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4 * WR Dez Fitzpatrick chooses Louisville (his dad responds to NU fans on twitter)

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Some schools that blanket offer can top that with ease.


Schools typically offer how many guys? Isn't it in the 50s or 60s? You're going to lose out more often than not. It's just that some drag it out to the end making them appear to be bigger deals than the ones that say yes or no much earlier.

I notice you didn't consider Q. Alexander a "big get" (assuming he stays). Or Bryant. I'm sure there are more you're underselling. You need to do a better job of "closing" me.


Rated #28. Average stars, #30.

Ohio St: #1
Michigan: #5
MSU: #10
PSU: #23
Huskers: #28
Wisky: #30
Iowa: #40
Terps: #44
NW: #45
Minny: #47
Illini: #68
Indy: #73
Purdue: #77
Rutgers: #79

If I remember right, the peak year, Bo was rated #15 or so.

Myself, recruiting battles are overrated (Rivals). Look at Boise State .... #55. Every year without exception, BSU got no 4 or 5 stars. Not once. PAC12 leftovers.

Except this year, Texass was rated Top10 in recruiting standings.
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He made a minute and a half video to announce his commitment. Not sure what to think of that. He definitely likes himself. Good luck to you.
My thought exactly. We REALLY don't need an ego-centric prima donna on our team who thinks they're important enough to warrant a "look at me" dramatic signing day video. Good riddance. We dodged a bullet on that one.

It was probably the lifetime supply of Papa John's that ultimately flipped him......

No matter, I think we'll be just fine without him. Best of luck to him.
So annoying to see all these "we don't need him", "we're better off without him", or character questioning comments when you miss on a kid

Actually, N2FL, I don't think there really were that many of these kinds of posts. The majority seemed to be of the acceptance, good luck, let's move on. There was a lot of fun angst though....:Biggrin:

My thought exactly. We REALLY don't need an ego-centric prima donna on our team who thinks they're important enough to warrant a "look at me" dramatic signing day video. Good riddance. We dodged a bullet on that one.

I guess I jumped the gun. Carry on, folks....
I would read the 15 pages since the announcement, but I'm sure it would just be painful. Maybe I'll just guess what was said. :Biggrin:

Here's my two cents, for the next guy to skip. ;) It's disappointing as heck. But I'm not going to gripe about an 18 year old changing his mind at the last minute and leaving us hanging. I'm sure Riley and Co did everything reasonable, but even they know an 18 year old making a decision like this is an iffy proposition. Especially when there are lots of other people involved in the decision. This happens.

Riley might or might not have to get a touch tighter, like saying if you visit anyone else after us in the last week, we're going after someone else just in case, or whatever. I don't know. That would make sense because presumably the dynamic of recruiting here should be different than it was at OSU. At OSU, he would have wanted to assess and vet carefully out of players that more often than not be leftovers. That's different than going up against Top 25 programs like we have to. We may need to be tougher and more saavy. Just a theory, but it wouldn't surprise me. And it's not to criticize Riley in any way shape or form.

Lastly, people always need to keep in mind that all the behind-the-paywall "experts" and so-and-so assures me this kind of stuff doesn't necessarily mean anything when you're talking about an 18 year old making the biggest decision of his life. May as well always be expecting some very surprising losses. It's just what it is.
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From Munson on USC today:

--- Had chalked up Dez as had most Huskers fans as today being a formality that he would commit to the Huskers. What actually happened? Wish he could figure it out. There are questions swirling of allegations of NCAA violations. Who is to know though. However, the idea that somebody got involved, got greedy and things got shady THEN SAME ON THEM. Thinks this was a family member who made this decision and he would not be surprised to see Dez in JUCO in a year or two because of it. Then trying to get back on the Huskers radar to get back to Lincoln. Unfortunately this probably is one of those situations where someone else got involved (and "steered" him to Louisville)
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Well darn, I really thought that I would log on today and be Cheering along with the rest of ya about Dez. Oh well, to him, I wish nothing but the best in his forthcoming career at Louisville. Disappointed, sure, but it was his decision so good luck to you sir.

More from Munson:

---Thinks the Huskers have a Plan B for Fitz. Williams he thinks is already all over it. No face to face of course but other legal ways to talk. Do not be surprised to see another name pop up in the next 24-36 hours (Lipscomb?).

From Munson on USC today:

--- Had chalked up Dez as had most Huskers fans as today being a formality that he would commit to the Huskers. What actually happened? Wish he could figure it out. There are questions swirling of allegations of NCAA violations. Who is to know though. However, the idea that somebody got involved, got greedy and things got shady THEN SAME ON THEM. Thinks this was a family member who made this decision and he would not be surprised to see Dez in JUCO in a year or two because of it. Then trying to get back on the Huskers radar to get back to Lincoln. Unfortunately this probably is one of those situations where someone else got involved (and "steered" him to Louisville)

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