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4 * WR Dez Fitzpatrick chooses Louisville (his dad responds to NU fans on twitter)

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Thread isn't about Simmons. It's about Dez. But, hey, people are just jumping on you because of your opinion on Riley closing, right? I mean, if going after Munson on Simmons in a Fitz thread to prove a point about Riley's closing capability isn't trolling, I'm not sure what is.


With all due respect let's keep things in perspective. Riley and company haven't yet finished their first full recruiting cycle. Let's really see how they FINISH before rushing to judgement. It's much to early in his tenure at Nebraska to draw to many conclusions about his ability. Yes, many of us are disappointed that we lost out on Fiztpatrick, but that's the nature of big boy recruiting. My suspicion is were going to win more of these than we loose in the future. Also, currently we are RANKED #1 in the B1G West recruiting standings. That's where we must finish every year and keep things close enough to the competition in the East. However, Riley has proven he's a good judge of evaluating talent. We're going to be fine.

Thread isn't about Simmons. It's about Dez. But, hey, people are just jumping on you because of your opinion on Riley closing, right? I mean, if going after Munson on Simmons in a Fitz thread to prove a point about Riley's closing capability isn't trolling, I'm not sure what is.

RR was providing snips from USC on another thread that was locked, he brought up Simmons "being up in the air" . So gave him a quick update on what 247 was reporting. After the thread was unlocked I posted it there too, Sue me.... Haven't said anything else about him since.

But if you really wanna talk Simmons I will gladly speak on it after he commit's to a school.
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Thread isn't about Simmons. It's about Dez. But, hey, people are just jumping on you because of your opinion on Riley closing, right? I mean, if going after Munson on Simmons in a Fitz thread to prove a point about Riley's closing capability isn't trolling, I'm not sure what is.


But after 60 plus pages, who knows what the thread is about? I can't believe I'm violating my own soft rule about not opening or posting on a thread longer than 7 pages.

This has the same stench of when Stringfellow reversed course and picked Ole Miss and Bo said, "We all know what happened."

Well he did call us dumb fans, too. I like the response of "you and your son are great actors!"
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Did any of the &quot;dumb fans&quot; out there consider that the video was made to hype his High School and get the school exposure? Sheesh</p>&mdash; Greg (@coachfitz007) <a href="https://twitter.com/coachfitz007/status/694243492848074752">February 1, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Too bad for his dad. He better stay off twitter and the message boards during his son's football career if he is that thin-skinned.

All I can say is take the high road friends. For those Nebraska fans that are tweeting Fitzpatrick stop it! It's not necessary and that's not what were about in Nebraska. He made his choice and we wish him the best.

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