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Not sure its confirmed, but I am hearing that Greg Simmons' teammate Stewart Reese could be coming with Simmons on his OV. Four-star mammoth OT.

Not sure its confirmed, but I am hearing that Greg Simmons' teammate Stewart Reese could be coming with Simmons on his OV. Four-star mammoth OT.

Simmons is also trying to get this teammate to come with him on the official:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hopefully I can Take the &quot;Next Big-Time SAFETY/ CB&quot; with Me to My Official Visit to Nebraska <a href="https://twitter.com/Oliver15Brett">@Oliver15Brett</a> my Homiee</p>&mdash; Sub-Zero (@Cobra_Athlete31) <a href="https://twitter.com/Cobra_Athlete31/status/636296445281353728">August 25, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

He's a JR. Here are his Soph. highlights:
<iframe src='//www.hudl.com/embed/athlete/3445416/highlights/148159381' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
:) I think we get Gebbia before the season is over. He and KJ Jr will be back for the MSU game too. :):)

KJ, Jr, Gebbia, McQuitty and Djimon Colbert will be on hand form the 2017 class.

Nate Clouse ‏<s>@</s>NateClouse <small class="time"></small>The <s>#</s>Huskers set to host a lot of top 2017 talent this weekend, here's the latest ($) dhttp://rvls.co/BigBYUvisitors

:) I think we get Gebbia before the season is over. He and KJ Jr will be back for the MSU game too. :):)

KJ, Jr, Gebbia, McQuitty and Djimon Colbert will be on hand form the 2017 class.

Nate Clouse ‏<s>@</s>NateClouse <small class="time"></small>The <s>#</s>Huskers set to host a lot of top 2017 talent this weekend, here's the latest ($) dhttp://rvls.co/BigBYUvisitors


Cool. KJ Jr has already met McQuitty at the spring game. Hopefully they are going to keep building that friendship ;)
Bryan Munson said on Drop the Mike that Juarez will be in Lincoln on an OV this weekend vs BYU.

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