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What baloney?
Listen to him making all these wild ass proclamations like tOSU and Michigan are running scared. Then has to back pedal a few days later. Proclaims NU’s facilities are 9th or 10th in league? C’mon that sounds like a politician we all know. He’s as phony as they come and NU fans are so desperate they overlook everything. He’s not going to last long term and if he’s run afoul of SF (and I don’t know this to be true) but if it’s happened, he won’t make till opening weekend.
Listen to him making all these wild ass proclamations like tOSU and Michigan are running scared. Then has to back pedal a few days later. Proclaims NU’s facilities are 9th or 10th in league? C’mon that sounds like a politician we all know. He’s as phony as they come and NU fans are so desperate they overlook everything. He’s not going to last long term and if he’s run afoul of SF (and I don’t know this to be true) but if it’s happened, he won’t make till opening weekend.
Just making sure it was just you. Thanks.

Listen to him making all these wild ass proclamations like tOSU and Michigan are running scared. Then has to back pedal a few days later. Proclaims NU’s facilities are 9th or 10th in league? C’mon that sounds like a politician we all know. He’s as phony as they come and NU fans are so desperate they overlook everything. He’s not going to last long term and if he’s run afoul of SF (and I don’t know this to be true) but if it’s happened, he won’t make till opening weekend.

Oh boy, you would prefer Sean Eichorst? I always find it interesting why people develop a dislike for someone they have never met. Or have you met him?

I also look at Northwestern getting their first tourney win who have a tougher situation than us. How have we not caught lightning in a bottle once?

Would you go with someone known as a great developer, or recruiter?

It's pretty cool to see all the detailed discussion in this thread. To me, football is it. I will root for Nebraska in the other sports, and while I have attended a few volleyball, baseball and basketball games, there have really been only a few times where I've caught more than a passing interest in these minor sports. Interesting discussion though. Moos' fate? Don't know and don't really care one way or the other at this point.


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