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I don’t think so.

Most people don’t know what Paras actually are/do.
Really because they did a documentary tv series where they showed literally everything they did to earn the title. It is not close to seal or Ranger training. Not even in the same universe. It is tough for Air Force training.
Really because they did a documentary tv series where they showed literally everything they did to earn the title. It is not close to seal or Ranger training. Not even in the same universe. It is tough for Air Force training.

I disagree.

There can be a debate about which is harder, Navy SEALS or Air Force Para, but unless someone has been through both, the argument is tough to close. Saying Para training is not in the same universe as other special forces is just inaccurate. Saying it compares to Marine basic is whatever is beyond what's inaccurate.

For the sake of this thread, all JSOC training and most basic for the different branches of the service is tougher than D1 football S&C. Most.

Interesting that one of the parents of the wrestlers I coach is a recently retired ranger. I asked him if my comparison was apt. His answer was yes. He said he worked with a couple Para guys. Said they were not in the same universe. According to him there are 4 units equal. Rangers, Green Berets, Marine Force Recon, and SEALs. That has also been my experience.

For the record many Force Recon guys go to Ranger school.
Interesting that one of the parents of the wrestlers I coach is a recently retired ranger. I asked him if my comparison was apt. His answer was yes. He said he worked with a couple Para guys. Said they were not in the same universe. According to him there are 4 units equal. Rangers, Green Berets, Marine Force Recon, and SEALs. That has also been my experience.

For the record many Force Recon guys go to Ranger school.


I disagree.

There can be a debate about which is harder, Navy SEALS or Air Force Para, but unless someone has been through both, the argument is tough to close. Saying Para training is not in the same universe as other special forces is just inaccurate. Saying it compares to Marine basic is whatever is beyond what's inaccurate.

For the sake of this thread, all JSOC training and most basic for the different branches of the service is tougher than D1 football S&C. Most.

It’s silly and a bias opinion. When the Seals go down, they don’t send the Marines, the Rangers or the Green Berets, they send the PJ’s and CTC’s. But yes tell me how much more the marines are trained. They are not only combatants that jump into a crap fest to dominate an area of extraction but also medics that will provide aid to keep the wounded alive, what a bunch of chums…


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