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My initial thoughts on us playing

But the biggest thing is as other schools were sending kids home thinking we wouldn't be playing until November at the earliest, Frost and his staff were working to get kids ready as if we were playing a couple weeks from now. That was always the mindset, now they are in a much better spot than many other places that have given us fits in the past. Which tweet would you want about your team:

Reading tweets like this and I’m thankful for Moos, Frost, and Duval:

Reading tweets like this and I’m thankful for Moos, Frost, and Duval:

I live out here in Idaho. Oregon,Washington and California government run stuff like schools are completely shut down. Ontario Oregon which about 15 miles from were I live has had very few cases as most of the eastern parts. But nothing is moving
Reading tweets like this and I’m thankful for Moos, Frost, and Duval:

I said yesterday. PAC is not just dealing with Covid. They are also dealing with TERRIBLE air quality from all of the fires. I see no reasonable way for the PAC to play this year. The fires are more dangerous to long term health than Covid at this point. Serious lung damage from all of the smoke.

It is hard to say how the season plays out. If NU gets Rutgers and MSU as their crossover games I think they could end up as good as 6-2. If they get PSU and OSU they may end up as low as 3-5.

With that being said they need to play games to get better. I think they are confident that they are ready to compete. I think that is why we have seen so much "complaining".
Really? 6-2?
The SEC..... “It’s just better.”
Just going to point out a few things here that i've said in various places...

-It is extremely clear that the B1G jumped the gun canceling (though they try to say delay) the season and moving it to spring (which is actually winter). It put a lot of our teams in a spot that we are behind, and it was poor leadership.

-When Kevin Warren was asked by an Ohio State columnist "why was your communication so poor with the coaches and teams?" his response was "well our goal is to be better today than we were yesterday and better tomorrow than we are today." I will be using that when called out in the future without actually addressing the question.

-I don't think the B1G is trying to make this fail, but their inability to see that we are playing catch-up with the NFL, Big12, ACC, and SEC and their comments about us being "leaders" while just trying to get to playing like other places is very troubling to me. We need to understand there are blueprints out there of this working. The 21 days and other restrictions concern me.

-That said, I have some intel that the way we flipped the majority "no play" vote (if the vote happened) to a unanimous "we play" vote is by giving these extremely harsh restrictions. So some football is better than no football. But what's going to happen when Nebraska only gets in 5 games because they did a great job with Covid restrictions but Rutgers and Maryland had an outbreak?

-While I was bullish on Nebraska looking better in 2020 before Covid, I did think that our schedule may not have reflected how much better we got (6-6 or 7-5, schedule was real tough). Covid has made me more optimistic. Our coaching and strength staff have been doing a much better job than all the other teams in our conference, we have been keeping our head down and working hard. We are in front of most everyone else. If there isn't a decided talent gap like Ohio State, I think we took the next step to beat a team like Iowa this year.

-However I still am not optimistic this entire year happens with us making an October 24th start date, not much wiggle room with no byes.

Sorry for another thread about the same thing, but today is a big day
You said it all!

Good thoughts and here is to hoping those improvement show out on the field. Now the term "stay healthy" took on a whole new meaning!

Yesterday I flip-flopped between excited about the restart and concern about the stringency of the requirements. Today I am just excited that we have the chance. Hoping for most of the games to be played...and who knows, maybe the extra month will have somehow benefitted us.

Our number is 8 and we have to sit the weeks game out. But to your point, not sure how we get to that number if it's all in one testing cycle or what. For me, 5% of your team testing positive is manageable for us. Mizzou basically has 10% of their team with it and is still playing in a week.

My son, you sure are coughing a lot for that groin pull.

Sub zero temps would not keep me away if they allowed fans. I shovel warm sunshine all year long. Just a 2 hr and 20 min flight away.

You're a tougher man than me. While I've only spent about 20% of my life living in warm climates, if the temperature drops below 50, I barely function.


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