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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Tommie Frazier Tweeted The Following just a short while ago:

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I'll take Tommie's word any day... we've been patient for far too long.

Nonetheless, we are going to have to continue to be patient because there are a lot of games to play. (Unless you have a coach waiting in the wings to take over.)
My hope is if we do can our coach we get a major upgrade. If we make the same mistake we made with Callahan that will just set us further back.

I think it's preposterous to think Bo would ever listen to anyone including former Husker greats! NOT HAPPENING with him. He knows his defensive scheme is absolutely sound because it's worked well in the past. OK perhaps it works a tad better stacked with a bunch of NFL talent but still......... He also knows our offense is pure high octane if those darn players would just execute better! He knows that everything that's being done works and if doesn't... well that's cause it's not being executed properly. Those are his thoughts because he's uttered them time and again after being humbled by an ever growing list of BCS caliber teams........

He's not changing anything period! It all works great and folks shouldn't be upset by a few lopsided losses... Now if only he can figure out that execution thing!
It is not surprising. Benning started letting loose a little in the Big Red Overreaction show after the game. Jay Moore emailed the show with some not so kind words either. It appears these ex-players are not real happy with the direction of the program.

Their access is being restricted now. Just like in 2007.

The only that hasn't been repeated from that debacle so far is the contract extension. I'm going to SDSU game, but there will undoubtedly be empty seats. The foundation is eroding very fast now. Probably not too long before it's gone.

It is not surprising. Benning started letting loose a little in the Big Red Overreaction show after the game. Jay Moore emailed the show with some not so kind words either. It appears these ex-players are not real happy with the direction of the program.

I don't blame them. They've invested more blood, sweat, and tears than all of us. Is anybody happy with the direction of the program?
I don't blame them. They've invested more blood, sweat, and tears than all of us. Is anybody happy with the direction of the program?

Bo, Beck and Pau!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Their access is being restricted now. Just like in 2007. The only that hasn't been repeated from that debacle so far is the contract extension. I'm going to SDSU game, but there will undoubtedly be empty seats. The foundation is eroding very fast now. Probably not too long before it's gone.

Maybe that is why the ex-players got locked out of practice. They may have been making suggestions or pointing out obvious scheme problems.
I like Terry Joseph and would keep him, even if there is a coaching change - he is someone I really think is a good coach and a helluva recruiter.

Other than that, he is 100% right. John Papuchis never had the DL playing consistent or even good ball while he coached them. Other than his recruiting, what ever warranted him being promoted escaped me then and is even more of an enigma now. Well other than the fact Pelini wanted to continue running the defense and only promoting Papuchis would ensure that happening without any waves from a proven, respected hire.
Ross Els has also coached an ineffective linebacker unit and his special teams have been anything but. He came to Lincoln under the advisement of Carl Pelini and the fact Carl did not take him with him to Florida Atlantic is foretelling.

Rick Kaczenski came to Nebraska from Iowa because he coached the same 2-gap technique Pelini favors. Though he is a short-timer on staff, he has followed suit and coached an average unit.

John Garrison and Barney Cotton have been given enough time and used enough excuses. The Husker O-Line has been average-at-best under Pelini and these two are the reason why. A lot of people are unhappy with the offenses performance today against the Bruins, and IMPO the shoddy O-Line play is a big reason.

Tim Beck, Ron Brown, Rich Fisher and Terry Joseph are the only coaches on this staff who should not be **********-canned regardless of wether Pelini makes it to 2014 or not.

Thats pretty speculative. How do you know they haven't spoken to the coaches? How do you know they even tried?

I think what's troubling about it is i value their opinions. It is one thing to hear whiners who know nothing about football complain. But when people who know football say things, it has more value.

Ok, what's your explanation? I'm open to other possibilities. I just think this happens to be the fairest.
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