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Trev Alberts to Texas A&M

After reading a gazilion comments on this over the past few days, I can’t help but believe we’re over-thinking this. It was so out-of-the-blue that everyone seems to think that there has to be some systemic failing that led to Trev’s departure. After an almost 30 year career in the AF and second career in the defense industry I’ve seen my share of both good and bad leaders. That said, I find it hard to believe that Trev was motivated to leave by some sort of toxic leadership environment - leaders change and unless you’re forced into doing something that runs directly against your moral compass, you’ll likely be able to successfully navigate some relatively short term leadership challenges, particularly if you’ve found your lifelong dream job. But, if another job comes along that has the potential for far greater compensation, a boatload of benefits (who knows what perks come with the A&M job), the ability to consistently rub shoulders with hugely rich and influential people, and you are all of a sudden offered a path to a potential conference commissioner position or some other pie-in-the-sky high visibility and very lucrative role, AD at NU might suddenly seem to no longer be your dream job. Remember that TO almost made the jump to coach at Colorado, but realized that he was a Husker first (I’m simplifying this), and that coaching at DONU really was his dream job and opted to stay. I would have hoped that Trev would have seen being AD at Nebraska as the pinacle of his career, but this is obviously not the case. He wants more and had an opportunity dropped in his lap. I, like many people I’ve seen weighing in on this, would have hoped that loyalty to the school and the thought of building a legacy like Devaney and Osborne would have been the deciding factor in this decision, But it clearly wasn’t. From Trev’s perspective, only time will tell if this works out for the best. From my perspective, Trev was not as tied to being a “Nebraska guy” as I thought. I wish him well. From on outsider’s perspective, I’m not so sure that the stars will line up as he expects. But, a new chapter has started and I can’t help but believe that the next AD will be starting with an ascending athletic program. GBR

Possible, but there are a couple things that just don't make sense with that (to me). First he just signed an 8 year contract extension 3 months ago for nearly double the salary. Second, this is basically a lateral move and arguably not a step up. I hope one way or another we find out so we can stop speculating.
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Possible, but there are a couple things that just don't make sense with that (to me). First he just signed an 8 year contract extension 3 months ago for nearly double the salary. Second, this is basically a lateral move and arguably not a step up. I hope one way or another we find out so we can stop speculating.
I agree with you - so much of this doesn’t make sense. But, I think that Trev’s perception, right or wrong, is that this move is going to open a lot of pathways to fame and fortune way beyond Nebraska. I really do find it disgusting that he was constantly feeding the fan base with happy talk about this being his dream job when it clearly wasn’t. Integrity does matter.
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In August 2023, Carter announces departure to OSU. A step up. No question. In November 2023, TA signs a new deal. Clearly TA was eyes open about working with a new President/leadership. And he must have been/should have been eyes open about NU needing to have leadership to get them back to the AAU while dealing with massive budget cuts, which makes Carter’s departure feel a little less like a step up and more like a step away from an impending train wreck. But, regardless, TA takes the deal. Was he underestimating the big picture resources? The compelling need for NU to get its academic house in order? Fast forward to this week, almost exactly four months later. What happened to cause him to bail now? Did he learn something about the future financial picture, no matter who is hired as President? Something else? Or did he finally get an opportunity that let him get off a leaky ship too? Both? Something else? And I’m not interested in answers about loyalty or the like because this is a J-O-B. Loyalty in employment often equates to opportunity or lack of it, and only means something to employers as long as everything is going exactly how they want it to go — let’s not kid ourselves about this. Hypothetically, if both hoops teams struggled this year (including obviously that Hoiberg gets fired) and HCMR doesn’t “feel” as much like the right guy in addition to those squirrely losses, how “loyal” is everyone to TA? I think people wonder if he’s up to the job. So let’s talk about this as if TA made a stone cold, rational decision. Just like Carter. Considering the circumstances, I think that decision had a lot more to do with NU than A&M. And now I’m worried about HCMR and anyone else that wants to be part of a big boy conference/FBS-level program. Hmmm. Carter. TA. Who leaves next?
Possible, but there are a couple things that just don't make sense with that (to me). First he just signed an 8 year contract extension 3 months ago for nearly double the salary. Second, this is basically a lateral move and arguably not a step up. I hope one way or another we find out so we can stop speculating.
Well, that’s kind of the issue. Despite all that, he jumped ship citing leadership at A&M as one of the reasons. That is a not so veiled dagger right back at “leadership” within the university of Nebraska and perhaps the state political leaders meddling in the decision making. In addition, I don’t think we can assume that all of the people involved see the return of Nebraska football glory as a positive. A funny way of putting it is that there is the age old battle between the nerds and the athletes. The nerds bristle at the idea that when people think of the university their first thought is the sports department. Seems like maybe the nerds put a score on the board this week.

And as Huskerbred points out, another worst case scenario is this is a titanic situation and Trev jumped because he saw an ice berg ahead.
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In August 2023, Carter announces departure to OSU. A step up. No question. In November 2023, TA signs a new deal. Clearly TA was eyes open about working with a new President/leadership. And he must have been/should have been eyes open about NU needing to have leadership to get them back to the AAU while dealing with massive budget cuts, which makes Carter’s departure feel a little less like a step up and more like a step away from an impending train wreck. But, regardless, TA takes the deal. Was he underestimating the big picture resources? The compelling need for NU to get its academic house in order? Fast forward to this week, almost exactly four months later. What happened to cause him to bail now? Did he learn something about the future financial picture, no matter who is hired as President? Something else? Or did he finally get an opportunity that let him get off a leaky ship too? Both? Something else? And I’m not interested in answers about loyalty or the like because this is a J-O-B. Loyalty in employment often equates to opportunity or lack of it, and only means something to employers as long as everything is going exactly how they want it to go — let’s not kid ourselves about this. Hypothetically, if both hoops teams struggled this year (including obviously that Hoiberg gets fired) and HCMR doesn’t “feel” as much like the right guy in addition to those squirrely losses, how “loyal” is everyone to TA? I think people wonder if he’s up to the job. So let’s talk about this as if TA made a stone cold, rational decision. Just like Carter.
Considering the circumstances, I think that decision had a lot more to do with NU than A&M. And now I’m
worried about HCMR and anyone else that wants to be part of a big boy conference/FBS-level program. Hmmm. Carter. TA. Who leaves next?
In my estimation, I don't believe the Scoggin's lawsuit was as significant as some believe.
It happened under TA's time as AD at Nebraska and this follows him to A&M.
Trev may have been catching hell from the BoR, but I believe he stated the truth when he said leadership.
Nebraska's BoR have had plenty of time to hire a President and ADTA was as close to this as anyone.
Sometimes you see the writing on the wall and you move on.
I didn't realize that I had a "say" on who was elected to the Board.
Not that it matters now, but I will be voting in the future, if not running myself.
20 years plus of watching Nebraska make bad decisions should tell us all something about the lack of leadership at the top.
Academics and Athletic's can both prosper simultaneously.
I agree with you - so much of this doesn’t make sense. But, I think that Trev’s perception, right or wrong, is that this move is going to open a lot of pathways to fame and fortune way beyond Nebraska. I really do find it a disgusting that he was constantly feeding the fan base with happy talk about this being his dream job when it clearly wasn’t. Integrity does matter.
I agree his move does not make sense to me. But only time will tell. It appears to me that he was on a trajectory here to build a legacy maybe third to only Bob and TO. He made a seemingly great hire in Rhule, a great decision to retain Hoiberg, facilities are great and improving, he gets a lot of credit for Volleyball Day, and the list goes on. All that legacy is shot, and replaced with a consensus that he was untrue to his Alma Mater. At seemingly the first sign of trouble, and after a new contract making him a top 10 paid AD for the next eight years, he abandons everything he had put in motion after barely 2 and a half years.
At A&M, he will not have a natural constituency of support, his profile will not be as big and likely won’t ever be, and the OWH documented high turnover in the position and that past ADs there have had conflicts with boosters and with pressure on ethical standards. In weighing the factors he himself mentions, I don’t know why he made the decision he did.

Whether you want to blame Trev for leaving or not…..some type of influence had him unhappy. Nobody and I mean nobody gives 100% when in a bad situation. If he was unhappy he was going to fail.
Or, you try harder to help fix what might be wrong at your alma mater.

People (and Trev) can make whatever excuses they want. But there's no way Trev could have posssibly thought that Nebraskans would see this as anything but stabbing them in the back and that he'd burn his bridges forever. This isn't Solich getting canned and half the fan base hating it. This was Trev giving up on his own Huskers with no warning. It's the Colts leaving in the middle of the night in moving vans.

Hope he enjoys his stay at College Station. He can't ever come home, again.
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Sometimes those regents run unopposed in elections.
Here's the election BOR election results for anyone interested:


Here is the district map:
BOR Districts.png
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