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Bo understands

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So what do you suppose makes the job stressful? Having clowns out there that think they know everything about football second guess every move you make and attribute any success you may have to dumb luck? Also, since I'm wrong about luck being a perception, could you educate me on the physical, tangible, scientific evidence to support your hypothesis to the contrary?

So what do you suppose makes the job stressful? Having clowns out there that think they know everything about football second guess every move you make and attribute any success you may have to dumb luck? Also, since I'm wrong about luck being a perception, could you educate me on the physical, tangible, scientific evidence to support your hypothesis to the contrary?

Oh, I think the pressure is no different than in other jobs...the people that hire you expect you to perform or you lose your job. That's for starters. In order to perform you've got to be able to outcoach, outwit, out organize, out recruit, and out hire your competition...a bunch of other smart competitors making millions at their job and trying to out-perform you. The "clowns" on the outside are pretty inconsequential unless you aren't doing your job, then they could add a bit more to the stress.

PS--check the dictionary. You'll find luck is in there. Everyone knows it exists. How do you know that YOU exist? (Hint: I think therefore I am).
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I'll ignore your dismissal of the early accomplishments of TO as somehow being easy because we invented weight training, or were in an easy league or whatever other nonsense you want to rationalize for our great success.

Why do I post? Good question...probably too much time on my hands coupled with a desire to help others understand the history and state of the program. There is far too much incorrect information posted here. As I love the program, I hate seeing it misrepresented.

There is no "spite of Bo." I simply think he is not capable of doing the job that needs to be done. That said, I could be wrong and Bo's teams could start winning championships, losing fewer than 4 games per year, and start showing up to games as though they are ready to play football. That's about all I ask.

Man, reading your posts vs actually talking to you is a totally different beast haha. I get why so many poeple are so frustrated with you in general. Quite a bit of twisting words, reading into what is said, etc going on here.

Exactly where do I dissmiss TO? Oh, thats right, you just , as you always say "put words in my mouth." All i said was the TO had tons of competitive advantages. Which is true. Parity these days means everyone has great weight programs. You know this is true. To pretend that TO wins were 100% due to epic coaching and that us having flat out better athletes than 80% of schools we played helped his win%. Saying this in NO WAY diminishes TO's greatness.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you say hes bad when he loses (I could, for example claim hes the unluckiest coach when he loses) you have to give him credit when he wins. Of course things bounced our way a TINY bit this year, but I don't believe we have had this wave of great fortune this year as you claim. Watch the games man, all that happens is things start out against us and balance out by the end. That's not luck, that variance swinging back. We get "unlucky" early and "lucky" late as things even out.

Watch the game winning drives, how do we get lucky, we just dominate them at the end of games. Thats not luck, if anything were unlucky that we need to dominate them at the end cause of unlucky stuff happening early in games.
It seems Bo has met your criteria 10 out of 12 times so far this year. A good number of us out here feel he has out coached, outwitted etc. If I recall, didn't a poll earlier in the year show he had a 79% approval rate? And that was after UCLA and OSU. I'm sure that would be even higher now. It just fascinates me how you can just keep jousting with this windmill.

Man, reading your posts vs actually talking to you is a totally different beast haha. I get why so many poeple are so frustrated with you in general. Quite a bit of twisting words, reading into what is said, etc going on here.

Exactly where do I dissmiss TO? Oh, thats right, you just , as you always say "put words in my mouth." All i said was the TO had tons of competitive advantages. Which is true. Parity these days means everyone has great weight programs. You know this is true. To pretend that TO wins were 100% due to epic coaching and that us having flat out better athletes than 80% of schools we played helped his win%. Saying this in NO WAY diminishes TO's greatness.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you say hes bad when he loses (I could, for example claim hes the unluckiest coach when he loses) you have to give him credit when he wins. Of course things bounced our way a TINY bit this year, but I don't believe we have had this wave of great fortune this year as you claim. Watch the games man, all that happens is things start out against us and balance out by the end. That's not luck, that variance swinging back. We get "unlucky" early and "lucky" late as things even out.

Watch the game winning drives, how do we get lucky, we just dominate them at the end of games. Thats not luck, if anything were unlucky that we need to dominate them at the end cause of unlucky stuff happening early in games.

The first 3 paragraphs of your reply are really sickening. I won't respond to utter nonsense.

The last paragraph is just silly...even the Head Coach is saying we've been lucky. Did you watch the games? Below is something I posted in another thread and it doesn't even comment on all the luck at the NW game (including the FG missed by 1 foot after they drove the field in that last seconds)...we were plenty lucky there...that's for sure:

Of course I feel the same way, except that I am glad Bo's luck has been outstanding so far.

After the miracle NW win, we get Michigan at home and...yahoo the luck held up! With Dennard Robinson ready to take Michigan in for a halftime lead, he lands on his wrist and is out for the rest of the game! Better yet, Michigan doesn't put in their mobile back-up QB (who starts the next week); instead, they put in a QB who's only rival for ineptitude in the history of college QB's was Ohio State's backup last year (Bauserman). The luck holds again...we eek out a pedestrian win!

Then, we went to MSU and were ill-prepared to play for over three quarters. Then, another Bo miracle struck. After MSU intercepted a pass and returned it for the game clinching TD, MSU was called for a questionable personal foul to leave us a chance.

The next game, again...we aren't ready to play in the first half. Penn State comes into town and busts us up for most of the game. Fortunately, they coughed up the ball after a long drive to our five early in the game, give us a 4 yard TD drive in the second half following an INT, and then proceed to get screwed by the referee's on a clear TD late.

Obviously Minnesota was lousy enough that even ill-prepared we simply outmanned them the whole game.

Iowa, a horrible team that we should crush...gives us fits in the finale. What a year so far...the luckiest ever! I'll sure take it and the boys have to be applauded for great fortitude and character. But Bo? No, he has not changed my opinion at all. But, if the team ends up showing improvement at year end, they will have earned him more time...and that's fine with me.
Nice, first time we engage and I get the upper hand. The old "thats gross I wont respond." I'd ask you to admit that I made good points, but apparently thats impossible. Take it from me, when someone makes good points and you give them credit, its actually a pretty positive experience. I've lost plenty of verbal spars in my day.

I just want to help you be useful man! That and i realize Bo is going nowhere for a long time.

EDIT: I'll take the silence that follows and or failure to engage as a concession.
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I agree there's a lot of luck involved. Nebraska is lucky to have BO

I'm neither a Bo sycophant nor a blind hater, but NU is not "lucky" to have Pelini. He is not some genius who is benevolently bestowing his profound coaching wisdom on all of us poor Nebraskans. The athletic department is paying him over $3 mil this year. I want Bo to get it done, but if he doesn't we're not going to be screwed over, there will be some other talented coach who will take our money and coach up our kids.

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