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Schools To Directly Pay Players

You have a lot of draconian predictions and views. Calling college football business a dumpster fire has no merit. They just recently cleaned up a past lawsuit on paying players and have an agreement in place for future revenue sharing. That’s a big issue
I hope I’m wrong. In my view they have about 5% of the issues/tasks resolved. I am hoping for continued progress. GBR.

I hope I’m wrong. In my view they have about 5% of the issues/tasks resolved. I am hoping for continued progress. GBR.
I have low expectations that they will fix all the issues. But it doesn’t matter to 97% of the fans who never get into a football forum. NIL and the transfer portal didn’t effect my Saturday game experience in any way last season.
I’m not anti-college football, the game. I’m anti-college football, the business. And I’m not resisting pay, NIL or otherwise. And I’m not resisting transfers. Or any other freedom and benefits to players. In fact, I’m a big proponent. I’m talking about later. When the dust settles. They still need the equivalent of an NCAA. But one with teeth. The dollars are too big. Nothing right now will stop programs from doing whatever they want. And they will. They need a set of rules and guidelines. They have none. They need enforcement of those rules and guidelines. They have none. Most importantly they need buy in from all the programs — basically they need programs to agree to the rules and guidelines. And to whatever punishments or penalties are part of this. The only rule making body that can cut across all the laws/jurisdictions is Congress. They’ve done nothing. And after all the litigation that will precede any of this getting done, i.e., today’s litigation, there will be more rounds of what I’ll call Constitutional or Constitutional-like litigation that follows whatever Congress enacts. Now, the schools can get together and beat Congress to the punch by lining up a league or an affiliation, but they really need legislation to help them cut through the dozens of issues they need to confront/litigate/resolve. You can be happy with the game. But until the business is sorted — and it is a five-alarm dumpster fire now — the game will not survive it. It doesn’t matter how much people/fans want otherwise. It takes real leadership, action, and resolve. I see very little of that.
And the universities have a very poor track record when it comes to making any sort of reasonable rules to “get ahead of the problem.” I think much of this doom and gloom could have been avoided if athletes had been given some sort of monthly stipend (not huge pay-for-play contracts) and common sense NIL guidelines back before the system exploded into the mess we see now. Cooler heads may yet prevail, but, if the past is any indicator, major college sports are in for a very rough ride in upcoming years. Also, it is seldom mentioned how fans will react to the new world order. There seems to be an underlying assumption that no matter what the schools do fans will still flock to the stands (and TVs) every Saturday (or, now it seems, every other day of the week) to see the latest version of NFL-lite.


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