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Winter conditioning seems safe this year


I understand how knowledgeable folks have problems with our guys squatting huge amounts of weight, sometimes with less-than-ideal form, but is it possible that this exercise is more about mental growth than it is physical? A guy who just squatted a Volkswagen has to feel like he can run through walls, and conquer any challenge put before him - and we want our guys feeling that way, don't we?

Less than ideal.

I’m going to find a way to work that in as an explanation for the next giant screw up I have to explain away at work.

“Well, I’m sorry the results were less than ideal, Mr. Customer”.
For my sanity, that’s what I’m chalking it up to. They are creating buy-in.

I get buy in, but with these videos floating around out there someone who knows enough to be dangerous is going to start ringing the alarm bell. They can’t squat anything close to what they’ve got on the bar. God I hope no one gets hurt.


I understand how knowledgeable folks have problems with our guys squatting huge amounts of weight, sometimes with less-than-ideal form, but is it possible that this exercise is more about mental growth than it is physical? A guy who just squatted a Volkswagen has to feel like he can run through walls, and conquer any challenge put before him - and we want our guys feeling that way, don't we?

I guess we can just call it an "ego squat". Let them build up their confidence and egos even though the weight doesn't matter if it's not really a squat.

Personally, I'm very against it as I think squats like that are long-term dangerous (don't engage the hamstrings, potential knee issues, etc.), but my limited as of late view into college football strength programs seems to indicate there's a lot of this everywhere
a "BIT" high? c'mon..... he needs to take off at least 2 plates per side to have any hope of doing an actual squat
That's where i'm at... and keep in mind i'm well aware that if you get 100 strength coaches in a room, you'll get 100 different responses on how to do things. But our high school volleyball coach would even come with "let's lower the weight and get you to do it right with good form so you don't hurt yourself." That is very opposite to what's happening right now. But again, i'm chalking it up to the psychological thing. They want these guys to say "I squat 900 pounds, this guy can't block me." Real or not, perception can be reality if a player wants it to be.
Frost did a great sales job on Duval. But if Duval is so good why didn't he recognize where this team was in terms of strength and conditioning? We had guys in the hospital and other guys injuring themselves when he implemented his program. Duval made mistakes and adjustments were made after the fact.

Everyone should have learned something from that experience, and if I had a kid in that program I would be watching Duval very closely.
I think they've remedied some things, but i'm with you on if my kid was at the age where he was looking for a school or a trainer.
I get buy in, but with these videos floating around out there someone who knows enough to be dangerous is going to start ringing the alarm bell. They can’t squat anything close to what they’ve got on the bar. God I hope no one gets hurt.
Not to mention you want to know how a DL smashes his hand and breaks it in the weight room? It's 3 spotters because we have too much on the bar. That's before we start talking about the weight on the bar being too much for the guy underneath it. I just hate the lack of ROM in all these videos. We are getting our joints used to not moving very much.

Hopefully i'm wrong for the fall.

Not to mention you want to know how a DL smashes his hand and breaks it in the weight room? It's 3 spotters because we have too much on the bar. That's before we start talking about the weight on the bar being too much for the guy underneath it. I just hate the lack of ROM in all these videos. We are getting our joints used to not moving very much.

Hopefully i'm wrong for the fall.

I get moving big weight, even in ‘cheat’ fashion because it does help build overall strength and increase free testosterone, but this doesn’t work for me for all the reasons you mention and more.
I get moving big weight, even in ‘cheat’ fashion because it does help build overall strength and increase free testosterone, but this doesn’t work for me for all the reasons you mention and more.
Certainly gets the fan base pumped tho ;)

I'm on board with Frost and who he chooses at any spot on his staff. Let's go get 9 wins this year.
. Again, if Duval is a good strength coach, he should be able to go workout a 600 pound 'Biggest Loser' contestant and not send them to hospital. I would expect that out of any local trainer at Lifetime Fitness or anywhere else.


This is where I differ in the amount of liability to blame at the coaches. He wasn't working out a 600 pound "biggest Loser". He and his staff had 130 or so players they were working out. All of them react differently and show signs and symptoms differently. WE don't have 130 Duvals working out one guy a piece. I have said 100 times on here that there are issues associated with having such a large walk on class and the ratio of coaches to players gets diminished.

This is where I differ in the amount of liability to blame at the coaches. He wasn't working out a 600 pound "biggest Loser". He and his staff had 130 or so players they were working out. All of them react differently and show signs and symptoms differently. WE don't have 130 Duvals working out one guy a piece. I have said 100 times on here that there are issues associated with having such a large walk on class and the ratio of coaches to players gets diminished.
We may be splitting hairs, but one of my biggest concerns is a "one size fits all" strength program. My "biggest loser" comment was in reference to even if it was the most out of shape person ever, they shouldn't get put in the hospital after a workout.
Maybe someone asked this in the many threads on this subject, but I will ask anyway, is this how UCF did their workouts, too much weight and poor form?

Maybe someone asked this in the many threads on this subject, but I will ask anyway, is this how UCF did their workouts, too much weight and poor form?
I would assume very similar to what’s going on right now. If we experience “zero injuries” and an undefeated record year 2 like UCF, Duval is a genius.
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