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Feels like 1969

It certainly does start in the trenches, and there's plenty of work to be done there. But if we want to turn our 8-15 yard runs into even bigger gains, our receivers need to be better downfield blockers.
Our OL and DL have the potential to be really special this year, I should've mentioned both in the OP. The youth, enthusiasm and potential for this year is far greater than anything we've seen since Suh was throwing linemen to the curb...too bad we had a HC that purposely crippled the offense that year, or we might've been pretty darned good.
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Nor do they have the lines, the defense or the coaching. There is not anything on this staff that compares to Bob Devaney, TO and Monte Kiffin. This feels the Bill Callahan era to me.
this remains to be seen. Langs has only been a OC for two years and Diaco has a pretty good reputation as a DC.

I am in that club.
Can not say I remember 69 all that well since I was 6. However I do remember the teams that were built as a result. Those 70-72 teams were what got me to start paying attention to Husker ball. (It did not hurt that Mike Beran was a distant cousin, [his dad and my dad were cousins] which since we also share the same last name made me a grade school legend)

We were coming off of a pair of bad seasons in 69, no bowl games for 6 win teams then. Pre internet it was tough to get news from there, I was 19 and living in Charleston, SC in 1969. The local paper would only print the scores and dad would not pay for a subscription.

I remember the bowl game, cheered myself hoarse.

Me either. I'd like to know the % of members on here that were old enough to know anything about the program in 1969. Talk about dating yourself.

Me either. I'd like to know the % of members on here that were old enough to know anything about the program in 1969. Talk about dating yourself.

I'm not in that club. My first memories of being a Husker football fan began in 1974, when we moved to Nebraska. I remember my dad (born and raised in Nebraska) watching an occasional game on TV (only one or two a year back then - generally the OU game and the bowl game) when we lived on the West Coast prior to that, but I was too little to understand or appreciate it. I do, however, have vague memories of him watching The Game of The Century when we lived in Washington.
Hopefully this team will be playing better and better as the season goes on. It seems like the possibility of depth is there this season. I'd love to see a back up QB get enough playing time to be ready at any point in the season.


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