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“Worst Coaching Job Ever!”

If we have a solid coaching staff and athletic dept, it shouldn't matter what conference you play in. The move to the B1G, especially in hindsight, was a great move for the school. You can't blame the move for sucking as badly as we have. It starts and ends with the decision makers and funnels right down to the staff and development.
I’ve always liked you for a reason

See here again, we turned a "blind eye" to the background of his "big turnaround".

Here is the real perspective of UCF's record over time:
2014:9-4 AAC Conference champion

All of these years were under George O'leary and had the controversy of the death of a player at practice (2008), recruiting violations (2011), NCAA probation (2012), and biggest Bowl upset by pregame Vegas margin (2014 Baylor 52-42 victory with Bortles at QB: he then graduated and went to NFL).

So Frost's "turnaround" was of a program that had been used to winning, in conference that is not as vicious as the Big Ten or SEC.

And as I said, I still wanted him to come to DONU, I that he would work out.

The honest look at the numbers say that he has had 4 losing seasons in five years as a HC.
Maybe I'm reading this wrong. Are you disputing what I said or are you just adding to it?

Play calling is still an issue, as it has always been, under HCSF.

When you are tied with 30 seconds before half and your QB has missed at least 3 wide open WR's, do you still try to get points on the board? Someone called that play that resulted in a strip sack TD.
Especially consider you only need two yards for a first down. Actually 47 seconds when the ball was snapped. We had two timeouts left, as did IL. Even if you failed to convert, you’d force them to use one.

You get the first you are at mid field clock stops while resetting chains and you have the full field to throw to with your timeouts.
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In my head I gave Scott a pass the last few years with all the excuses he came up with about culture and blah blah blah. It’s not any of that, it’s on him at this point.
And yes I have heard some rumors as well however the offense looks no different in year 4 as it did the first couple of years. It’s not like NU was running like a well oiled machine under Scott and now all of a sudden it’s breaking down.
You are not the only one. I did the same thing. What I saw this week just made me realize that he is not a good coach. Don't get me wrong, I think the Defense is good. I think there are some things we do good. But we have started to try to scheme instead of just playing hard and doing our thing right. It is the hallmark of a bad coach.
especially consider you only need two yards for a first down. We had two timeouts left, as did IL. Even if you failed to convert, you’d force them to use one.
Um, waddaya call that, clock management?
Does the "WHY" really matter HCSF hasn't gotten the job done? I honestly don't care because a competent dynamic Nebraska HC would not be 12-21 after 3 plus years imo. I saw enough in that IL game to convince me NOTHING is going to change with Frost as our HC! It was same crap show we've been watching the past 3 years.
I think it does but I am not going to let anyone use off field issues as an excuse. Why can be important but its not here. The man literally threw a game against Purdue away 2 years ago. Unless he changes his ways and takes some hard advice from people, he is not ever going to be a good coach. Good coaches don't need everything right to happen to win a game.

Another Devaney would mean finding a guy with NO husker ties that comes in and solves everything. Thats what happened when we found Devaney
Exactly! But we need someone that will keep the traditions and not change things like Callahan did!

With Trev Alberts leading the search, it would be easy to see him lean toward a no BS, control the line of scrimmage, running the ball first, and stop the run philosophy coach.
That sounds like a defensive minded coach! I believe that would be a good criteria to search for.


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