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My initial thoughts on us playing

It was actually quite fascinating to hear the things that were popping up we had to deal with...

So you send them home to workout on their own. Their high school gyms were closed, not open. Most gyms were closed. Ok so now you found an Anytime Fitness in a strip mall that stayed open, all of a sudden the kid has to pay for that to have access and some kids don't have that money laying around. Once they do get a membership, how was that Anytime Fitness guaranteeing they were cleaning properly? That's when Frost finally came to the conclusion that having a kid pay to workout, hopefully pool enough money together to get a McDonalds Extra Value meal, and then not be in an environment that was taking every precaution necessary wasn't as good as keeping them in Lincoln. Take our Covid rate being lower than most the country, kids being able to eat right here, workout in strict safety/cleaning standards, and maintaining a better "bubble" and you have this:

Eventually, we quietly had about 95% of our team back working out here while other programs just sent their kids home. Frost, Duval, Moos, and everyone deserve major kudos. We have a leg up on most of our opponents this year.

Who was funding the lunches? Just curious if it was the university (that's my guess) isn't that basically the same as the training table being open?

I can't imagine trying to fund (or cook, or pack) lunches for these guys daily. I know the cost to feed big boys that work out a lot but that can't be anything like these costs.
Who was funding the lunches? Just curious if it was the university (that's my guess) isn't that basically the same as the training table being open?

I can't imagine trying to fund (or cook, or pack) lunches for these guys daily. I know the cost to feed big boys that work out a lot but that can't be anything like these costs.
Training table was still funding the lunches, but it was more a logistical thing. You went from a buffet style where kids came to you, to having to basically custom make each box based on who was around and what their weight plan/goals are. And then get them to them.
The fact it was unanimous tells me a very high premium was placed on achieving that, basically because of conference pride. That allowed the naysayers to win onerous restrictions.

It's too bad a deal wasn't worked out to let those who actually want to play choose to play, with more reasonable restrictions agreed among them. Probably Ohio State was tempted to go there but decided not to bolt because of league tradition and that settled it.
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The fact it was unanimous tells me a very high premium was placed on achieving that, basically because of conference pride. That allowed the naysayers to win onerous restrictions.

It's too bad a deal wasn't worked out to let those who actually want to play choose to play, with more reasonable restrictions agreed among them. Probably Ohio State was tempted to go there but decided not to bolt because of league tradition and that settled it.
No chance it was actually unanimous. Some teams realizing they were going to lose may have said we won't fight you on the wording IF you seriously restrict everything. That way it will likely fail.
When all of this came out, we did send our guys to work out on their own and do things from home. I thought we needed that anyway, get out of the weight room and work on agility and speed. However, i'm not really talking about that and just think that was a welcome thing to see.

Eventually after Frost sent the kids home, he got some texts from certain kids that basically said in some form or another "I can't work out, I can't eat like I can there, I can't avoid people or the virus as well as I could here" and our head coach got them back to Lincoln. Eventually every player started getting wind of them letting the guys back and wanted to be part of it. While at that time it was just getting them back up here in a "safer" area, he then started working on what they could do to help these kids. Slowly and behind closed doors, we opened the weight room for some kids and while the strength staff couldn't be there, they still had access to their workouts and cameras if they wished to view what was going on for correction. Frost and his team worked on box lunches from the training table for kids that many other schools weren't doing, trying to keep nutrition as good as it could be (training table closed in August unfortunately but we were still ahead of the curve).

But the biggest thing is as other schools were sending kids home thinking we wouldn't be playing until November at the earliest, Frost and his staff were working to get kids ready as if we were playing a couple weeks from now. That was always the mindset, now they are in a much better spot than many other places that have given us fits in the past. Which tweet would you want about your team:

Awesome! Thanks ***
Just so everyone knows what we are up against with these restrictions... if we have this happen we are automatically denied the ability to play that week and all 12 players have to sit out 21 days. Other conferences don’t have those rules:

Glass is half full: we have had 3 max at one time so far

Glass is half empty: It only takes one misstep and the B1G can give the “we tried” speech and cancel again.
Just so everyone knows what we are up against with these restrictions... if we have this happen we are automatically denied the ability to play that week and all 12 players have to sit out 21 days. Other conferences don’t have those rules:

Glass is half full: we have had 3 max at one time so far

Glass is half empty: It only takes one misstep and the B1G can give the “we tried” speech and cancel again.

"We're only as strong as our weakest link."

Looking at you, Rutgers.

So one thing I didn't understand on the positive tests.. are we saying it can never exceed 5% of the team at any given time or in one testing cycle? Like if 5 guys go out in week 1 but another 2-3 get it 2 weeks later, that would exceed our 5% threshold but the original 5 might be just wrapping up their forced 21 day limit. I also just realized I am basing this on a roster of 85 but it's probably across the entire team so maybe it won't be so bad?
So one thing I didn't understand on the positive tests.. are we saying it can never exceed 5% of the team at any given time or in one testing cycle? Like if 5 guys go out in week 1 but another 2-3 get it 2 weeks later, that would exceed our 5% threshold but the original 5 might be just wrapping up their forced 21 day limit. I also just realized I am basing this on a roster of 85 but it's probably across the entire team so maybe it won't be so bad?
Our number is 8 and we have to sit the weeks game out. But to your point, not sure how we get to that number if it's all in one testing cycle or what. For me, 5% of your team testing positive is manageable for us. Mizzou basically has 10% of their team with it and is still playing in a week.
Flu is low in Australia which is apparently what we gauge it on? Still worried that flu can cause some positive Covid tests, though I have no clue if that’s accurate.

Very doubtful it would cause positive tests, but would certainly mimic symptoms which could have impacted how many players were held out....except that testing as often as they are, that should alleviate some of that concern.

They're going to have to expand scholarship limits, there's just no way around it imo...

Expanding scholarship limits is one thing, but in the face of so many schools (all?) losing money and faced with potentially cutting some sports, will the schools take advantage of the extra space, or be forced to actually cut back on scholarship awards? Whether the NCAA says you can have 85 or 120 scholarships for football, there may be very few schools who can afford to award the limit.
Expanding scholarship limits is one thing, but in the face of so many schools (all?) losing money and faced with potentially cutting some sports, will the schools take advantage of the extra space, or be forced to actually cut back on scholarship awards? Whether the NCAA says you can have 85 or 120 scholarships for football, there may be very few schools who can afford to award the limit.
Which is why I think NU is in a great spot

Just so everyone knows what we are up against with these restrictions... if we have this happen we are automatically denied the ability to play that week and all 12 players have to sit out 21 days. Other conferences don’t have those rules:

Glass is half full: we have had 3 max at one time so far

Glass is half empty: It only takes one misstep and the B1G can give the “we tried” speech and cancel again.

Desmond Howard has "told you so" typed out with his finger on the send button


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