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When Gebbia first left, I shrugged it off and thought that I probably would have told my son to do the same. But on days like today, you realize what a team sport football really is. Everyone has a part to play. It is rare that you find a talented player who really gets this nowadays, and many of them are more focused on me than we. It’s not a character flaw, it’s just a sign of the times I think.
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No I’m not. You are. I’m telling the damn truth here. He was a solid #2 QB in an offense where the QB can get dinged up. Couple with a guy who had a significant injury already. Gebbia can throw it. Some of you that are saying he can’t run this offense are absolutely ridiculous. Go look at McKenzie Milton at UCF last year.dude threw for over 4000 yards. Kid made a poor decision. Cried and took his ball and went home.

Seems to be quite a bit of that going on..
If true, totally embarrassing. And it should confirm even more to Gebbia that he made the right decision in departing. There's a lot of nasty people in our fan base.

P.S. Garbage like this sends a very ugly message to potential future recruits.
There are nasty people in all fan bases. Happens everywhere.
Highly rated QB brought in to run a completely different offense. You transfer out every day that ends in Y if you are the same age as the guy they recruited here to run their offense, unless you are banking on an injury to play.

Not a chance anyone smart takes.

If the kid goes to at least a mostly stable program, I'd almost agree with you. That's not what happened in this case. He went to Oregon State.
The coaches had control of the tempo. They just have a different philosophy on how to bleed then clock then you. There's a reason they are in the coaching profession and we are the ones watching them. They have the track record. If our offense completely changes philosophy in that instance that is different from how we ever practice, why in the world would that be more successful?

I think the point people (like me) who are criticizing SF's playcalling late in the game are trying to make is that SF says he wants to blend the UCF/Chip Kelly spread principles with what Osborne did. I'm not criticizing SF for not calling plays he didn't have the guys practice during the week. I'm criticizing him for saying he wants to blend things Osborne did into his offense and then not taking something Nebraska was GREAT at and putting it into his offense. SF's offense needs to include a power package designed to bleed the clock.

At minimum, calling a play that puts your true freshman QB into a situation where he can potentially make a horrible read IMO isn't smart coaching. I'd do that with an upperclassman or even a guy like Vederal who's at least been practicing in the system for a longer period but not a true freshman.

Let me end this debate because you seem to be confused on what Gebbia wants...

Gebbia's goal isn't to play a game here or there if the starter is banged up or in mop up time. His goal is to be drafted and play in the NFL. So, for 10,000 Schrutte bucks.... how many backup QBs on spot duty in college are playing in the NFL now? How many have been drafted? Your answer to those is why Gebbia left.

Everyone is getting Husker fan thought process confused with Gebbia thought process. I'll simplify it:

"Husker fan not worried about kids future just the Nebraska football teams" : Should have stayed because someone can always get hurt and you end up starting a few games. See Martinez hurt! Gebbia made the wrong call!

"Gebbia or any QB wanting to get drafted or play in the NFL that has eligibility left": Go where you are going to start and have a ton of film to show NFL scouts what you can do. Not just a few games when the starter is injured.

Based on who you are there, is why you are right or wrong in the Gebbia transfer discussion. I lean towards a kid doing what's best for himself, even tho it puts my team in an awful spot. It sucks, I get it. Gebbia got the best advice he could. It was the same advice Baker Mayfield, Cam Newton, and Russell Wilson got. When someone can find me an example of a guy getting beat out by someone his same age, sticking it out, and still getting drafted, i'll shut up. But I have a feeling we will be waiting a while except the once every 7 or 8 years exception the rule, not the norm.
Matt Cassel?

Uh, he already lost the spot. Did you watch the game? For this offense, he wasn’t beating him out. Ever.
Says who, you? Didn’t you tell me how great our last coach was? Hmmm, don’t think I want any of your advice. I guess you didn’t watch UCF’s quarterback play last year, dude winged it for more than 4000 yards. You act like he was a scrub. Laughable.
But we agree you stick it out hoping the guy in front of you gets injured, correct? Watching Martinez healthy, is Gebbia coming in for him, ever?

I think this really micharacterizes what those criticizing Gebbia are talking about. No one was asking him to stay and hope for Martinez to be injured. They were thinking he should have stayed as a measure of commitment to the team he was part of, JUST IN CASE Martinez went down or didn’t live up to the hype.

I think everybody “gets it” why Gebbia made his choice. They probably even agree it was the best choice for Gebbia. He may be cashing in on that decision in a few years. But it certainly wasn’t the best decision for the teammates he left behind.

Neither view (self interest vs. team interest) is inherently right or wrong. Each is just a different emphasis on what is more important.

For some reason, this conversation reminds me of Crouch’s decision to leave his NFL team rather than collect money for sitting on the bench because he was injured. He was excoriated for this decision by many. Other people respected him for it.

Life goes on, despite a difference of opinion on the same set of facts.
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Literally every play this staff runs "potentially puts your true freshman QB into a situation where he can potentially make a horrible read". Same with TO aside from the FB dive. TO ran the option which is terrible if the QB makes a poor read, frost runs RPO and stress the defense sets/motions that require the QB to be a "quick blinker" to make the right read. If he makes a mistake, he can learn from it. Look at the jump MM made from year 1 to year 2 based on that trust and the growing pains of his first year. If he makes the right read and throws to the right side instead of getting baited to the left by the linebacker its a drive starter, we drive and win the game. He makes a mistake, they show him on film, he fixes it. If we just run and get stuffed (see 4th and 1 plays) what does he or the team gain from that other than appeasing you? The felt like it was the right call, I can see where it would have worked, we just made a mistake and will learn and grow from it.


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