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Moos out?

Frost's seat is getting warm.

Guess that a bowl game is the minimum to keep his job and it probably only buys him another season. Getting to 8+ wins would go a long ways in buying him some extra runway.

Writing is definitely on the wall for Scott. I can’t explain how much I disagree with this decision. Moos was one of the best AD’s we’ve ever had in my opinion.
100% agree. I'm wondering though, even though he said he wanted to complete his contract, if Moos is ready to go and stated as much, but was willing to wait until NU found their guy? Hope that's the case.

Seems like strange timing to me. Middle of the summer while the team is actively recruiting. Hopefully, if Scott isn't on the chopping block right now, someone comes in and makes that clear. I didn't know Nebraska was looking for "their guy". Not even sure what that means. I guess we will see. Someone must have been unhappy with the direction of the athletic dept.


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