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“Worst Coaching Job Ever!”

Listening to the local afternoon drive time sports talk show in Nashville yesterday and the guest was Dave McGinnis, a former NFL head and assistant coach for several years. They asked about Frost’s comments after the game and Coach Mac was very blunt. Said “that’s the worst coached team and the worst coaching job I’ve ever seen in all my years of coaching football!” I guess it’s not just some of the fans who feel like that, other coaches seem to be in agreement!

I think Trev could/should have fired Frost the next day. Frost is paid to teach and coach - there isn't a decent coach in America that could not see the disaster in front of them. Plus, I think it gives you a huge head start with the pursuit of a quality coach, and squashes at least some of the negative national media attention.
I wonder what the collective of the former players that were there to celebrate and support Frost when he was hired have to think about where we are now. I know a handful have spoken out, but would like to know if they are outliers or if the majority feel the way they do.
I know one that was there during that announcement. Let’s just say he isn’t impressed since.

I hear all the time...........this is on him now. As if the lame ass excuse that it was all Rileys fault all along was really not on Frost.
Most coaches can make teams better without blaming other staffs.
Frost used excuse after excuse to make it look like it was not him that was doing a poor job in year 1 and 2. But it WAS him
We fell for it because we couldnt believe it was him after seeing what he did in year 2 at UCF. But it WAS him. Hes just run out of the ability to pawn it off on everyone else at this point
Honest question to anyone who knows: I did not follow UCF close enough to know. Did UCF have any hint of a lack of discipline and poor fundamentals like this team has had the past 4 years?

I wouldn't think they'd have looked like they did against Auburn at the end of the year if they had struggles with basic fundamentals of football. It blows my mind to think of the chasm between the undefeated UCF team and what we've witnessed with the Huskers since Frost's arrival. I'm not saying it was any better under Riley, but things definitely have not improved.
Scott Frost is checked out. His body language and pressers scream that. Who knows what’s going on. My best guess is he’s given up and waiting for his buy-out.

I feel bad for the players on the team and all of the actual financial stakeholders in this, as they all got short changed in a big way.

Certainly this is not the way SF intended for things to go, but the current state of affairs is obvious.
I see the exact same thing in tone of voice and body language. Maybe hee needs to see the FROGMAN again? Ribbit-ribbit. The Navy Seal guy.
I know we're not allowed to post personal rumors on the board, but I really do wonder if there are personal things happening with Frost or others on the staff. Obviously I'm not going to go into theories or speculation.

But I say that because in all my corporate years, this is similar to when you have an all star employee who just suddenly starts underperforming for no good reason. I've seen top end sales people who suddenly can't close a single deal and it's because of something major happening outside work.

It just makes you think because on paper, Nebraska has everything we need to succeed. Personal stress can absolutely ruin people though, and I pray our coaches are all fine.
Sorry to remind you but Frost has never had an all star season in Lincoln.
I know we're not allowed to post personal rumors on the board, but I really do wonder if there are personal things happening with Frost or others on the staff. Obviously I'm not going to go into theories or speculation.

But I say that because in all my corporate years, this is similar to when you have an all star employee who just suddenly starts underperforming for no good reason. I've seen top end sales people who suddenly can't close a single deal and it's because of something major happening outside work.

It just makes you think because on paper, Nebraska has everything we need to succeed. Personal stress can absolutely ruin people though, and I pray our coaches are all fine.
I absolutely believe this. I have been referencing and making innuendos of the rumors now for 3 months and I broke down and went farther after the loss. I only referenced the existence of rumors rather than repeat any of them.
I’m not comfortable that my message was clear but I wasn’t trying to make people aware of any problems. What I was trying to get across is the answer to the million dollar question of why is this happening. I’m a firm believer that the distractions of his personal life…..while private and not to be discussed on hmax ….don’t need to be detailed but the existence of knowing there are issues help joe fan understand that the focus might not be where it needs to be right now with SF and it’s a waterfall affect downward on the team.

However this strictly an opinion of mine that I’m forming trying to comprehend what is causing this disaster. I guess I dont want to believe it’s just what Nebraska is destined to become. Feel free to disagree
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I hope SF will decline his $20M buyout contract. Just like Gary Andersen (Oregon St)

......... I know, wishful thinking
I absolutely believe this. I have been referencing and making innuendos of the rumors now for 3 months and I broke down and went farther after the loss. I only referenced the existence of rumors rather than repeat any of them.
I’m not comfortable that my message was clear but I wasn’t trying to make people aware of any problems. What I was trying to get across is the answer to the million dollar question of why is this happening. I’m a firm believer that the distractions of his personal life…..while private and not to be discussed on hmax ….don’t need to be detailed but the existence of knowing there are issues help joe fan understand that the focus might not be where it needs to be right now with SF and it’s a waterfall affect downward on the team.

However this strictly an opinion of mine that I’m forming trying to comprehend what is causing this disaster. I guess I dont want to believe it’s just what Nebraska is destined to become. Feel free to disagree
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Thanks for the heads up. Thought I was safe since I didn't mention anything specific.
I didn't take it as you trying to dig into Frost's personal problems, rather that the team has been a sh^tshow since the first season, when Frost was still riding high on his UCF success, and his personal life seemed fine then..


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