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Winter conditioning seems safe this year

Geez, this thread is pretty ugly with a few posters quickly returning to their anti-Duval stance.

A few questions and comments:

1. Do the Duval critics know whether last years' Rabdo boys were doing only what the staff was scheduling, recommending, and monitoring? What if those 2 players were doing extra work, or pushing things beyond the coaching recommendations, thus causing their own issues? Maybe that's why there were no legal issues raised? Lord knows at least one of those kids has no love for the coaches...yet, no suit or criticism that I've heard.

There is at least one poster who is really quick to blame coaches and make unsubstantiated claims of lies and marketing campaigns by the coaches. I say where is the proof? How do you know? Fact is we don't know for sure what happened but a few pretend that they do know.

2. Our strength coaches and our HC are reporting great gains and are happy about it. They show a few video's of players doing some high weight partial squats...they aren't hiding a thing. But some here are all over the coach and kids for not doing perfect form in the video...though it is likely that they were simply doing a partial squat as a scheduled max out.

We (workout partners and I) used to do the exact same thing in virtually all lifts occasionally. Why? To get used to lifting the heavier weight, even when only as a partial rep. We'd do our regular sets, and maybe one every other week or so we'd tack on a few partial reps with higher weights & good form to get accustomed to handling that weight and to get ready to step up to the next level.

I don't think any of us know what the truth is behind these high weight efforts, but some here think there is a problem with it, while our coaches do not. They are publicizing it! I trust the coaches, not laymen, even if they've been working out their entire lives, simply because most lifters get set in their ideas/ways (perfect form, no partial reps and lots of puking) and shun effective alternatives...unless they like the guy introducing the alternative. For some, they loved the effortless workouts of Mark Philipp over husker Power based workouts...who'd a thunk?

3. Last year Tanner Farmer explained (there was a video, I posted) how the linemen didn't do any back squats, they did the less effective front squats. So it wasn't just coaches lying, fibbing or marketing about it.

Perhaps the confusion comes in when the coaches didn't clarify that they never meant to say, or imply, that the players NEVER squatted as some keep saying here. They meant they didn't regularly do back squats. LOL, I guess only one guy gets the benefit of the doubt everytime he misspeaks, but then claims everybody knew he didn't really mean it as he said it. I guess there are at least 50 things more important than speaking accurately...don't quote me on that though.

Of course...every negative anti-Duval comment gets a few half-baked compliments like "but they've made some changes" (unidentified), or "I'll give them a year before I worry about it,"" or I trust Scott so maybe things will be fine. If you don't like him...own it...you can always change your mind like a politician.

Nothing new in this post to add to the thread.

With all the snow and extremely cold weather we've had this year, I'm done with winter conditioning :Biggrin:

Edit: I should add that driving to Lincoln Monday I saw an accident where a guy was in a fatal crash. It was horrific and definitely nothing to joke about, just an acknowledgement that this winter season needs to be over soon, please.
Geez, this thread is pretty ugly with a few posters quickly returning to their anti-Duval stance.

A few questions and comments:

1. Do the Duval critics know whether last years' Rabdo boys were doing only what the staff was scheduling, recommending, and monitoring? What if those 2 players were doing extra work, or pushing things beyond the coaching recommendations, thus causing their own issues? Maybe that's why there were no legal issues raised? Lord knows at least one of those kids has no love for the coaches...yet, no suit or criticism that I've heard.

There is at least one poster who is really quick to blame coaches and make unsubstantiated claims of lies and marketing campaigns by the coaches. I say where is the proof? How do you know? Fact is we don't know for sure what happened but a few pretend that they do know.

2. Our strength coaches and our HC are reporting great gains and are happy about it. They show a few video's of players doing some high weight partial squats...they aren't hiding a thing. But some here are all over the coach and kids for not doing perfect form in the video...though it is likely that they were simply doing a partial squat as a scheduled max out.

We (workout partners and I) used to do the exact same thing in virtually all lifts occasionally. Why? To get used to lifting the heavier weight, even when only as a partial rep. We'd do our regular sets, and maybe one every other week or so we'd tack on a few partial reps with higher weights & good form to get accustomed to handling that weight and to get ready to step up to the next level.

I don't think any of us know what the truth is behind these high weight efforts, but some here think there is a problem with it, while our coaches do not. They are publicizing it! I trust the coaches, not laymen, even if they've been working out their entire lives, simply because most lifters get set in their ideas/ways (perfect form, no partial reps and lots of puking) and shun effective alternatives...unless they like the guy introducing the alternative. For some, they loved the effortless workouts of Mark Philipp over husker Power based workouts...who'd a thunk?

3. Last year Tanner Farmer explained (there was a video, I posted) how the linemen didn't do any back squats, they did the less effective front squats. So it wasn't just coaches lying, fibbing or marketing about it.

Perhaps the confusion comes in when the coaches didn't clarify that they never meant to say, or imply, that the players NEVER squatted as some keep saying here. They meant they didn't regularly do back squats. LOL, I guess only one guy gets the benefit of the doubt everytime he misspeaks, but then claims everybody knew he didn't really mean it as he said it. I guess there are at least 50 things more important than speaking accurately...don't quote me on that though.

Of course...every negative anti-Duval comment gets a few half-baked compliments like "but they've made some changes" (unidentified), or "I'll give them a year before I worry about it,"" or I trust Scott so maybe things will be fine. If you don't like him...own it...you can always change your mind like a politician.

I know this post was nothing more than a thinly veiled shot at someone else, but I'll respond since he's got you on ignore and won't be able to read it. Obviously a giant loss for him.

I don't consider my stance on Duval to be 'Anti-Duval', just critical of some of what I've seen. He pushes the kids, which is great. I haven't seen one of his workouts from start to finish for obvious reasons, so I don't know if he and I would agree on method most of the time or just some of the time. The results on the field and in the training room dealing with injuries will tell the story. At the end of the day, college football programs don't pay me for my training methods, guidance or advice. My experience as a trained athlete includes football and other team and individual sports, but as a trainer has been limited to boxing, powerlifting and bodybuilding which don't necessarily translate 100% with football means and methods. Safety does have to be the #1 concern regardless of who or what you're training for.

As to last years issue, I'm sure they didn't intend to put kids in the hospital. It just isn't a good thing for a S&C or coaching staff or a fan base to accept and I don't think any of those groups have accepted that it's just part of big time college football. I mentioned in a previous post that we don't have the entire story there either. No idea what they did outside the confines of the workout that allegedly put them in the hospital.

I don't like the 'scheduled max out' squats as you refer to them, because they are more a liability than a benefit. I don't expect a max lift to be perfect form, but it at least has to resemble the intended form or the athlete is risking injury. All I saw in the posted videos is excessive spotting, bad form that would not be counted as a completed lift in competition and athletes, both the lifter and spotters, being exposed to potential injuries. I don't think that's a good combination. If a 200lb running back's real squat max is 405, that's still a good lift. I mentioned yesterday that 'cheat' sets or reps aren't necessarily a bad thing as moving heavy weight does serve to increase overall body strength and in cases like deads, squats and any movement that involves multiple big muscle groups, will actually increase free testosterone in the blood stream, which is great for changing body comp and increasing strength.

Bottom line, I still don't know what to think of the S&C staff. I heard great things about the previous group only to see a Nebraska team get absolutely physically owned on the field. If Duvall can keep kids healthy and out of the hospital while transforming them into beasts on the field, I'll be his biggest fan. If we continue to see training related injuries or hospitalizations or the performance on the field isn't benefitting from his methods, I'll call it like I see it.
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I know this post was nothing more than a thinly veiled shot at someone else, but I'll respond since he's got you on ignore and won't be able to read it. Obviously a giant loss for him.

I don't consider my stance on Duval to be 'Anti-Duval', just critical of some of what I've seen. He pushes the kids, which is great. I haven't seen one of his workouts from start to finish for obvious reasons, so I don't know if he and I would agree on method most of the time or just some of the time. The results on the field and in the training room dealing with injuries will tell the story. At the end of the day, college football programs don't pay me for my training methods, guidance or advice. My experience as a trained athlete includes football and other team and individual sports, but as a trainer has been limited to boxing, powerlifting and bodybuilding which don't necessarily translate 100% with football means and methods. Safety does have to be the #1 concern regardless of who or what you're training for.

As to last years issue, I'm sure they didn't intend to put kids in the hospital. It just isn't a good thing for a S&C or coaching staff or a fan base to accept and I don't think any of those groups have accepted that it's just part of big time college football. I mentioned in a previous post that we don't have the entire story there either. No idea what they did outside the confines of the workout that allegedly put them in the hospital.

I don't like the 'scheduled max out' squats as you refer to them, because they are more a liability than a benefit. I don't expect a max lift to be perfect form, but it at least has to resemble the intended form or the athlete is risking injury. All I saw in the posted videos is excessive spotting, bad form that would not be counted as a completed lift in competition and athletes, both the lifter and spotters, being exposed to potential injuries. I don't think that's a good combination. If a 200lb running back's real squat max is 405, that's still a good lift. I mentioned yesterday that 'cheat' sets or reps aren't necessarily a bad thing as moving heavy weight does serve to increase overall body strength and in cases like deads, squats and any movement that involves multiple big muscle groups, will actually increase free testosterone in the blood stream, which is great for changing body comp and increasing strength.

Bottom line, I still don't know what to think of the S&C staff. I heard great things about the previous group only to see a Nebraska team get absolutely physically owned on the field. If Duvall can keep kids healthy and out of the hospital while transforming them into beasts on the field, I'll be his biggest fan. If we continue to see training related injuries or hospitalizations or the performance on the field isn't benefitting from his methods, I'll call it like I see it.
I assume someone’s taking a shot at me. Which is fine. I chalk what I say about Duval possibly having some issues up to how I didn’t like how Diaco made our OLBs play, how Pelini made our safeties set the edge from 12 yards deep, etc. That doesn’t mean Pelini, Duval, or Diaco are bad coaches. Just means there’s some things I would definitely change. I’m hoping what I see with Duval is me being wrong, rather than like with Pelini it getting exposed against Wisconsin’s jet sweep, or with Diaco it getting exposed every offensive play.

My other issue is when Nebraska S&C was well respected, there was validity to what was coming out. We apparently have 3 RBs that squat as much as Saquan Barkley (who was looked at as a freak before the draft) on our roster right now, so that has made more than one other D1 coach give the eye roll to me just last night. As you stated @CrabHusker I’ll take a 450 pound perfect squat with good ROM over being able to tell someone I squatted 650 any day of the week.
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I assume someone’s taking a shot at me. Which is fine. I chalk what I say about Duval possibly having some issues up to how I didn’t like how Diaco made our OLBs play, how Pelini made our safeties set the edge from 12 yards deep, etc. That doesn’t mean Pelini, Duval, or Diaco are bad coaches. Just means there’s some things I would definitely change. I’m hoping what I see with Duval is me being wrong, rather than like with Pelini it getting exposed against Wisconsin’s jet sweep, or with Diaco it getting exposed every offensive play.

If you'd have said Duvall is the best S&C coach in the history of modern college athletics, he'd have said you didn't know what you're talking about and there isn't evidence to prove that statement. We're all entitled to our opinions regardless of how accurate they prove to be long term. My issue is the contrarian stance a few take no matter what the opinion is, especially if that opinion comes from a certain poster, in this instance you.

Hey, Duvall may end up being a great S&C coach. I don't know. I've seen paid professionals in gyms doing some of the dumbest crap imaginable with a paying client, so payment for services doesn't equate to perfection. Paid professionals make mistakes too. You mention Diaco and Pelini and examples of things you didn't agree with and I can list something in just about every football game I've watched that made me go 'Huh?' Or 'What the hell are they doing that for?' It happens.
If you'd have said Duvall is the best S&C coach in the history of modern college athletics, he'd have said you didn't know what you're talking about and there isn't evidence to prove that statement. We're all entitled to our opinions regardless of how accurate they prove to be long term. My issue is the contrarian stance a few take no matter what the opinion is, especially if that opinion comes from a certain poster, in this instance you.

Hey, Duvall may end up being a great S&C coach. I don't know. I've seen paid professionals in gyms doing some of the dumbest crap imaginable with a paying client, so payment for services doesn't equate to perfection. Paid professionals make mistakes too. You mention Diaco and Pelini and examples of things you didn't agree with and I can list something in just about every football game I've watched that made me go 'Huh?' Or 'What the hell are they doing that for?' It happens.
Yep. I’m certainly not in the majority with my thoughts, and while there’s no evidence, there’s certainly talk points that are keeping me in the minority. I hope it goes so well people can say “see you’re a moron, you were wrong about him. No injuries just like UCF year 2.” I’m just predicting based on what I’ve seen.

For the record, the Cam Jurgens injury is not on Duval. See! I don’t have to play the blame game all the time.

In regard to his “no evidence” comment. His issue with me is I’m usually pretty accurate so a lot of people give me the benefit of the doubt, and even without evidence, it usually comes out I’m not just blowing smoke. And he hates that and it drives him nuts. Thus replying to someone that has you on ignore.
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Woody Hayes won an award or two in his day as well. Just sayin'.

You are a walking/posting contradiction. If someone (especially a certain someone) has something positive to say about anything Nebraska related, you take up the negative stance as 'truth'. If someone has something negative to say, you flip to the positive side of things. Do you keep a ledger?

I can't wait until it's warm in Lincoln again so you'll have butterflies to pull the wings off of.
Yep. I’m certainly not in the majority with my thoughts, and while there’s no evidence, there’s certainly talk points that are keeping me in the minority. I hope it goes so well people can say “see you’re a moron, you were wrong about him. No injuries just like UCF year 2.” I’m just predicting based on what I’ve seen.

For the record, the Cam Jurgens injury is not on Duval. See! I don’t have to play the blame game all the time.

In regard to his “no evidence” comment. His issue with me is I’m usually pretty accurate so a lot of people give me the benefit of the doubt, and even without evidence, it usually comes out I’m not just blowing smoke. And he hates that and it drives him nuts. Thus replying to someone that has you on ignore.

I will absolutely give you the benefit of the doubt and it shouldn't drive him or anyone else nuts at all. You're right a lot more than you're wrong and you're just about always willing to offer an opinion before it's all over with when everyone knows the right answer. That speaks to the character of the poster, IMO.
I will absolutely give you the benefit of the doubt and it shouldn't drive him or anyone else nuts at all. You're right a lot more than you're wrong and you're just about always willing to offer an opinion before it's all over with when everyone knows the right answer. That speaks to the character of the poster, IMO.
Frustrates me. Makes the site less enjoyable when I have someone just following me around.
Frustrates me. Makes the site less enjoyable when I have someone just following me around.

Woody Hayes won an award or two in his day as well. Just sayin'.

You are a walking/posting contradiction. If someone (especially a certain someone) has something positive to say about anything Nebraska related, you take up the negative stance as 'truth'. If someone has something negative to say, you flip to the positive side of things. Do you keep a ledger?

I can't wait until it's warm in Lincoln again so you'll have butterflies to pull the wings off of.
And you run to validate *** even tho he makes an asinine statement. I’d wager Duval knows exactly what he’s doing and you fellas are simply bloviating.


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