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Not sure I would gloat over AM being injured.

Gloat? He’s our best chance to win. Lol nice try to twist that. You tried to disminsh the possibility of AM getting hurt and now can’t admit you were wrong. Gebbia screwed us when he would of played early on. Way to ditch and give up on your brothers.

Really? And how many snaps did you see Gebbia take in Frost's offense in a meaningful game? Martinez did look good most of the game, but he also made some plays that remind me of another Martinez, that weren't so good.

Again. If Gebbia wanted to transfer, he should've done it in the spring.
Sorry Lava Man but you clearly are whining out of frustration for the loss. Gebbia was the better passer but not the better QB for the SF program. He was not going to waste his time any longer with playing in a system that was not tuned to his strengths. I think Bunch might be a far better backup then we know. Watch next week, and we shall see. If AM is down for long then we might have another Bust season, but I still feel good about the future. You got to shake the loss and strap on a tight seat belt for this season. Likely will be rough to handle.

The first sign of adversity was Riley getting fired. He stuck it out and competed. Unfortunately it wasn't in his best interest after he lost the job. The team had a "capable backup" in Bunch and he had a better opportunity elsewhere to maximize his chances of improving himself and bettering his potential career. Not sure why you take it so personal or call it quitting. Why not bag on POB who "quit" earlier. If he was here bunch wouldn't have played either. Where is his thread?
Not in the least. I never said stay for his career. Most people don’t quit their jobs and go somewhere else at the very first sign of adversity. They stick around and figure it out and see what’s going to happen in the future before they make a rash, or in this case irrational decision.
I mean, now you get to decide how long he stays? Irrational? How so? Can you reflect on the conversations he had with his parents, coaches, etc?
I think this really micharacterizes what those criticizing Gebbia are talking about. No one was asking him to stay and hope for Martinez to be injured. They were thinking he should have stayed as a measure of commitment to the team he was part of, JUST IN CASE Martinez went down or didn’t live up to the hype.

I think everybody “gets it” why Gebbia made his choice. They probably even agree it was the best choice for Gebbia. He may be cashing in on that decision in a few years. But it certainly wasn’t the best decision for the teammates he left behind.

Neither view (self interest vs. team interest) is inherently right or wrong. Each is just a different emphasis on what is more important.

For some reason, this conversation reminds me of Crouch’s decision to leave his NFL team rather than collect money for sitting on the bench because he was injured. He was excoriated for this decision by many. Other people respected him for it.

Life goes on, despite a difference of opinion on the same set of facts.
Absolutely 100% agree with you...

If someone is mad Gebbia isn't still here, you are speaking on what was best for Nebraska, and I get it. But it's not what the kid should have done if his goal was to be an NFL QB and get drafted.
I didn’t even reference last years UCF QB, so how could I act like he was a scrub?

Look, if we go 9-2 and Martinez stays healthy, this thread never happens and a bunch of dudes are on the “Gebbia who? Screw that guy” train. Now you’re all pissed your team may have a QB problem so you go after the kid. Whatever.

Fact is, your attitude and that of others re: Gebbia is contingent on AMs health, which describes Gebbias situation to a T. You are only right here if AM is hurt and misses games. Congrats.
Uhhhh, I said it when it happened man.

Not in the least. I never said stay for his career. Most people don’t quit their jobs and go somewhere else at the very first sign of adversity. They stick around and figure it out and see what’s going to happen in the future before they make a rash, or in this case irrational decision.

I believe Gebbia did “stick around to figure it out and see what’s going to happen in the future.”

Had he not, he would have left the moment Riley and Co. were terminated.

I would also imagine his decision was not irrational to him at all and was based on a variety of factors unknown to many of us.

Perhaps you’re the one being a bit “irrational.” You might benefit from your own advice.
If the kid goes to at least a mostly stable program, I'd almost agree with you. That's not what happened in this case. He went to Oregon State.

I think the point people (like me) who are criticizing SF's playcalling late in the game are trying to make is that SF says he wants to blend the UCF/Chip Kelly spread principles with what Osborne did. I'm not criticizing SF for not calling plays he didn't have the guys practice during the week. I'm criticizing him for saying he wants to blend things Osborne did into his offense and then not taking something Nebraska was GREAT at and putting it into his offense. SF's offense needs to include a power package designed to bleed the clock.

At minimum, calling a play that puts your true freshman QB into a situation where he can potentially make a horrible read IMO isn't smart coaching. I'd do that with an upperclassman or even a guy like Vederal who's at least been practicing in the system for a longer period but not a true freshman.
you should be telling SF this...not us
For goodness sakes, forget Gebbia. The team played great today and once they stop those mistakes, and get a little seasoning, it's going to be a great year.
Totally agree. Unless it was Gibbia who dropped the TD pass or committed a crucial penality, he had no part in this loss.

Or it could all be summed up in crap happens. GBR and fight another day with the ship going in the right direction.
There you go... so we got one guy this century. But I get disgruntled Husker fan thinking Gebbia made the wrong call.
Stick it out, COMPETE, the see what happens at year end. Leave then and you still have 2 years. Otherwise, take your happy ass out of here at the first sign of a coaching change. You act like his career was over had he stayed this year. You couldn’t be more wrong.


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