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Nebraska vs Wisconsin Cancelled

I’m over it. Already moving on to the Northwestern game.

But it would be nice if Wisconsin would provide a “lessons learned“ document to other members of the BiG to help the rest of us avoid Wisconsi’s situation...as much as possible.

That requirement probably needs to be added to those confusing protocols.

Of course not....at least not in entirety.

so many other factors going on at the same time. But it certainly was part of the equation.

Wisconsin had nothing to gain by going ahead and playing.
Health wise
Football wise

and a LOT to lose....

So it didn’t...
I respectfully disagree. I believe they cancelled because of he Covid infections, period. And, I believe they made the correct decision. I applaud them for doing so.
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One thing I dont understand is why the big 10 made west/east crossovers early in the year. Why not have the divisions play the teams in their divisions and then have the crossovers at the end of the year if make up games were not needed. This would have ensured every team in the division would play each other and there would be a true division champ to play for the conference championship.
If you set guidelines to follow as a conference, why is it optional to follow the those guidelines? I thought this was all carefully considered by the medical professionals that were guiding these protocols.
They had not reached the level to where the game had to be cancelled per Conference rules. This doesn't just effect Wisconsin. It should not be their decision alone to make.
They are allowed to play at this level of infection. They have chosen not to play. This should be a forfeit to count against Wisconsin should there be a tie break situation at the end of the season.
Promise you, even though you are correct about the 7 days, they will find a way to play Purdue, even if on 3 days practice. I GUARANTEE, unless they actually get a lot more positive tests, they will deem 7 days "adequate" and play Purdue. Sorry for sounding so negative but I smell a situation where they used a policy for their benefit and didn't even want to try and find a way to play. As has been said on MANY articles, 12 positive tests is nowhere near enough to cancel a game UNLESS YOU WANT TO. Now there may be way more positive tests....but there may not be. Whatever the case, Wisky dodged playing an improved Nebraska with a 4th string QB.

See article: https://madison.com/wsj/sports/coll...05f980ad-0551-5836-b4c1-c0d811384757.amp.html

"The decision puts next week's home game against Purdue in jeopardy of being canceled as well. If the case numbers stop rising and university leadership deem it acceptable, the earliest the Badgers could be back on the practice field would be Wednesday, Nov. 4. That would give the team three days of in-person activities to prepare for the game."

Couldn't agree with you more. The only way I would change my opinion on this is if more positives came out from Wisky. As of right now , I think they are cheesing out of the game as they would have to play their 4th string QB and the head coach wouldn't be there. Despite anything they say, they do not have a warriors mentality. Nebraska may have sucked for quite a while, but at least we show up and try to play the game. "If" people are truly concerned about anyone getting the Covid, then the whole season should be cancelled. The fact of the matter is that most people are trying to have some normalcy to their lives, while also trying to be careful and not spread the virus, especially to older people and people with health conditions that put them in danger. Isn't it a risk just to practice football, go to meetings, be around people? So I'm not necessarily buying what Wisonsin is selling unless they have more positive tests. The league should decide or it should be a forfeit. You are either in or your out. If you decided to sit out the season for safety purposes, I could buy that. It's like we'll play when it's convenient for us and we're at full strength. That's BS IMO.
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Things I've decided this week:

1) I'll never eat a Brat again.
2) I'll never eat a Cheese Curd again.
3) I'm rethinking the 1st one.
4) Staying strong with the 2nd one.
5) I have turned my back on Barry Alvarez forever.
6) Paul Chryst is soft.
7) Big Ten is a joke for letting this happen.

I'll never drink another Spotted cow again either!
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And how would that benefit anyone?

It's not meant to benefit anyone, but to punish anyone who tries to game the system, You're either in or your out. The league should be making the decision based upon the numbers they set up. When you leave it up to the Universities, there can be some gamesmanship. If you don't think there is gamesmanship in the Big Ten, then you're entitle to your opinion. Just like there was no gamesmanship in the Big 12.
So we’ve gotten so hard up for wins that this is good thing? :Puke:
Not my cup of tea.
If that’s okay with you ...... well ..... that’s a reflection on where you and everyone else who thinks it’s a good thing are at as a fan.
The only win that matters is the win on the field of battle. I want the win on the field!

I think most intelligent people feel as though Wisconsin should be punished more than giving Nebraska a win. We want to play the game and they obviously don't want to do everything they can to play. Thus they cancelled the game.

@Let it be by the code

So much wrong with that Yahoo sports crap.

Big Ten didn’t cancel the game. Wisconsin canceled the game even though they were inside Big Ten parameters.

12 badgers didn’t pop positive, Six did, and the rest were non playing staff.

Typical “moral clarity“ crap. No objectivity. Our way is right and the ONLY opinion that needs posting.

This is just another example of a self licking ice cream cone twitter bubble. I mean Pat Forde....what do you expect. You can’t reason with folks, you can’t argue nicely with folks, You can’t point out the facts I just listed above. Because then you just get shouted down in their fiery, almighty, smug righteousness.

All you can do is ignore it which hurts their click content count enormously.

Although this was probably an error in judgment to post something like this on Twitter in the first place. The question is valid and given what a young team we have, and our emphasis to play, I think we played the game.....regardless if DiCaprio Bootle winds up the QB.
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