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Nebraska Friday night, September 20th, against Illinois

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You don’t get the prime spots generally, unless you win, a lot. Moving games to a Friday night is ignorant, stupid, and dumb. NU has a stadium that holds 90,000 people. Name one other school, with a stadium this big, that plays on Friday nights, at home? I’ll wait. Even with its struggles, NU is still the 8th winningest program all time, and still holds serious cache.

Well Mr. Knowledgeable I'm sorry those terrible performances have skewed your view of the Huskers over the years. I prefer to remember the great performances over the years, none of which occurred on a Friday not named Black. Fridays are for high schoolers.

And the word you you're looking for is 'cite'.
I prefer to remember the glory days as well. Unfortunately, the last time we were ranked in the top 25 was 2019.
You don’t get the prime spots generally, unless you win, a lot. Moving games to a Friday night is ignorant, stupid, and dumb. NU has a stadium that holds 90,000 people. Name one other school, with a stadium this big, that plays on Friday nights, at home? I’ll wait. Even with its struggles, NU is still the 8th winningest program all time, and still holds serious cache.
This is Hilarious. A prime time game under the lights, with no other competitive games to compete with our game on TV and that's a "BAD THING"? HAHAHAHA!!! Suck it up buttercup. I'll get to watch the game in real time, so it works out great for me, Friday Nights a Great Night For Football.....

There is an article on the front page (Which I can not read because it is behind a pay wall.) The head line says HS coaches are not happy BUT THEY UNDERSTAND WHY IT IS HAPPENING. So if they get it. Whay do so many fans not understand?
There is an article on the front page (Which I can not read because it is behind a pay wall.) The head line says HS coaches are not happy BUT THEY UNDERSTAND WHY IT IS HAPPENING. So if they get it. Whay do so many fans not understand?
I'm poking the bear with my posts, but as someone who lives some 22 hours away by car and who works on Saturdays, this is awesome for me. I'm not from Nebraska, but I am a life long fan of the Huskers and I relish every single time/game I get to see Nebraska play live on TV. I hate the fact that some people act so entitled that they cry and whine over a games time start that doesn't fit their time off as if it's all about them personally.

We don't live in this perfect world where everybody gets everything that they want, sometimes, you have to learn to compromise and give a little. Not all fans of Nebraska live within driving distance and can make every Saturday day game, so it's a nice little change of pace for guys like me. GBR!!! :Helmet:
C’mon man, UCLA has like 10,000 people at their games. I saw a September game on tv recently, I think it was 2022, against some directional school, and it looked like there were 100 people there. No lie. It was pathetic. Even if they are really good. 45,000 for a game. Maybe 80,000 for USC, on a good year. Trust me, they came to mind when I said that. They’ll have maybe some bigger crowds this year for some new blood coming in, but unless UCLA is good, won’t be close to sellouts. I can’t remember when they last sold out. Too lazy to look it up. They just don’t have a passionate fan base.
This is Hilarious. A prime time game under the lights, with no other competitive games to compete with our game on TV and that's a "BAD THING"? HAHAHAHA!!! Suck it up buttercup. I'll get to watch the game in real time, so it works out great for me, Friday Nights a Great Night For Football.....

Dude, most aren’t watching Friday night college football. They are out doing other things. That game will be lucky to have 1.3 m viewers. Sure, you and I will watch it, but we have a serious interest. Even college football fans from afar aren’t planning their Friday nights around a lackluster college football game. Saturday is the day. I stand by it, it’s a night for small fry teams, unless it’s a Holliday. It’s stupid, dumb and ignorant.

Dude, most aren’t watching Friday night college football. They are out doing other things. That game will be lucky to have 1.3 m viewers. Sure, you and I will watch it, but we have a serious interest. Even college football fans from afar aren’t planning their Friday nights around a lackluster college football game. Saturday is the day. I stand by it, it’s a night for small fry teams, unless it’s a Holliday. It’s stupid, dumb and ignorant.

I know my spouse and I are far more likely to crash on the couch Friday night and then go out and do something Saturday night after recovering from the work week. Not to say there aren’t people who prefer to go out Friday night - just saying there are different perspectives and I’m not sure it will impact the viewership in that way. Guess we’ll find out in a few months.

Also, if one does go out and the game is on at that bar, does that count towards viewership numbers or no?
So much hand wringing and breathless protest. Most of us would prefer to play on Saturday. Ok. This game is the hand we are dealt.

Here's what I know will happen:

Nebraska fans will still pack the stadium. Nebraska fans will turn this into a gigantic party. Night game atmosphere in Memorial stadium will be outrageous. Restaurants and Bars will do heavy pre and post game business. Tailgating will still happen and may even be more fun than usual. More eyeballs will be on this game Friday night, than if we played Saturday.
TV ratings will be higher than usual. Serious recruits will still find ways to attend, others will see the atmosphere on television, even if it's recorded. The players will be jacked up to play the 400th under the lights in front of fans who are juiced and ready in Memorial stadium.

Yes, a lot of people will need to make adjustments for this schedule change. Most will adjust, make the most of it, and find a way to enjoy the event. We're Nebraskans. It's in our blood. It's what we do...

Well spoken sir. I agree 100% with you.
Some on here enjoying being butt hurt for some reason. It is the “complaining about everything just to complain” season I guess. If you’re a ticket holder and you can’t go to the game ……. Sell your tickets …. Boycott the game ….. attend a high school game ……. whatever you feel you have to do to feel good about the situation. I bet 99% of the Nebraska fans could care less what you feel about it or what your ultimate choice is.
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Well spoken sir. I agree 100% with you.
Some on here enjoying being butt hurt for some reason. It is the “complaining about everything just to complain” season I guess. If you’re a ticket holder and you can’t go to the game ……. Sell your tickets …. Boycott the game ….. attend a high school game ……. whatever you feel you have to do to feel good about the situation. I bet 99% of the Nebraska fans could care less what you feel about it or what your ultimate choice is.
AWesome post!!!
If you raised a big enough stink about it, maybe you could have reversed it? NU’s fans travel from afar to go to these games. 6-8-10 hr drives for many. This screws them.
I don't disagree about it being a problem. Ultimately the B1G doesn't care about Nebraska's attendance. They are getting extra money to provide Friday content for FOX. I would say there isn't a single team in the conference that is chomping at the bit to play on Fridays. We don't carry the type of power within the conference to be able to just cross our arms and say no.

Here's my q
C’mon man, UCLA has like 10,000 people at their games. I saw a September game on tv recently, I think it was 2022, against some directional school, and it looked like there were 100 people there. No lie. It was pathetic. Even if they are really good. 45,000 for a game. Maybe 80,000 for USC, on a good year. Trust me, they came to mind when I said that. They’ll have maybe some bigger crowds this year for some new blood coming in, but unless UCLA is good, won’t be close to sellouts. I can’t remember when they last sold out. Too lazy to look it up. They just don’t have a passionate fan base.
I agree that their fan base is pathetic, but your post was about stadium size, not attendance. We can seat roughly 85,500, and the Rose Bowl seats 89,700.
I don't disagree about it being a problem. Ultimately the B1G doesn't care about Nebraska's attendance. They are getting extra money to provide Friday content for FOX. I would say there isn't a single team in the conference that is chomping at the bit to play on Fridays. We don't carry the type of power within the conference to be able to just cross our arms and say no.
Have to start winning. A lot. Is FOX having a game every Friday night?

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