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Trev Alberts to Texas A&M

Or, you try harder to help fix what might be wrong at your alma mater.

People (and Trev) can make whatever excuses they want. But there's no way Trev could have posssibly thought that Nebraskans would see this as anything but stabbing them in the back and that he'd burn his bridges forever. This isn't Solich getting canned and half the fan base hating it. This was Trev giving up on his own Huskers with no warning. It's the Colts leaving in the middle of the night in moving vans.

Hope he enjoys his stay at College Station. He can't ever come home, again.
Hopefully we haven't retired his number........
After reading a gazilion comments on this over the past few days, I can’t help but believe we’re over-thinking this. It was so out-of-the-blue that everyone seems to think that there has to be some systemic failing that led to Trev’s departure. After an almost 30 year career in the AF and second career in the defense industry I’ve seen my share of both good and bad leaders. That said, I find it hard to believe that Trev was motivated to leave by some sort of toxic leadership environment - leaders change and unless you’re forced into doing something that runs directly against your moral compass, you’ll likely be able to successfully navigate some relatively short term leadership challenges, particularly if you’ve found your lifelong dream job. But, if another job comes along that has the potential for far greater compensation, a boatload of benefits (who knows what perks come with the A&M job), the ability to consistently rub shoulders with hugely rich and influential people, and you are all of a sudden offered a path to a potential conference commissioner position or some other pie-in-the-sky high visibility and very lucrative role, AD at NU might suddenly seem to no longer be your dream job. Remember that TO almost made the jump to coach at Colorado, but realized that he was a Husker first (I’m simplifying this), and that coaching at DONU really was his dream job and opted to stay. I would have hoped that Trev would have seen being AD at Nebraska as the pinacle of his career, but this is obviously not the case. He wants more and had an opportunity dropped in his lap. I, like many people I’ve seen weighing in on this, would have hoped that loyalty to the school and the thought of building a legacy like Devaney and Osborne would have been the deciding factor in this decision, But it clearly wasn’t. From Trev’s perspective, only time will tell if this works out for the best. From my perspective, Trev was not as tied to being a “Nebraska guy” as I thought. I wish him well. From on outsider’s perspective, I’m not so sure that the stars will line up as he expects. But, a new chapter has started and I can’t help but believe that the next AD will be starting with an ascending athletic program. GBR
I agree with most of what you wrote. He is gone, and he won't be back, let's move on.
Or, you try harder to help fix what might be wrong at your alma mater.

People (and Trev) can make whatever excuses they want. But there's no way Trev could have posssibly thought that Nebraskans would see this as anything but stabbing them in the back and that he'd burn his bridges forever. This isn't Solich getting canned and half the fan base hating it. This was Trev giving up on his own Huskers with no warning. It's the Colts leaving in the middle of the night in moving vans.

Hope he enjoys his stay at College Station. He can't ever come home, again.
I call BS. A lot of issues. Blaming TA for not solving this is stupid. We have other people not doing their job. TAs responsibility was directing the people below him. Now you want to blame him for not changing ABOVE him? Frick I’d leave to if the fans put expectations like that on me.

Alberts is no saint. The BoR and lack of a sitting president is a big deal but this search is not unlike other major searches and there are obviously only a finite number of people who would even be qualified for this job. Don't let the smoke and mirrors distract you from the Title IX investigation. Or, maybe ask this... without a sitting President, who asked for the new $500M stadium renovations to be brought to light while the current football facility was still being finished? UNO wasn't exactly a shining example of fiscal responsibility under Alberts and, while the renovations were definitely being evaluated, the idea to go public with it when they did was.... interesting. Is it possible Trev got too far ahead on that without the commitment of the board and created his own conflict unnecessarily?

There's so much more to this story than simply Trev choosing "greener" pastures in Aggie-land where the renovations have already been done, the coaching seats have already been filled, etc.
The thing to remember is that the Regents is a non paid position, a few perks... tickets to the venues but it is strictly a prestige position and yet the last one in my district the 2 candidates spent over a million dollars in campaigning.:Signhuh:
Exactly, why would they spend that kind of money for that seat? The only answer i can come up with is that you have 2 sides of the spectrum that want to influence and control what university students are taught.

In August 2023, Carter announces departure to OSU. A step up. No question. In November 2023, TA signs a new deal. Clearly TA was eyes open about working with a new President/leadership. And he must have been/should have been eyes open about NU needing to have leadership to get them back to the AAU while dealing with massive budget cuts, which makes Carter’s departure feel a little less like a step up and more like a step away from an impending train wreck. But, regardless, TA takes the deal. Was he underestimating the big picture resources? The compelling need for NU to get its academic house in order? Fast forward to this week, almost exactly four months later. What happened to cause him to bail now? Did he learn something about the future financial picture, no matter who is hired as President? Something else? Or did he finally get an opportunity that let him get off a leaky ship too? Both? Something else? And I’m not interested in answers about loyalty or the like because this is a J-O-B. Loyalty in employment often equates to opportunity or lack of it, and only means something to employers as long as everything is going exactly how they want it to go — let’s not kid ourselves about this. Hypothetically, if both hoops teams struggled this year (including obviously that Hoiberg gets fired) and HCMR doesn’t “feel” as much like the right guy in addition to those squirrely losses, how “loyal” is everyone to TA? I think people wonder if he’s up to the job. So let’s talk about this as if TA made a stone cold, rational decision. Just like Carter. Considering the circumstances, I think that decision had a lot more to do with NU than A&M. And now I’m worried about HCMR and anyone else that wants to be part of a big boy conference/FBS-level program. Hmmm. Carter. TA. Who leaves next?
I think lost in the discussion somewhat is that NU (the academic institution) was removed from the AAU in 2011 (a few others have left voluntarily). The AAU is like the FBS of research colleges and universities. It’s a big deal to be a AAU school, and this was an embarrassing moment in NU’s history. I believe all of the other Big10 schools are AAU schools, including the newbies coming in. This was a big part of joining the conference back in the day. Our neighbor universities are members: Iowa, KU, Missouri. And other schools are gaining AAU acceptance that might surprise: USF, ASU, and Miami. NU desperately wants to get back in. It’s clearly a priority. It was Carter’s priority and the reason he was hired, to be blunt. Obviously, different voices are now asking for limited funds, as I read it. So I don’t think it’s really a “nerds” versus “jocks” issue or a “liberal” thing, all of which is too easy a framework and tired target. It’s a little bit more about what the state does with apparently diminishing resources. Not to put to fine a point on it, but maybe it’s about the university trying to retain its status as a first-rate institution versus spending more money on athletics. It's not unreasonable to ask why funds are being used for more and better athletic facilities instead of more and better academics. its not an apples to apples spending issue but you get the point. It's a dilemma for the BoR, no matter who they are. And maybe it was too big a challenge for Carter. And TA too.
It's not unreasonable to ask why funds are being used for more and better athletic facilities instead of more and better academics. its not an apples to apples spending issue but you get the point. It's a dilemma for the BoR, no matter who they are. And maybe it was too big a challenge for Carter. And TA too.

This is absolutely spot on. Isolating it to "poor leadership" from the BoR or President is a small piece of the bigger picture and it's far more complicated than the tin foil hat theory that a Governor wants to make the school admins less liberal. There is a full on debate about how the university is utilizing funds and there is a not so fun (for football fans) belief that dropping half a billion dollars on stadium renovations while trying to introduce a hospital to the campus may not be the best use of that money.

On top of that, Trev had notoriously mismanaged funds while at UNO and there was concern that the budget would balloon as they worked through it further. Trev went public with the stadium announcement without many in leadership knowing this was going to happen (again, a flaw of having no sitting president) and created a significant rift. Rather than be an adult about it and see it through, or, even worse, having to walk it back, he tucked tail and ran.

There are so many messy parts about this that could've been avoided had there been more stability.
I think lost in the discussion somewhat is that NU (the academic institution) was removed from the AAU in 2011 (a few others have left voluntarily). The AAU is like the FBS of research colleges and universities. It’s a big deal to be a AAU school, and this was an embarrassing moment in NU’s history. I believe all of the other Big10 schools are AAU schools, including the newbies coming in. This was a big part of joining the conference back in the day. Our neighbor universities are members: Iowa, KU, Missouri. And other schools are gaining AAU acceptance that might surprise: USF, ASU, and Miami. NU desperately wants to get back in. It’s clearly a priority. It was Carter’s priority and the reason he was hired, to be blunt. Obviously, different voices are now asking for limited funds, as I read it. So I don’t think it’s really a “nerds” versus “jocks” issue or a “liberal” thing, all of which is too easy a framework and tired target. It’s a little bit more about what the state does with apparently diminishing resources. Not to put to fine a point on it, but maybe it’s about the university trying to retain its status as a first-rate institution versus spending more money on athletics. It's not unreasonable to ask why funds are being used for more and better athletic facilities instead of more and better academics. its not an apples to apples spending issue but you get the point. It's a dilemma for the BoR, no matter who they are. And maybe it was too big a challenge for Carter. And TA too.

100% agree with @HuskerBred. As a frame of reference, the University of Nebraska system's 23/24 revenue is $3.3 billion while the UNL athletic department had $200 million in revenue last year. It would be malpractice if the regents were putting athletics over the rest of the university.

That is a bit unfair to Rhule. He has been working hard since he came here. Just because Alberts dumped NU, don't take it out on MR. At least give him a chance to improve the program.
My question is why Rhule would choose to stay amid such turmoil. I would like to see how he works out, but now I am wondering if he will choose to stay.


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