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I am very excited about this years recruiting class, POB for Quarterback being the game changer that we need! So strange that the fan base is blind about our future Huskers.GBR

I'm not entirely sure Augustus will visit this weekend. We'll see. Hopefully there are some more officials added for the 2016 guys. And they're doing a good job with unofficials from nearby states, hopefully that continues.

His visit has been rescheduled, now plans to be in Lincoln for the Northwestern game.
His visit has been rescheduled, now plans to be in Lincoln for the Northwestern game.

Think they may be slow playing him a bit until higher guys on their board decide? This is the 2nd time he pushed back his date, correct? Simmons and Burrell are the two guys who come to mind, but neither seem in a hurry to make a decision.

Think they may be slow playing him a bit until higher guys on their board decide? This is the 2nd time he pushed back his date, correct? Simmons and Burrell are the two guys who come to mind, but neither seem in a hurry to make a decision.

I'm not sure why he pushed it back, but that could definitely be the case. IMPO they do like Simmons and Burrell more. The thing is, Burrell still has OV's scheduled to Boston College (10/30) and Syracuse (12/4), so unless they figure Burrell will decide before those, Augustus will still be in Lincoln before he sees other schools. He has said he wants to take all five before deciding. Ultimately Burrell is expected to choose between Wisconsin, Nebraska and Duke. He visited Wisconsin last weekend and picked up two crystal ball predictions for the Badgers from Duke and Rutgers insiders. (He still has no Husker picks)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The ⭐️s are in Lincoln this weekend! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CoastToCoast?src=hash">#CoastToCoast</a>

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<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GBR?src=hash">#GBR</a> ⚪️</p>&mdash; Todd McShane (@TheToddMcShane) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheToddMcShane/status/652508589504860160">October 9, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Very nice

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The ⭐️s are in Lincoln this weekend! �� <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CoastToCoast?src=hash">#CoastToCoast</a>

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<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GBR?src=hash">#GBR</a> ����⚪️</p>— Todd McShane (@TheToddMcShane) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheToddMcShane/status/652508589504860160">October 9, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Hmmm wonder who all the '16 guys are going to be. That's awesome! '18 must be Hightower?

Isaiah Simmons, Ben Stille, Boe Wilson confirmed. 2018 is Jurgens (duh).

Still one 2016 mystery by my count.

One of the best talent pools I have ever seen assembled to visit Nebraska for one weekend. 12 kids divided among three classes, with a five-star and 7 four-star kids. I don't ever recall that many blue-chippers at one time in Lincoln since I started covering recruiting with the 2003 class. This weekend is right up there with the best weekends for schools like Alabama, Florida State, USC, LSU, Ohio State, Georgia, etc. VERY impressive.

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