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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Rex Burkhead's name permanently displayed at Memorial Stadium?

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And as to the original post about Rex's contributions in bringing the program back, I think a similar (but smaller) argument could be made for the role Joe Ganz played in Bo's first year.

Heck, if Taylor leads this team to a Rose Bowl, then you could argue the same thing for him too.

I'm not saying he gets extra kudos, especially for the fact that he doesn't need it. His choice was based on his own situation. How do you fault at 22 year old who is physically gifted to compete at the highest level for taking advantage of the opportunity to let his talent make a living for himself and his family.

He should have came back because he had a CHANCE to win the Heisman and/or the Doak Walker (the player he lost this award to had an even better season in 98 and won it again as well as the Heisman)? This logic to me is as self as some are making it seem for him entering the draft early.
<coaches><ap><sports illustrated="">

He made the choice that he was free to make, which meant he bailed on his last year in this program for his own personal gain. It was good for him, and others have indeed suffered for making the opposite choice. There's no argument there.

Strictly as a fan, I don't agree with it. Maybe you are happy to see players walk out on the program before they complete their eligibility, but I am not.


He made the choice that he was free to make, which meant he bailed on his last year in this program for his own personal gain. It was good for him, and others have indeed suffered for making the opposite choice. There's no argument there.

Strictly as a fan, I don't agree with it. Maybe you are happy to see players walk out on the program before they complete their eligibility, but I am not.

Seems you're a little butt hurt by Ahman leaving a year early. Oh MY! His OWN PERSONAL GAIN! How could he! Who does he think he is?!?!


I love Rex and he will go down in my book as one of the great men who played Husker football. He is one of the best RB's to suit up for Nebraska but just can't see the connection between his career and the Wall. I suppose if he is MVP of the B1G CCG and goes on to have an MVP performance in the Rose Bowl and the Huskers finish in the top 7-8 in the country he might get some discussion.

Beyond that, we should just enjoy and appreciate what we've had over the past few seasons. A great player, a leader, a great citizen, a man of honor that will always be remembered as a great Husker. He, above all people, probably cares less about awards than most. He's a team guy, probably happy to have his picture along side his teammates.
Seems you're a little butt hurt by Ahman leaving a year early. Oh MY! His OWN PERSONAL GAIN! How could he! Who does he think he is?!?!


Doesn't affect me personally, except in how I view him in history. My view of that situation now remains cemented where it was in 1998. You don't agree, that's fine. I wasn't seeking validation of my opinion, but I did want to offer a different look at how he could be perceived...especially since it's probably not a popular opinion to hold, given that many Husker fans are still ga-ga over him.

Is there any other nicer way to phrase that what he did was for his own personal gain? It clearly was. It's his right and he exercised it, and I'm sure it paid off handsomely for him. So, good on Ahman the Packer for that decision. I don't know what his personal/family situation was. I do remember Johnny Mitchell (and/or maybe William Washington?) leaving early because the entire family was very poor. You can certainly understand making that decision, especially given the nature of the game...one unlucky hit and your lottery ticket is gone. There have been a lot of guys like that, and maybe Ahman would have been one of them if he had stayed. It was also pretty unusual then for a player to leave NU early. I can only remember 3 before that, the two I mentioned above and LP...all for different reasons, obviously. Just because I didn't like it, I can't say I disagree with his decision, either. In retrospect, it was pretty clearly the right choice, given his NFL career.

But, it still doesn't negate the fact that he let THIS team down. From a 'selfish Husker fan' viewpoint, that's the issue I had with his decision to leave early and it still takes him down a few notches in my estimation in the program's lore. (Again, I'm sure it worked out best for him and he's VERY distressed about my lack of approval. ;))
think of this...Lawrence Phillips and Terrel Farley could have come back in 96...man...what waste

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