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“Worst Coaching Job Ever!”

You keep trying. Also need a little luck. NU certainly hasn’t had much luck. Good thing is, one would think the law of averages would swing in their favor soon.

I do think the law of averages has tried swinging in favor of the HUSKERS at times but when those occasions have come, Frost & players seem to pick the same inopportune time to make silly mistakes and have costly turnovers & penalties. Even the law of averages can't overcome the seemingly endless Three Stooges moments.

I didn't take it as you trying to dig into Frost's personal problems, rather that the team has been a sh^tshow since the first season, when Frost was still riding high on his UCF success, and his personal life seemed fine then..
I didn't take it that way either, just trying to make sure folks are aware that we have to be careful when discussing things of that nature.
If he is a good coach, and it’s personal issues causing NU’s issues, then Frost has had personal issues the entire time he has been at NU. Quite frankly, I’m not sure how anyone can watch Nebraska play, and NOT see that it’s a poorly coached team.

I can’t say I’ve seen a coach, with his pedigree, national champion as a player, been around Walsh, Osborne, Parcells, Billechek, Snyder, Kelly and have the excuses he makes. I haven’t seen that. It’s baffling. I’m floored. I remember when Bob Stoops was hired in 1998 at OU, he said, no excuses, we will win, it’s on us. They did. Right now, Scott Frost might have more egg on his face, then about anyone I’ve ever seen, given his mouth and the results. The only thing that will save face for him, is to win, and he is quickly running out of time to do so.
I don't know if it is fair to throw the defense in the poorly coached category. They seem to hold their own and are not blowing assignments at the pace they used to. The offense coming off the field so much leads to them wearing down later, but wouldn't put that on defensive coaching.

Stoops walked into a great situation. Blake was an excellent recruiter and they had a lot of talent on the roster. It was literally poor coaching that was holding them down and Stoops resolved that.

I really think our ills center around QB play. UCF and Oregon were not even average defensive teams. Hard to say about special teams because they didn't rely on them much. You took a high powered offense and outscored your opponent and shortfalls everywhere else were covered up by the scoring. The offense is a shell of it is suppose to be. They don't trust AM to make throws to a chunk of the field or to throw into tighter coverages and then he isn't consistent enough even when the play is there. And it looks like tempo is now out the window which was suppose to be the backbone of the system.

I made the comment the other day that if McKenzie Milton was QB in that last game, what is the score at the half? I would say it would have been a 2 or 3 TD lead. Everyone becomes more confident.
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Please please please don't make Husker ties a requirement.
While I mostly agree with you, it needs to be someone who is at least familiar with the uniqueness that is Nebraska. I think that’s important to know. Also, needs to be dudes who are eager and don’t mind the travel. I’m not sure what the answers are. Thought NU was set for 20 years.
I don't know if it is fair to throw the defense in the poorly coached category. They seem to hold their own and are not blowing assignments at the pace they used to. The offense coming off the field so much leads to them wearing down later, but wouldn't put that on defensive coaching.

Stoops walked into a great situation. Blake was an excellent recruiter and they had a lot of talent on the roster. It was literally poor coaching that was holding them down and Stoops resolved that.

I really think our ills center around QB play. UCF and Oregon were not even average defensive teams. Hard to say about special teams because they didn't rely on them much. You took a high powered offense and outscored your opponent and shortfalls everywhere else were covered up by the scoring. The offense is a shell of it is suppose to be. They don't trust AM to make throws to a chunk of the field or to throw into tighter coverages and then he isn't consistent enough even when the play is there. And it looks like tempo is now out the window which was suppose to be the backbone of the system.

I made the comment the other day that if McKenzie Milton was QB in that last game, what is the score at the half? I would say it would have been a 2 or 3 TD lead. Everyone becomes more confident.
Nebraska has talent here man. Enough to win more than you lose. When Frost got here, there was that. Plus. NU is just getting lousy coaching. As for the defense, I’m not sold. They are ok, until they get punched and then they fold. They’ve been horrible.

I think we've been trending worse, tho. For instance, you can chalk some of 2018's woes to our defensive changes (we were only in year 2 at that time of our move to a 3-4).

But now even the computer rankings are dropping us fast. I feel like we're accelerating towards rock bottom.
In all honesty, I have no idea what will happen. I just know a real coach wouldn’t stand for this slop called football.
Easily explained during the interview process.
Nah, that’s not enough. They don’t have to have played there, but if they’ve coached against them before, been there several times, I think that plays a role. I’d like for Frost to just start winning and not think about this.

I hear all the time...........this is on him now. As if the lame ass excuse that it was all Rileys fault all along was really not on Frost.
Most coaches can make teams better without blaming other staffs.
Frost used excuse after excuse to make it look like it was not him that was doing a poor job in year 1 and 2. But it WAS him
We fell for it because we couldnt believe it was him after seeing what he did in year 2 at UCF. But it WAS him. Hes just run out of the ability to pawn it off on everyone else at this point
I didn’t like the excuses, really, ever. I thought it was pretty weak on his end. All the talk, I thought he was a no nonsense, competitive dude that would not stand for bad football. He better turn it in a hurry, because a loss to Buffalo (really, not unlikely), and a 70-12 beating @OU, and it will be ugly ugly.
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No he wasn't:
2016: 6-7
2017: 13-0

But I wanted him anyway because he was from Nebraska, had played for Dr.Tom, had the support of all the former DONU players and said he would bring back the Nebraska way.

I was worth the shot to hire him, everyone else would have hired him if we didnt, but unfortunately he has one hugh flaw:

He does not learn from his mistakes.

We all are young in chosen fields, we all make mistakes. IF we choose to succeed, and to achieve respect in our fields, we learn from our mistakes, take council from our mentors and grow.

For whatever reason, over these three years, Scott has not done that, his teams show that, and for that reason DONU must move on.

99% of us don’t have $20,000,000 buyouts if we don’t succeed. There aren’t consequences for fired Head Coaches, other than what you can look at in the mirror at your own self.


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