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4 * WR Dez Fitzpatrick chooses Louisville (his dad responds to NU fans on twitter)

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Forgive me if I will not pencil KJ jr in just yet. If we can't trust a 'lock' who was four days out, we can't trust one that is over a year out.

LOL....kind of my point. However, the experts have assured me numerous times that not only is the Calabasas crew coming to NU, they will peer recruit the 2017 class to a top 10 finish. Also, it is absolutely critical to the future of NU football that this happens as expected.

It sucks to get burned like this. I got burned when I decided to switch employers and one of my managers said she was coming with me but needed to stay a little longer to get her commissions. She later reneged after being my silent commit in a key position. So I hate silent commits more than most.

RR, I respect that you have info on DF's recruitment that you don't want to share on the big board, but going forward if you tell us you have the info it's like a big tease :confused: now if you want to PM me I won't tell ;).
I have read all of these posts and tend to agree that CPD's original statement did not deserve the ire that it got. He was actually correct in his statement. Not a great closer, but NU got what it paid for. So so closer with average results. It is what it is. The thing that scares me is the lack of back up plans. Surely we weren't counting on a MN FB as a back up plan? And I still cannot figure out how we could have no one on campus the weekend before NSD.

Agree, it isn't losing one player, it is losing several and not having adequate backup plans in place. (at least as it appears now)
LOL....kind of my point. However, the experts have assured me numerous times that not only is the Calabasas crew coming to NU, they will peer recruit the 2017 class to a top 10 finish. Also, it is absolutely critical to the future of NU football that this happens as expected.

Not only that, but KJ jr has also visited USC like twice as many times as nebraska. He's been to Clemson I think 3 times. He gets around as his family has the ability to take unofficials. I am not saying that he won't be a Husker, but saying he's been here 5 times is not much when he has also been to his other top 5 schools a lot too. The kid is a good WR though, he'd be a huge get, not even for anything about his name. He is a big frame and a good player.

Lets put it this way Coach Williams is not happy and Bobby Petrino is involved. Read what ever you want into that.

So Louisville cheated? This response is as common as the "he's no good, we don't need him".....it is the "well, he didn't pick NU so someone must have done something underhanded". We are all Husker fans, but sometimes we should accept the fact that kids will choose other schools.
So Louisville cheated? This response is as common as the "he's no good, we don't need him".....it is the "well, he didn't pick NU so someone must have done something underhanded". We are all Husker fans, but sometimes we should accept the fact that kids will choose other schools.

Yeah pretty much every time RR is wrong the other team cheated. There is a lot of cheating going on in the world.
So Louisville cheated? This response is as common as the "he's no good, we don't need him".....it is the "well, he didn't pick NU so someone must have done something underhanded". We are all Husker fans, but sometimes we should accept the fact that kids will choose other schools.

I agree...the speculation that we as fans can accuse other coaches of this stuff while this far away from being directly involved is embarrasing
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Ad hominem attack alert! I understand that everyone is upset and rationalizing, but the personal stuff turns everyone off. You have a right to an opinion, and you have a right to voice your opinion. You have the right to be an ass about it. You have the right to represent Husker fans (of which you are a de facto member by posting here) as irrational and vengeful. That doesn't mean it is right.

Please just stop.

I agree...the speculation that we as fans can accuse other coaches of this stuff while this far away from being directly involved is embarrasing

If we lost out this way to OU or even Michigan I'd agree. But it's bobby petrino. The man with the worst ethics in college football....and that's saying a lot.
I agree...the speculation that we as fans can accuse other coaches of this stuff while this far away from being directly involved is embarrasing

Happens almost as often on these boards as someone decrying a silent commitment is in the fold.

I agree...the speculation that we as fans can accuse other coaches of this stuff while this far away from being directly involved is embarrasing

So Louisville has never had issues with recruits getting some 'extra benefits', and Petrino is known as a squeaky clean guy in the college ranks? I think a couple of you ladies need to lose the resentment you have for posters or the staff, and try to just look at the likelihood some less than honorable dealings MAY have occurred. It's not like it was only guys on Max suggesting this was all but a done deal, and the flip has some questionable appearance. Leave the agenda crap to the political threads.
This is the most exciting part of recruiting season and a few posters are making these threads nearly unreadable.

Mods can we just close this thread. The stupidity glass is full. The kid is not coming we have all had sufficient time to grieve shut it down.
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