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Moos out?

@RED CRUSADER, I wouldn't be so dismissive of his Deputy role at the Commissioner level. He has executive level experience at both a Power 5 school and a longer run in the commissioner's office of a P5 conference. Ed could bring some fresh perspective to the Athletic office.
Would be great if the fresh perspective involved not sucking at football.

Just curious, what names out there would get you excited?
Above my pay grade.

I would look for: successful AD experience at a P5 program, concrete ideas for taking for advantage of NIL, clear communication with all involved that he/she is hired to run the athletic department without interference from the BoR, Pres, etc., concrete plans on how they evaluate coaches/programs, a well-formed strategy regarding fundraising, how they have dealt with boosters of substances.....etc, etc.

Basically, someone who knows exactly how successful programs do things and have no need to learn on the job. We are looking for a pro's pro here. I wouldn't settle. And I'd take my time to find the right person.


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