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One of the best talent pools I have ever seen assembled to visit Nebraska for one weekend. 12 kids divided among three classes, with a five-star and 7 four-star kids. I don't ever recall that many blue-chippers at one time in Lincoln since I started covering recruiting with the 2003 class. This weekend is right up there with the best weekends for schools like Alabama, Florida State, USC, LSU, Ohio State, Georgia, etc. VERY impressive.

And a local 2017 DT/Center, Patrick Arnold. Not rated, but he's 270 lbs as a Jr. Plus there will be way more unofficials that I'll add after the pictures come out.

Boe Wilson‏<s>@</s>BoeWilson_64

Headed up to Lincoln today!! Excited to watch my first ever Husker game. <s>@</s>HuskerFBNation <s>#</s>GBR
We won't hear about how this weekend went for recruits until tomorrow and Monday, but I personally feel that despite the loss, recruits are going to have extremely positive things to say. The Huskers lost -again- on basically the last play of the game. They could be 5-1 and I think these kids will be able to see that they could be the difference in these coin toss games. They could help with the depth issues on defense, and they could be that dynamic piece missing on offense.

There is a lot to sell to these kids. They have been competitive in every game and the crowd and atmosphere yesterday had to impress these kids. A bad year on the field this year doesn't effect any of these kids anyways. They are just looking for the stock arrow to be pointing up for this program. I think they can sell that it is with these kids.

FYI, IMPO these articles from the front page are must reads:


Quotes that caught my eye:

Keyshawn Johnson didn’t hesitate when asked, nor did he amble through his response. There’s one clear reason why he’s introduced his son and several other highly regarded prospects to Nebraska. That reason is Mike Riley. “The only reason,” Johnson said. “Otherwise, I probably would have never seen Nebraska in my life.”

Riley promoted fairness, positivity and accountability, Johnson said. It was exactly the type of environment he needed. Johnson cherishes that bond he formed with Riley. He’ll tell anyone who’ll listen about it, too — including his son and the other athletes he mentors.

And as long as the elder Johnson is in contact with the Calabasas players and their families, he’ll always be willing to share his stories about Riley.Johnson helps run a 7-on-7 squad called Team19 All-Stars, something he started seven years ago when his nephew Mike Thomas — now at Ohio State — began emerging on the circuit. Johnson and about a dozen players toured the country last spring — Nebraska was one of the stops. It likely will be again, too. That’s because of Riley.

“Oh my gosh, he was one of the greatest guys I’ve ever been around,” Riley said this week. “The most competitive and fun guy. Every day he wanted to win. He wanted to get better. His work ethic was unbelievable.” Riley had something to do with that desire, which is exactly what Johnson tells his son.

“When (coaches) start screaming, lying and manipulating and playing games — kids don’t want to deal with that. They’re smart,” Johnson said. “Coach Riley never had that problem. He could get the most out of me.”


Quotes that caught my eye:

Clouse, who now works for Huskeronline.com (part of the Rivals.com recruiting network), thinks Riley and his staff are achieving the necessary balance of trying to win games while simultaneously taking care of recruiting business.

"I think the level of recruiting activity is very, very good," Clouse said. "They've got a ton of visitors coming in this weekend for the Wisconsin game, both official and unofficial visits. Between the 2016 and 2017 classes, they're going to have six top-250 recruits on campus.

"I know for a fact the staff has gotten out in front of this whole deal (the rough start) and let recruits know that, hey, we're transitioning and we're just a few guys away from being able to do what we really want to do."

Nebraska fans might cringe when they see the Huskers are No. 39 in Rivals.com's 2016 rankings. However, NU has its quarterback — Patrick O'Brien. That's integral. Clouse also likes the three linebackers in the class and points out the benefit of having receivers coach Keith Williams to bring in skill-position players.

"People might look at it on the surface and think Nebraska's (2016) class ranking isn't cutting it," Clouse said. "But with one four-star commitment, all of a sudden they're 25th in the nation right next to Notre Dame. There's kind of a logjam from No. 25 to No. 40.

"I think there's the potential to sign a top-20 or top-25 class. It all depends on how they close out."
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">2016 WR CJ Riley on his Nebraska visit, sent from Riley. <a href="http://t.co/il7ePXGaMD">pic.twitter.com/il7ePXGaMD</a></p>&mdash; Tom VanHaaren (@TomVH) <a href="https://twitter.com/TomVH/status/653215596063014912">October 11, 2015</a></blockquote>
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We won't hear about how this weekend went for recruits until tomorrow and Monday, but I personally feel that despite the loss, recruits are going to have extremely positive things to say. The Huskers lost -again- on basically the last play of the game. They could be 5-1 and I think these kids will be able to see that they could be the difference in these coin toss games. They could help with the depth issues on defense, and they could be that dynamic piece missing on offense.

There is a lot to sell to these kids. They have been competitive in every game and the crowd and atmosphere yesterday had to impress these kids. A bad year on the field this year doesn't effect any of these kids anyways. They are just looking for the stock arrow to be pointing up for this program. I think they can sell that it is with these kids.

The bolded part above is what we have to hope the recruits are seeing and believing. If they can get past the record, it is a believable and even compelling pitch. Every game we seem to be one or two plays away from winning, and maybe a few more plays away from winning comfortably. A playmaker here or there could make all the difference in these games. Early playing time should be available at most positions, and in this case that is not just a hollow recruiting pitch.
The bolded part above is what we have to hope the recruits are seeing and believing. If they can get past the record, it is a believable and even compelling pitch. Every game we seem to be one or two plays away from winning, and maybe a few more plays away from winning comfortably. A playmaker here or there could make all the difference in these games. Early playing time should be available at most positions, and in this case that is not just a hollow recruiting pitch.

I think the way they have lost, while heart breaking for fans, can be a strong selling point for recruits. Four losses on basically the last play. Coaches can tell kids, hey you can see for yourself that we are only one or two players away from being undefeated. If (insert recruit) come here, we close out those games.

Starting a new thread on this guy, too. He is a 6'3" WR/FS who will visit:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Largo HC Marcus Paschal says 3-star ATH <a href="https://twitter.com/bdrayton10">@bdrayton10</a> will take an official visit to Nebraska on November 7th. <a href="https://twitter.com/TBO_PrepSports">@TBO_PrepSports</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/LargoFootball">@LargoFootball</a></p>&mdash; lynden ostrander (@lynden_o) <a href="https://twitter.com/lynden_o/status/653581851123154944">October 12, 2015</a></blockquote>
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