causing their own issues? Maybe that's why there were no legal issues raised? Lord knows at least one of those kids has no love for the coaches...yet, no suit or criticism that I've heard.

There is at least one poster who is really quick to blame coaches and make unsubstantiated claims of lies and marketing campaigns by the coaches. I say where is the proof? How do you know? Fact is we don't know for sure what happened but a few pretend that they do know.

2. Our strength coaches and our HC are reporting great gains and are happy about it. They show a few video's of players doing some high weight partial squats...they aren't hiding a thing. But some here are all over the coach and kids for not doing perfect form in the video...though it is likely that they were simply doing a partial squat as a scheduled max out.

We (workout partners and I) used to do the exact same thing in virtually all lifts occasionally. Why? To get used to lifting the heavier weight, even when only as a partial rep. We'd do our regular sets, and maybe one every other week or so we'd tack on a few partial reps with higher weights & good form to get accustomed to handling that weight and to get ready to step up to the next level.

I don't think any of us know what the truth is behind these high weight efforts, but some here think there is a problem with it, while our coaches do not. They are publicizing it! I trust the coaches, not laymen, even if they've been working out their entire lives, simply because most lifters get set in their ideas/ways (perfect form, no partial reps and lots of puking) and shun effective alternatives...unless they like the guy introducing the alternative. For some, they loved the effortless workouts of Mark Philipp over husker Power based workouts...who'd a thunk?

3. Last year Tanner Farmer explained (there was a video, I posted) how the linemen didn't do any back squats, they did the less effective front squats. So it wasn't just coaches lying, fibbing or marketing about it.

Perhaps the confusion comes in when the coaches didn't clarify that they never meant to say, or imply, that the players NEVER squatted as some keep saying here. They meant they didn't regularly do back squats. LOL, I guess only one guy gets the benefit of the doubt everytime he misspeaks, but then claims everybody knew he didn't really mean it as he said it. I guess there are at least 50 things more important than speaking accurately...don't quote me on that though.

Of course...every negative anti-Duval comment gets a few half-baked compliments like "but they've made some changes" (unidentified), or "I'll give them a year before I worry about it,"" or I trust Scott so maybe things will be fine. If you don't like him...own it...you can always change your mind like a politician.
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Geez, this thread is pretty ugly with a few posters quickly returning to their anti-Duval stance.

A few questions and comments:

1. Do the Duval critics know whether last years' Rabdo boys were doing only what the staff was scheduling, recommending, and monitoring? What if those 2 players were doing extra work, or pushing things beyond the coaching recommendations, thus causing their own issues? Maybe that's why there were no legal issues raised? Lord knows at least one of those kids has no love for the coaches...yet, no suit or criticism that I've heard.

There is at least one poster who is really quick to blame coaches and make unsubstantiated claims of lies and marketing campaigns by the coaches. I say where is the proof? How do you know? Fact is we don't know for sure what happened but a few pretend that they do know.

2. Our strength coaches and our HC are reporting great gains and are happy about it. They show a few video's of players doing some high weight partial squats...they aren't hiding a thing. But some here are all over the coach and kids for not doing perfect form in the video...though it is likely that they were simply doing a partial squat as a scheduled max out.

We (workout partners and I) used to do the exact same thing in virtually all lifts occasionally. Why? To get used to lifting the heavier weight, even when only as a partial rep. We'd do our regular sets, and maybe one every other week or so we'd tack on a few partial reps with higher weights & good form to get accustomed to handling that weight and to get ready to step up to the next level.

I don't think any of us know what the truth is behind these high weight efforts, but some here think there is a problem with it, while our coaches do not. They are publicizing it! I trust the coaches, not laymen, even if they've been working out their entire lives, simply because most lifters get set in their ideas/ways (perfect form, no partial reps and lots of puking) and shun effective alternatives...unless they like the guy introducing the alternative. For some, they loved the effortless workouts of Mark Philipp over husker Power based workouts...who'd a thunk?

3. Last year Tanner Farmer explained (there was a video, I posted) how the linemen didn't do much squatting and when they did squat, they did the less effective front squats except when they were doing things for records/testing IIRC. So it wasn't just coaches lying, fibbing or marketing about it.

Perhaps the confusion comes in when the coaches didn't clarify that they never meant to say, or imply, that the players NEVER squatted as some keep saying here. They meant they didn't regularly do back squats. LOL, I guess only one guy gets the benefit of the doubt everytime he misspeaks, but then claims everybody knew he didn't really mean it as he said it. I guess there are at least 50 things more important than speaking accurately...don't quote me on that though.

Of course...every negative anti-Duval comment gets a few half-baked compliments like "but they've made some changes" (unidentified), or "I'll give them a year before I worry about it,"" or I trust Scott so maybe things will be fine. If you don't like him...own it...you can always change your mind like a politician.


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