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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Alternative Uniforms to be announced soon...

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This one actually was quite good indeed....


This is the only alternate uniform we've worn the past 3 years that didn't look terrible. Too bad the outcome of that game will forever soil the reputation of black uniforms until we wear them again and win.

I don't see why everyone is so annoyed by alternate uniforms. It's one game a year, people. It's not going to kill you to watch the Huskers wearing something else for once only one game a year. In my opinion it's nice to see some variety.

I've only seen one person in this thread complain about wearing an alternate.
This is the only alternate uniform we've worn the past 3 years that didn't look terrible. Too bad the outcome of that game will forever soil the reputation of black uniforms until we wear them again and win.

I've seen a lot of people say this. But the people who hate it now didn't like it before the game was even played. I'm one of them. The game has no bearing on my opinion of the uniform. Just like the loss to OU didn't sully my like of the all reds back in the 80's.
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I've seen a lot of people say this. But the people who hate it now didn't like it before the game was even played. I'm one of them. The game has no bearing on my opinion of the uniform. Just like the loss to OU didn't sully my like of the all reds back in the 80's.

Bingo. We should wear the all reds again.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="da" dir="ltr">Nebraska Proud. Husker Bold.


<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GBR?src=hash">#GBR</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/teamadidas?src=hash">#teamadidas</a> <a href="http://t.co/hUAfI2VGX9">pic.twitter.com/hUAfI2VGX9</a></p>&mdash; adidas Football US (@adidasFballUS) <a href="https://twitter.com/adidasFballUS/status/623236036542369792">July 20, 2015</a></blockquote>
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I understand peoples reluctance to embrace change, but this is the times we are living in, and I can't foresee it going away any time soon. And sorry that you guys don't feel that Black doesn't compliment every color combination possible, as it truly does just that(also, you guys seem to be taking this personally, but guess what, it's what the kids want, and the kids are the TEAM, so if they want it, let's make sure we provide it for them). Name me one color or two color combo, that black doesn't help enhance? I think that at some point in the near future, Nebraska takes the field with an ALL BLACK unis(with a smidgen of Red and White for accents). I think it happens.... GO BIG RED!!!!

You say that as if it's an absolute truth, and it isn't.

My son and I were the beneficiaries of a stadium tour a few years back led by some of the players and they were asked this directly.

A WR and a special teams player said that wasn't their thing, and pointed at a former DB, it's theirs. The WR said he came here to wear the red and went on and on how special it was to come out of the tunnel on gameday in their red and white into the SEA OF RED!

There are some fans that are stuck on this tired old "black" thing mixed in with our team colors, but with the majority of the fans, there's little interest. With the players, they want an alternative uniform game, but they aren't tied into the black.

I'm like others, I'd like to see them do something special with our uniform for a game. Something that accentuates our colors but spruces up the uniform, for one game. A circle around the N on the helmet? Stylizing the trim on the uniform and possibly some classy logos?

There are so many things they can do that would be pretty sharp without having to wear somebody elses colors.

The best alternative uniform to this point has been the throwback used during the 300th sellout. Hands down.

An updated version of the 1971 uniform would be interesting, IMO.
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Lots of Blackshirts hints.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Blackshirts. Blue Collar. Big Red.


<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GBR?src=hash">#GBR</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/teamadidas?src=hash">#teamadidas</a> <a href="http://t.co/uHn2XJ1QWW">pic.twitter.com/uHn2XJ1QWW</a></p>&mdash; adidas Football US (@adidasFballUS) <a href="https://twitter.com/adidasFballUS/status/623963231493566464">July 22, 2015</a></blockquote>
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I don't mind an alternative uniform for one game a year. Unfortunately, I haven't really liked any of them so far. The jersey from the first year was cool with jeans.

You say that as if it's an absolute truth, and it isn't.

My son and I were the beneficiaries of a stadium tour a few years back led by some of the players and they were asked this directly.

A WR and a special teams player said that wasn't their thing, and pointed at a former DB, it's theirs. The WR said he came here to wear the red and went on and on how special it was to come out of the tunnel on gameday in their red and white into the SEA OF RED!

There are some fans that are stuck on this tired old "black" thing mixed in with our team colors, but the majority of the fans, there's little interest. With the players, they want an alternative uniform game, but they aren't tied into the black.

I'm like others, I'd like to see them do something special with our uniform for a game. That accentuates our colors but spruces up the uniform, for one game. A circle around the N on the helmet? Stylizing the trim on the uniform and possibly come classy logos?

There are so many things they can do that would be pretty sharp without having to wear somebody elses colors.

The best alternative uniform to this point has been the throwback used during the 300th sellout. Hands down.

An updated version of the 1971 uniform would be interesting, IMO.

I don't mind an alternative uniform for one game a year. Unfortunately, I haven't really liked any of them so far.

I agree. Hopefully this year they will strike gold.

I also really like our traditional jersey. And with the exception of the alternate jersey mistakes, I like Adidas.

Man this is great. Fourteen pages on the design/color of alternative uniforms which only get used for one game. Who says we don’t have a ton of couth and sophistication out here in the corn fields.

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