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The Exodus (post Spring Game portal activity)

If you are going to win games at this level (or any) your QB better be really good at something and of course have a team around him. From the bit I saw, our 2 best QB may be sitting out. Casey is below average as a run by today’s standards and a bit above average as a passer. Not a world beater by any stretch, but probably the best we’ve got. Smothers is below average as a passer but a very good runner. Sims is average at best as a passer and I was disappointed in his running.* Spring game, game plan… call it what you will but he is much more Cody green than Taylor Martinez. Sims looks the part but showed nothing in his running to separate from Thompson in thst department. His resume tells the same story yet people make excuses as to why his rushing numbers were pedestrian. He is gonna have to be a willing and able runner to unseat Casey in my view….smothers as well. When the games matter perhaps we get Josh Allen rather than Lamar Jackson.

*edit: if you are below average as a passer you had better be good enough as a runner to be a focal point on offense.
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No disrespect to Torres, we never got to see him have a real chance.

I expect (hope) Purdy is next. Again no disrespect but I think Logan and Haarberg have bigger upsides
Still think Haarberg gets moved to TE. Too inaccurate imo. Purdy sticks imo. Logan who knows. Him being hurt for spring did him no favors. Hopefully the staff can develop Simms and Purdy. Thompson this fall will be interesting. He appears to be the best passer of the 3/4.
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Still think Haarberg gets moved to TE. Too inaccurate imo. Purdy sticks imo. Logan who knows. Him being hurt for spring did him no favors. Hopefully the staff can develop Simms and Purdy. Thompson this fall will be interesting. He appears to be the best passer of the 3/4.
I like Logan over Purdy. Purdy looked shaky in live game action. Could be his OL was awful. He does not have the poise his brother has...yet...
I like Logan over Purdy. Purdy looked shaky in live game action. Could be his OL was awful. He does not have the poise his brother has...yet...
I think smothers could be a sleeper in the room. I saw nothing from sims passing to separate from Logan and smothers clearly a better runner…unless sims is holding onto his inner Josh Allen in an exhibition game. He is big and strong and fast but didn’t run that way.

I think smothers could be a sleeper in the room. I saw nothing from sims passing to separate from Logan and smothers clearly a better runner…unless sims is holding onto his inner Josh Allen in an exhibition game. He is big and strong and fast but didn’t run that way.
Barring injury to several players . . . Smothers is zero threat to grab the starter spot, IMHO.
That is the right decision, both for Torres and for Nebraska. We have a crowded quarterback room and Torres appeared to be at the bottom of the list. If he wants playing time, he is more likely to find it elsewhere.
Agreed. Sims and Haarberg I thought stood out, especially Sims, from Purdy and Torres with Torres being the most sketchy. He was late hitting his receivers or seeing his receivers, struggled with a couple exchanges, etc. (understandably green from lack of playing opportunity)

I did see him last year at Husker camps working with kids. He has a great personality and carried a smile on his face all day. People gravitated towards him and signed autographs, took pictures and engaged campers. Torres is a great kid. I really hope he finds a good spot to be successful.

Good luck, Richard. Sims, Thompson, and Purdy all have enough run element to their game to keep a defense unbalanced and always considering the threat... Smothers is not enough of a danger at passing to make his running ability matter all that much. Hopefully he can find a place. Otherwise, let's get to fall competition already! Excited to see what Casey can bring in this type of attack honestly. I think perhaps the biggest reason for a lack of explosive plays on offense during the Spring game is due to the Defense flying around...

Best of luck to this young man. I think he will have a nice career somewhere. His style just simply doesn't fit what Rhule wants in a QB. But I think he will probably end up somewhere in Texas or nearby and have a nice career in the right offense.


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