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Nebraska vs Purdue (11/2/19 ) BTN Tailgate in West Lafayette

Can't fix this disaster with a simple single fix because there isn't one. There's a lot wrong but it all STARTS with coaching imo. Where the changes need be made ALL fall on HCSF desk and will remain there until he either improves things or eventually fired. Our team plays undisiplined football on both side of the ball and has done so this entire season.

What I find most alarming is the teams obvious regression from last season? So the longer this staff coaches the players the worse they get? That's really troubling. Chin I suggest is completely lost and over his head as our DC. If SF doesn't want to fire him then promote him sideways and bring in a CO-DC that's experienced. There are ways to work around some of these issues but not all of them

I believe the coaches have lost this team this season and all they can do is finish it out. Nothing is going to really get fixed without major changes in our coaching staff. I've been 100% on the SF bandwagon but today proved we're moving in the wrong direction. Frost isn't getting fired with 5 more years left on his contract so we can only hope he's smart enough to make tough decisions and get things moving in the right direction. He has to know what they've been doing CLEARLY isn't working on both sides of the ball. Can't simply say better talent will fix it because we just lost to team with lessor talent and 3rd string QB.

Bottom line my Nebraska season is over except for some entertainment value. Certainly not going to plan my Saturdays watching these endless clown shows! Can only hope things will improve but for now that seems like a remote possibility.
Frost isn't going anywhere for a few years at least. We better hope he's ultimately the answer because this thing may never come out of the abyss if he's not. I never imagined things would look like this at this stage. I have to believe in Frost but he's got some tough decisions to make.
Yeah. Ok. Keep lying to yourself. Being the most talented is not the same as being the best.

But yes, by all means, keep blaming the defense for the quarterback consistently making bad decisions.
I will continue to "tell myself that". I have played enough football, watched enough football, and analyzed enough football in my life to know what's wrong with this team. I actually plan to coach football as well. The problems with this team are: our defensive line shows absolutely no heart or discipline, our linebackers continue time and time again to fill the wrong holes, or shoot the wrong holes and thus making them be out of place, for some reason we do not have flat defenders ever even if we're in zone, the inability of our guys to CONSISTENTLY WRAP UP AND TACKLE, (that being probably the biggest issue), all we seem to want to do is hit guys thinking they'll just go down, then just get bounced off of for an extra 5-10 yards. The problems with our offense include: highly inconsistent line play (though I do believe they have played well the last 3 games), inability of our receivers not named JD or Wandale to consistently be threats or to at least get open, and yes that throws off our QBs timing greatly, which then is causing the pocket to break down where our QBs have to improvise and try to make tight throws. Martinez is outstanding at avoiding pressure but has shown to shy away from running. The reason Martinez is better is because of his ability to improvise and get out of the pocket without taking sacks. Remember the Minnesota game when we got into the red zone and Vedral took to 15 yard sacks in a row resulting in a punt? Martinez would've thrown the ball away or avoided the pressure. You will not convince me that Martinez is not our best quarterback.

By the way, Brohm did a heckuva coaching job today. Scoring the final two touchdowns with the 3rd string QB was amazing. Some great play calls that put Purdue in position to win the game.

Once again, the other team plays Big Ten football. We do not. The coach on the opposite side of the field from Frost knows how to coach Big Ten football. Frost does not. He was convinced the conference would have to adjust to him -- and he's swallowing that concept hard now.

Agree with most of what you say here. Hopefully SF will learn and adjust to what is needed to compete in this league before radical steps are taken again.
So basically, you’re saying it’s ok to play a less than 100%, poor playing Qb over a less than 100%, good playing Qb?

Got it.

No that is not what I am saying but I think you already knew that

Martinez though less than 100% was more able to play than Vederal. Had he gone down Bunch would have come in. Vederal would have only played had Bunch gone down too
Martinez is far from 100%
has been less than 100% since game one 2019???. is that the reason for the poor decisions since game one? just want to know because it looked like he didnt want to use his legs until frost jumped all over him. could be but he sure looked alot better when he started taking what was in front of him instead of parking in the pocket.
Depends if the boosters are in his ear yet. Bill needs a boatload of cash for the new athletic complex. If they are balking due to the state of the football program, you can bet your ass Moos has a chat with SF
You bring up something that worries me. SHEER cost of the investment in football at UNL. Are they investing in Amazon, or Enron here???

I do not want Frost to get fired. I want him to grow into the coach we need and want. He gets Nebraska, he loves Nebraska, he wants this bad. This is his fourth year as a head coach, with two years in BIG football. What I want and hope for is for him really look at this year and what happened and learn from it. I do not want to hear another comment about culture or the lack of players. I want to hear about what you are doing to fix it. For example, "Our players don't look like their players. We need to get bigger, stronger, faster." Okay, that's true, but do you have to say it or are you making a defensive statement about why you just got beat by Iowa or Wisconsin? How about, "We are going to hit the weight room hard this year and get bigger, stronger and faster." Doesn't denigrate the players.

just my thoughts right now.
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I will continue to "tell myself that". I have played enough football, watched enough football, and analyzed enough football in my life to know what's wrong with this team. I actually plan to coach football as well. The problems with this team are: our defensive line shows absolutely no heart or discipline, our linebackers continue time and time again to fill the wrong holes, or shoot the wrong holes and thus making them be out of place, for some reason we do not have flat defenders ever even if we're in zone, the inability of our guys to CONSISTENTLY WRAP UP AND TACKLE, (that being probably the biggest issue), all we seem to want to do is hit guys thinking they'll just go down, then just get bounced off of for an extra 5-10 yards. The problems with our offense include: highly inconsistent line play (though I do believe they have played well the last 3 games), inability of our receivers not named JD or Wandale to consistently be threats or to at least get open, and yes that throws off our QBs timing greatly, which then is causing the pocket to break down where our QBs have to improvise and try to make tight throws. Martinez is outstanding at avoiding pressure but has shown to shy away from running. The reason Martinez is better is because of his ability to improvise and get out of the pocket without taking sacks. Remember the Minnesota game when we got into the red zone and Vedral took to 15 yard sacks in a row resulting in a punt? Martinez would've thrown the ball away or avoided the pressure. You will not convince me that Martinez is not our best quarterback.

Martinez is not our best quarterback.
And if the only thing Vedral did wrong was to take 2 sacks, I’ll take him over a quarterback who misses wide open receivers consistently, throws his wide receivers into big hits instead of throwing them open, is in the bottom ten in the country for turnovers per play, and all the other things you mention.

So they put Rahmir in for one play and didn't even use him? Is that right? Big Red Overreaction just said that.

Wasted a full game of his 4 for that???

No that is not what I am saying but I think you already knew that

Martinez though less than 100% was more able to play than Vederal. Had he gone down Bunch would have come in. Vederal would have only played had Bunch gone down too

That makes a lot of sense and certainly justifies why SF wouldn’t pull AM when it was obvious things weren’t going very well with his play.


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