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Does Scott Frost Deserve a 5th Season at Nebraska?

I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. I'm tired of losing too. Even though I said Scott deserved 5 years, I did expect we'd be winning more games than we are. My position is that I believe Scott can and will figure it out and so I'm okay with 1 more year. It's not going to affect the long term success of the program by giving him 1 more season.

The good thing for Frost is, the remaining games are all against teams he's struggled to beat. So he has a true opportunity to show he's improving. But he needs to do that with wins and not moral victories. 6-6 and bring him back.

1 more year could have a significant setback on the program -- lower than any point in the last 60 years. Our recruiting class is truly struggling. Yes, it's a small class, but it also is far behind the typical talent we recruit. We can get over one bad year of recruiting, but the risk is what if we get the same ol' with Frost in 2022? And again, take into account our struggles to sell tickets. Start to flounder in the win column next season, and a lot of fans are going to be disguised as bench seating. Also, if Trev were to bring Frost back with a losing record this season, he'll be having to answer to big money donors. You risk losing financial support that can have plenty of long-term effects. People aren't going to invest in hope and empty promises forever.

I don't envy Trev at all.
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Touché. It’s ironic that posting areas that have not improved or gotten worse makes people angry on this board.
I really haven’t seen anyone get mad about people pointing out continued failures of the Frost regime. I have often agreed with people that there are continued shortcomings with this staff and team. But I also give credit where credit is due.

Hell, listening to Trev, he likes what he is seeing. Thinks the future looks good. I’m not going to doubt him, as I know he knows what good football looks like. I’d say this Purdue game is absolutely HUGE. Ohio State looms the next week, and I really don’t think many reasonable humans think it’s a game NU wins. Damn, Illinois and Minnesota loom so large. Wow. Not to mention Michigan State and Oklahoma. I think it’s a complete wild card as to what happens, on the field, and off it.
The good thing for Frost is, the remaining games are all against teams he's struggled to beat. So he has a true opportunity to show he's improving. But he needs to do that with wins and not moral victories. 6-6 and bring him back.

1 more year could have a significant setback on the program -- lower than any point in the last 60 years. Our recruiting class is truly struggling. Yes, it's a small class, but it also is far behind the typical talent we recruit. We can get over one bad year of recruiting, but the risk is what if we get the same ol' with Frost in 2022? And again, take into account our struggles to sell tickets. Start to flounder in the win column next season, and a lot of fans are going to be disguised as bench seating. Also, if Trev were to bring Frost back with a losing record this season, he'll be having to answer to big money donors. You risk losing financial support that can have plenty of long-term effects. People aren't going to invest in hope and empty promises forever.

I don't envy Trev at all.
I believe bringing Frost back after another losing season also risks many smaller donors like myself. I've been giving a decent contribution every year for the past 30 years. I'm totally fed up and PO'd this is the BEST Nebraska football can be? A bottom feeder in our own conference? We are right there with IL, MD and Rutgers which is pathetic. As you're pointed out the recuriting class is pathetic which is direct reflection of our losing program. A few suggested we'd lose this recuriting class if Frost is fired? Are they kidding? What recruiting class?

IMO we've been hiring the WRONG coaches the past 20 years and that's the REAL problem. I bought into this year will be different but sitting at 3-5 says it's NOT different. Yea we played better but still managed to lose to teams we clearly had more talent except for the coaching part.

Bottom line I think TA seriously risks having a lot of Nebraska fans not really care about the program bringing Frost back after 4 years of losing seasons. Perhaps the fans don't matter anymore but we're going to find out. TA willingly walked into a very difficult situation and hope he makes the right decision.
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Here is why it "continues to be alarming".

-1 In Turnover margin is associated with a winning percentage of approximately 30-40% which, gee is just about what Scott's coming up with, who would have thunk it?

View attachment 72235
That’s probably pretty accurate. Really good teams probably can overcome a -1 turnover margin. Average teams likely will struggle to win facing that, as we have seen.

We had the lead, late in the 4th quarter, against two teams that are in the Top 10 eight games into the season. Unfortunately, IL and MN happened. I choose to focus on the the former. I put IL on the coaches and MN on the players. Also, N2FL states “most” don’t think Martinez will return for another year. Not sure who “most” are but I read every Husker article I come across and I haven’t seen anyone else say that is the word on the street.
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Wonderful. He made improvement on one of many critical deficiencies.

While at the same time he loses games due to special teams, lack of discipline and AM's lack of ever showing up in the last 10 minutes of a game
I’m a reasonable person, and what you’ve said is direct, and harsh, but, you can’t argue it at all. That last paragraph is 100% true, and a huge kick in the sack. Martinez is the farthest thing from clutch, maybe, that I’ve ever seen, for this long of period of time. Especially, given the type of athlete Martinez is. Scott hitched the wagon, and has been riding $20,000,000 on him, so far.

Take away the name and the fact that he is a distinguished former player, and I don't think there is much debate about a 5th year. There are some absolutely damning facts/stats in the last two paragraphs you cited from N2FL's article. To the point that no self-respecting Power 5 program would seriously consider running it back for a 5th year under like circumstances.
If he wasn’t Scott Frost, he would have been gone after last season. 90% of this board would have backed it. There would not have been a 4th season, let alone a 5th.
Yesterday Unsportsmanlike Conduct gave analysis of FBS coaches since 1971.

In those 50 years 705 coaches total were at the same school 4+ years.

105 got their 5th year with 0 winning seasons, 0 bowl appearances, less than .390 win %. If NU has a losing record this year Frost is in that group.

Of those 105 only 14 ever had a winning season at that school.

Of those 14 only 2 went on to have a career record over .500 at that school. Stolz at Bowling Green snd Schiano at Rutgers.

Only 4 ever finished a season at that school ranked in the top 25. Schiano at Rutgers, Corso at Indiana, Cutcliffe at Duke and McCarney at Iowa State. They each had one season where they finished top 25.

None of those coaches ever went on to finish in the top 10.

Will Frost get another year? Yes.

If he doesn’t win two more games does he deserve it? Guess it’s in how you define “deserve”. NU would be banking on him to be a coaching turnaround story like college football hasn’t seen in the last 50 years.

If you want reasons to fire Frost you don’t need work hard at all to find them. Further if you want to ignore the positives that have occurred like the fact we have had no blow outs(blow outs were much to common in previous 20 years) fine you have, I guess your conclusion to support.
But to mislead is going too far. It’s already been brought up how misleading the point about turnovers is. Another example is this statement relative to in-game adjustments.
We consistently see questionable play calling, poor clock management and a lack of in-game adjustments.

Did the author not actually watch several second half’s such as against MSU were they were held to zero yards in the second half or the lead Michigan had at half time but for that fumble at the end we could have won(arguably the refs should have blown the whistle earlier). Or how about the Minn. game were we down 21-9 and certainly if not for example our rb tripping on the 1 yard line we could have won?

You want Frost fired ok no need to paint a darker picture then we already have by misleading statements.
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