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Coronavirus Status Updates

Status here is fine at the moment. I plan to see clients at the office for the first time since last Thursday, we'll see how many keep their appointments. I've moved to offering teletherapy as an option and have 2 HIPAA compliant program accounts for flexibility in case one system is overwhelmed with traffic. I'm usually at UNL Mondays and Tuesdays, but with classes cancelled I've been working remotely revising things, updating my students as things change, and prepping for the return to coursework and reopening of our clinic on campus.

The question I wondered today; what will be the most popular names this December when we experience a Corona virus 'baby boom'?
For boys: Covid or Vid for short
For girls: Corona or possibly Cora (my great g-ma's name)

:) had to add some humor
Status here is fine at the moment. I plan to see clients at the office for the first time since last Thursday, we'll see how many keep their appointments. I've moved to offering teletherapy as an option and have 2 HIPAA compliant program accounts for flexibility in case one system is overwhelmed with traffic. I'm usually at UNL Mondays and Tuesdays, but with classes cancelled I've been working remotely revising things, updating my students as things change, and prepping for the return to coursework and reopening of our clinic on campus.

The question I wondered today; what will be the most popular names this December when we experience a Corona virus 'baby boom'?
For boys: Covid or Vid for short
For girls: Corona or possibly Cora (my great g-ma's name)

:) had to add some humor
Cyrus the virus

All Palm Beach County schools off until April 15th. Stay safe my friends! Navigating interesting times. Working from home and will be navigating online school as well.


Colorado public/private schools ordered to suspend in-person learning for a month. My daughter is a senior and her HS was planning remote classes starting next week. So we assume they are going to just do it for the next month.

Personally . . . I think there is going to be a massive relaxation of requirements and grading and schools may just eventually wave the white flag and issue one giant, de-facto waiver for 2020. Some students will struggle to learn/test well remotely and some teachers will struggle to teach that way. Plus you add on all the stress of the virus bludgeoning and I have a feeling the year will be mailed in and have a asterisk next to it. Boards of education will waive "seat time" requirements, everyone graduates, etc.

Gov. Jared Polis ordered a four-week closure of all public and private schools across Colorado on Wednesday, escalating the state’s fight to limit the spread of the new coronavirus through close contact.

The governor’s executive order suspends all in-person learning from Monday through April 17, and directs Colorado school and charter districts to make every effort to provide alternative learning opportunities while taking their communities’ needs into account.

“We are acting boldly and swiftly together to protect the health and safety of all Coloradans,” Polis said in a statement. “The science and data tells us this will get worse before it gets better. We are in this together and the state is taking the necessary actions to slow the spread of this disease.”

It’s going to get rougher before it gets better. I need to remember to give people grace.

Colorado public/private schools ordered to suspend in-person learning for a month. My daughter is a senior and her HS was planning remote classes starting next week. So we assume they are going to just do it for the next month.

Personally . . . I think there is going to be a massive relaxation of requirements and grading and schools may just eventually wave the white flag and issue one giant, de-facto waiver for 2020. Some students will struggle to learn/test well remotely and some teachers will struggle to teach that way. Plus you add on all the stress of the virus bludgeoning and I have a feeling the year will be mailed in and have a asterisk next to it. Boards of education will waive "seat time" requirements, everyone graduates, etc.

Gov. Jared Polis ordered a four-week closure of all public and private schools across Colorado on Wednesday, escalating the state’s fight to limit the spread of the new coronavirus through close contact.

The governor’s executive order suspends all in-person learning from Monday through April 17, and directs Colorado school and charter districts to make every effort to provide alternative learning opportunities while taking their communities’ needs into account.

“We are acting boldly and swiftly together to protect the health and safety of all Coloradans,” Polis said in a statement. “The science and data tells us this will get worse before it gets better. We are in this together and the state is taking the necessary actions to slow the spread of this disease.”
Here in Salina, KS, this is what we received from our superintendent via email yesterday afternoon...

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Today Governor Kelly announced the closure of Kansas Schools as we know them. When USD 305 reopens, instruction won’t look the same. District staff will use guidelines provided by a statewide committee of Kansas teachers to develop a new learning model for Salina students.

This means

• Students who attend Salina Public Schools will not have class March 23 - March 27.

• During that time our teachers will develop new ways of instruction to be used for the remainder of the school year.

• By March 30, our plan for instruction will be shared with parents and the school community.

• Once the Kansas State Department of Education has approved our plan, instruction will resume.

• Students will not be coming back to full-day, whole-class instruction.

• Outside of limited instructional opportunities, all school activities and events in our buildings will be canceled through May 31.

What is certain is that USD 305 students will have the opportunity to continue learning. Different strategies and approaches will be in place across the state, and what that looks like in Salina will be decided as our committed staff work through recommendations and the resources needed.

Salina Public Schools will continue to communicate through parent notifications, our website (usd305.com), local media outlets and on social media.


Our schools will not open up again this semester.


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