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The Exodus (post Spring Game portal activity)

Too bad. Hoped he would stick around. Him and Torres had lackluster development under Frost and cigar man!

Smothers is an awesome young man, but has a ceiling at the QB position that doesn’t have anything to do with previous staffs.

Torres spent three games under Frost and was not coached by Verduzco. I am surprised he’s moving on, as I thought he was likely to compete for the #3 spot this fall. That said, he goes to a place like UTSA and he’ll be in the hunt for PT quickly.

Sims averaged about 40 yds a game at GT in 7 games before being injured. That’s about 500 yds a season which is about what I would expect here at Nebraska. I do not think we saw nearly enough in his brief time played in the scrimmage to judge him. He was also 9-13 with a couple passes flat out dropped. I don’t think CT can beat him out as our starter. Lets remember what little time Sims has had working with a completely new offense. Not sure what anyone expected but I think Sims has a fairly high upside when he’s completely familiar with this offense.
Smothers is an awesome young man, but has a ceiling at the QB position that doesn’t have anything to do with previous staffs.

Torres spent three games under Frost and was not coached by Verduzco. I am surprised he’s moving on, as I thought he was likely to compete for the #3 spot this fall. That said, he goes to a place like UTSA and he’ll be in the hunt for PT quickly.
I agree Smothers was very unlikely to see the field for us at QB. And a switch to another position this late seems suboptimal for all parties.

I am not surprised by Torres. It sounded like he was significantly less athletic than HH and while he has the arm, overall it didn't go that great (although, say compare him to how HH did last year in Spring, and he was probably better). Still, for someone like Torres, if he goes somewhere that he is a better fit, it will be much better for him.

And for some of these QBs, say HH, dropping down to a lower level might be a good thing. Put some of these QBs in ND State, Texas State or UTSA and get real live game reps for several years, and they might wind up far more likely to make an NFL roster than sitting in third or fourth place at ESU (Enormous State University).

I am thinking CT stays and it will be the Casey & Jeff show (or Jeff & Casey) and Sims will be the likely 2024 starter. Everyone else will be riding the pine. New QB's recruited by this staff will supplement or replace.
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I think that is about 13 now — according to the count on the numbers thread. And with NIL possibly available to match scholarship money for some folks, and scholarships available fo those who leave the program the first year of a new coach, we may well have fewer folks enter the portal than we have been assuming.
I don’t understand this NIL for scholarship mentality. If you aren’t good enough to get a scholarship, why take away money that could be used towards up-grading our scholarship players.

A) Glad to see he’s already has a degree (ie: grad transfer).

B) Hope he lands somewhere good/great for him.

C) With Sims, CT and HH apparently ahead of him on the depth chart … a high profile QB recruit being chased … his prospects do not appear strong.
Might be pushing it a bit to say HH is ahead of Logan. But with CT and JS it seems like an uphill battle.
CT and Sims both learning new offense, so the fact that CT has some familiarity with some prev receivers, is
probably less important, than had the offense been the same. Sims does have better wheels than CT, but Im not sure we want a qb running for 700+ yd, hes taking a big risk to do so. we have lost our starting qb for 3+ games most every season for the last decade or more. Tommy Armstrong was the most durable, and he missed a few games.
Might be pushing it a bit to say HH is ahead of Logan. But with CT and JS it seems like an uphill battle.
You have Sims and Thompson? Who would you give the third string rep? HH or Smothers? We know HH can run and he has arm strength (but has struggled with accuracy). We know Smothers struggles to complete any throws that require serious arm strength. I would go with HH in a heart beat. If we also have CP; does he get #3 reps?
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Clearly the new staff is forming their team from the parts they found here and what they could bring in quickly. Until we have a year or so of live bullets time, I find it hard to make a judgment about most of those leaving versus a couple that still may be on the roster when it all shakes out.
Although this thread was started and then merged with others with the overall topic of players leaving, interesting that no one really seems to be talking about the additional playmakers we might pick up in this portal cycle. Could be as much Influx as Exodus.


I’ll be sorry to see Smothers go. I think the guy should have probably left two years ago. That’s a testament to him for sticking it out. Helluva athlete IMO. Wished he’d have got a better opportunity. Torres is expected. I never saw the fit when Frost recruited him. Good luck to all. Hope it works out for them.
Smothers is an awesome young man, but has a ceiling at the QB position that doesn’t have anything to do with previous staffs.

Torres spent three games under Frost and was not coached by Verduzco. I am surprised he’s moving on, as I thought he was likely to compete for the #3 spot this fall. That said, he goes to a place like UTSA and he’ll be in the hunt for PT quickly.
What ceiling is that? He was 23/33 in 2021, for 317 yards. In 2022, mop up duty, injury fill in, he was 10/19, for 96 yards. He’s a much better passer than was Eric Crouch, or Scott Frost. He’s not quite as fast as Crouch, but he’s faster than was Frost. So again, in the few small opportunities to see him, how on earth can anyone determine his ceiling outside the program? I’d have loved to have seen what type of production NU could have gotten from him if he wasn’t yanked after one series. Pretty hard to settle in, at anything, when you aren’t given some time to settle.

You have Sims and Thompson? Who would you give the third string rep? HH or Smothers? We know HH can run and he has arm strength (but has struggled with accuracy). We know Smothers struggles to complete any throws that require serious arm strength. I would go with HH in a heart beat. If we also have CP; does he get #3 reps?
Smothers has more reps against better defenses. Not sure HH has the read speed. Sure he is an athletic specimen, but he was not an advanced thrower coming out of high school and certainly didn't see the level of defense that LS did in high school. HH has a high ceiling but he is two years away at best. I still say Masker and Stick were better HS QBs. HH is just big and fast with a big arm.

Hope he proves me wrong but I just don't think he will get the quality reps he needs to develop.


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