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4 * WR Dez Fitzpatrick chooses Louisville (his dad responds to NU fans on twitter)

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well now.. this was a fun one to catch up on :rolleyes:...

After all this reading though I never really understood the Petrino allegation that kind of got thrown around since everyone was so secretive about it. Did something actually happen or are we just assuming something happened because he's shady Petrino?

To re-cap some recent developments:
-- DF is seemingly firmly committed to our coaching staff
-- The coach who was DF's lead recruiter at Louisville (Buckley) leaves for Miss St.
-- DF's close friend Tony Butler commits to Nebraska recently, and another friend (Lamar Jackson) likely will tomorrow
-- Louisville's dirtbag HC can't make it to Detroit for an in-home visit because he has someone more important to visit in Florida
-- The WR coach at Louisville may be heading to Kentucky
-- Dez breaks his silent commit and "flips" back to Louisville

What's wrong with this picture?

You left out that Bobby is the HC there.
well now.. this was a fun one to catch up on :rolleyes:...

After all this reading though I never really understood the Petrino allegation that kind of got thrown around since everyone was so secretive about it. Did something actually happen or are we just assuming something happened because he's shady Petrino?

Sounds like its all hearsay at this point. Petrino is well known for being shady so I think people are just assuming. I'm gonna wait for something more concrete before I sharpen my pitchfork.
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Dez breaks his silent commit and "flips" back to Louisville

Dez breaks nothing. If he was not openly committed, he was not committed. He is currently openly committed to Louisville, something he never saw fit to do with us.


Mike Schaefer ‏<s>@</s>mikejschaefer <small class="time"></small>Monday: Nebraska loses on longtime silent commit, gets affirmation from LB commit, makes in-state offer, makes late offer to Cali recruit.

Not sure how long one has to be to be considered a "silent commit" but we are kinda sucking at it this year, as 1 went to Clemson and 1 to loserville. Jackson may be a silent commit, too but, if so, I wonder for how long. Oh, and Scout has it as a coin flip between NU and I think ASU (sorry, couldn't find the link which I saw last night). But I do feel he is N.
Not sure how long one has to be to be considered a "silent commit" but we are kinda sucking at it this year, as 1 went to Clemson and 1 to loserville. Jackson may be a silent commit, too but, if so, I wonder for how long. Oh, and Scout has it as a coin flip between NU and I think ASU (sorry, couldn't find the link which I saw last night). But I do feel he is N.

We'll find out shortly. I feel pretty good about Jackson being N.


Mike Schaefer ‏<s>@</s>mikejschaefer <small class="time"></small>Monday: Nebraska loses on longtime silent commit, gets affirmation from LB commit, makes in-state offer, makes late offer to Cali recruit.

If a commit does not see fit to make his commitment known to other schools, he is not committed. I don't care how you want to spin it or what little flowers you want to put on it.

Just so you know, he was so unwilling to tell other teams he was committed to Nebraska, but at the drop of a hat, he announces his committment to Louisville. Sounds to me to not actually be committed.
Not sure how long one has to be to be considered a "silent commit" but we are kinda sucking at it this year, as 1 went to Clemson and 1 to loserville. Jackson may be a silent commit, too but, if so, I wonder for how long. Oh, and Scout has it as a coin flip between NU and I think ASU (sorry, couldn't find the link which I saw last night). But I do feel he is N.


It is time for people to stop banking on this silent commit thing. I mean it was just 2014 when we were talking about a year long mystery silent commit who never happened. PMs, posts, threads etc. dedicated to this facade.
If a commit does not see fit to make his commitment known to other schools, he is not committed. I don't care how you want to spin it or what little flowers you want to put on it.

Just so you know, he was so unwilling to tell other teams he was committed to Nebraska, but at the drop of a hat, he announces his committment to Louisville. Sounds to me to not actually be committed.

Believe what you want. Your fully entitled to your opinion.

The only spinning it is you

If a commit does not see fit to make his commitment known to other schools, he is not committed. I don't care how you want to spin it or what little flowers you want to put on it.

Just so you know, he was so unwilling to tell other teams he was committed to Nebraska, but at the drop of a hat, he announces his committment to Louisville. Sounds to me to not actually be committed.
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I feel dirty for doing this, but I kind of agree with where warzone is coming from. But the reality is, you can take his argument one step further and say they aren't truly committed until they sign and fax the papers. So it's really rather a moot point. The coaches felt confident in his word and felt that he pledged to sign his paperwork and be N. Really no different than any other kid, except he didn't tell the services.
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