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Winter conditioning seems safe this year

But the whole "with limited info, why shouldn't we believe them" thing is an interesting topic to bring up. The second thing that compounded me being frustrated with the narrative is when a coach of ours said "we weren't even doing squats". There literally is video out there for the public of our guys doing squats in the Riley era. But fans started nodding along, perpetuation that fib, "no wonder we went 4-8 and RIley was fired!" Seemingly forgetting that just a year ago from last spring, we had Tanner Farmer videos as well as the Davis twins doing squats to win lifter of the year. PIctures taken with the strength coach under Riley after squatting. It's funny what people choose to remember in an effort to make sense of things that happened. It's still going on with people thinking squatting wasn't encouraged:

Looks like some squatting is still going on...all is well.

My head is going to explode soon...


I understand how knowledgeable folks have problems with our guys squatting huge amounts of weight, sometimes with less-than-ideal form, but is it possible that this exercise is more about mental growth than it is physical? A guy who just squatted a Volkswagen has to feel like he can run through walls, and conquer any challenge put before him - and we want our guys feeling that way, don't we?


I understand how knowledgeable folks have problems with our guys squatting huge amounts of weight, sometimes with less-than-ideal form, but is it possible that this exercise is more about mental growth than it is physical? A guy who just squatted a Volkswagen has to feel like he can run through walls, and conquer any challenge put before him - and we want our guys feeling that way, don't we?
For my sanity, that’s what I’m chalking it up to. They are creating buy-in.
My head is going to explode soon...

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I used to workout to the point where my joints ached so bad I couldn't sleep.

So, I would take 12 to 16 advil and then tightly wrap my elbows and knees before I enetered the gym.

Biggest mistake I ever made. I am paying dearly for every day I ever did that.

Older guy here.

i tore up my knee playing basketball when i was 17 and had to have surgery. they gave me T3's post surgery and i was loopy for a week straight.
by the time i was in my early 20's playing junior baseball we were popping 2 or 3 of them before every game to numb the shoulder pain in our throwing arms. it's crazy what we can build up a tolerance to when we're young and invincible (in our own minds)

lol well played...

I’m just so floored with the marketing job Duval and Frost have done. If I paid 50 dollars to a local trainer and he sent my kid to the hospital then came with “your son was out of shape, I even scaled my workout back”, I’d probably break his jaw. We pay our guy 400k and they have somehow convinced our entire fan base that the kids were just not conditioned at all which is why they went to the hospital, as well as avoided suspension. It’s truly magical.
Frost did a great sales job on Duval. But if Duval is so good why didn't he recognize where this team was in terms of strength and conditioning? We had guys in the hospital and other guys injuring themselves when he implemented his program. Duval made mistakes and adjustments were made after the fact.

Everyone should have learned something from that experience, and if I had a kid in that program I would be watching Duval very closely.


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