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Winter conditioning is under way

Winter conditioning..........

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I miss Short Side Option. His doubts on previous S&C staff and approach are well documented.

I’m guessing he’s in the same mode as I am with the new staff.

‘Show me’.

All we have to go off of to date is Corey’s comments, social media stuff, etc which does look dramatically different than Duval’s ‘Squats of Death’ routine.

We need to win and S&C is a piece of that. IMAO, it’s not what got us to 19 wins in four plus years, but done right it will be part of what gets us to more than just Division titles and minor bowl games.
It’s silly and a bias opinion. When the Seals go down, they don’t send the Marines, the Rangers or the Green Berets, they send the PJ’s and CTC’s. But yes tell me how much more the marines are trained. They are not only combatants that jump into a crap fest to dominate an area of extraction but also medics that will provide aid to keep the wounded alive, what a bunch of chums…
Actually they more often send Marine choppers with Navy Medics. As they are forward deployed and on ships. There are not enough PJs to handle every medivac. Army, Navy and Marine choppers do search and rescue missions. What PJs do is not unique to the Airforce.


Back to topic, I keep hearing Fidone won't be participating fully in Spring Ball this year. If that is true (again I am NOT saying it is, I just heard it from several podcast things the last month or so) I wonder if it is to prevent injuries. All I know, he is killing it in conditioning, including the video released earlier today where 2 players are going head to head in getting control of an object (sort of a 2 man tug of war competition) and he destroyed his opponent.

Back to topic, I keep hearing Fidone won't be participating fully in Spring Ball this year. If that is true (again I am NOT saying it is, I just heard it from several podcast things the last month or so) I wonder if it is to prevent injuries. All I know, he is killing it in conditioning, including the video released earlier today where 2 players are going head to head in getting control of an object (sort of a 2 man tug of war competition) and he destroyed his opponent.



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