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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Rex Burkhead's name permanently displayed at Memorial Stadium?

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Maybe they can stick his heart in a glass jar and all the players can touch the jar on the way out to the field....I wonder if they could carry the jar into the huddle

I think he's still using it.

maybe he will get a team award named after him at some point

Combat, this is a great idea. If the criteria for inclusion on the ring of honor is a national award, then Rex does not meet that. However in terms of popular, great human being, best team mate etc, then Rex should be up there. Unfortunately, the criteria is a National Honor.

A case could be made that Brook Berringer was a stellar team mate as well. By all accounts never complained about playing time etc. Just the consumate team guy. I know he has a statue in his honor, but no ring of fame.

It is unfortunate for both Rex and Brook fans. Both should be up there IMHO.............:huskerflag:
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Combat, this is a great idea. If the criteria for inclusion on the ring of honor is a national award, then Rex does not meet that. However in terms of popular, great human being, best team mate etc, then Rex should be up there. Unfortunately, the criteria is a National Honor.

A case could be made that Brook Berringer was a stellar team mate as well. By all accounts never complained about playing time etc. Just the consumate team guy. I know he has a statue in his honor, but no ring of fame.

It is unfortunate for both Rex and Brook fans. Both should be up there IMHO.............:huskerflag:

Rex could end up being remembered similar to Brook. Not a statue, but something just to mark his contributions.

I think it'll happen if he ends up having a nice NFL career, or if he continues his good works regardless of an NFL career.

Ultimately, it'll likely be less than the ring of honor and a statue, but something pretty nice nonetheless.

He combines grit, athletic skill, leadership and caring for others better than any Husker I can recall.

Rex is a perfect "great player, great guy" storm.

I would say that somehow an annual award is made in his name, not necessarily for his on field actions, which have been good, but for his partnership and expansion of the Team Jack which has spread to more player/patient associations. With a little effort I believe something like this can expand much like the Teammates program that Dr. Tom has been a part of since inception.

He has 3,136 career rushing yards good for 5th all-time behind Rozier, Green, Crouch and Helu. Pretty impressive given the number of games he missed this year.

It was realistic to envision him having been able to surpass Ahman Green from #2 all-time given he started the season 1,226 behind.

Obviously a lot of woulda, coulda, shouldas ... but his accomplishments as they stand right now are pretty impressive. Worthy enough for the ring of honor ... probably not. What makes RB stand out is the kind of person he is, the things he accomplished off the field. I honestly think he's more deserving of the being included in the statue outside the stadium than just about any Husker including Berringer.

But the names on the ring of honor should be few, rare and undisputable. How could Burkhead be included but not Ahman Green?

Green did it in 3 years.

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