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Maryland game to be exclusively on Peacock streaming - additional subscription required

This will require a subscription of $5.99/mo or $59.99/yr.

It sounds like some games are on both Peacock and NBC, but others are exclusively on Peacock only. This happens to be a Peacock-only game.

I can afford six bucks, but I'm pretty disappointed in this. I already have to pay extra for a TV package that includes BTN, and now this?

I guess these are the deals that help us pay extra on coaching contract buyouts.

Probably the same Huskers at Wisconsin PeeCOCK telecast

Late to this party but I know that I have way too many streaming services. Shows I watch are spread out over various platforms. I do like peacock though. $5 per month if you pay for a year. I got it for the first year for $20. YouTubeTV keeps going up, and can't share the subscription. Gong to have to make some cut backs for sure. Fixed income, choices.

No to Peacock, will listen on Internet radio.

I am dropping TV altogether after Bowl season in an austerity move, thanks to the Biden economy. Will be stopping satellite radio in both vehicles as well.

My retirement account is down 28% over the last 18 months, got to drop luxury spending wherever possible. :(
Late to this party but I know that I have way too many streaming services. Shows I watch are spread out over various platforms. I do like peacock though. $5 per month if you pay for a year. I got it for the first year for $20. YouTubeTV keeps going up, and can't share the subscription. Gong to have to make some cut backs for sure. Fixed income, choices.
My daughter has it, and because of that I have it.

I feel like I've been spoiled with BTN up here, but this season it's been three games on FS1 which we don't get. Now it seems things are going to get worse until UNL is back in the top 25 and showing up on network tv
No to Peacock, will listen on Internet radio.

I am dropping TV altogether after Bowl season in an austerity move, thanks to the Biden economy. Will be stopping satellite radio in both vehicles as well.

My retirement account is down 28% over the last 18 months, got to drop luxury spending wherever possible. :(
I cut out everything that I have. I am able to watch all he games for free on YouTube. I am usually a couple of plays behind which is ok.

PeeCOCK is not available with my Hulu lineup. Sling service (half price vs. Hulu) with SOME Peacock but only wussie soccer.

I suppose live internet radio. Also, I don't like Fanalytix at all .... use live and up-to-date ESPN CFB football results.

BTW next game, Huskers at Badgers telecast, probably only Peacock ....

PeeCOCK is not available with my Hulu lineup. Sling service (half price vs. Hulu) with SOME Peacock but only wussie soccer.

I suppose live internet radio. Also, I don't like Fanalytix at all .... use live and up-to-date ESPN CFB football results.

BTW next game, Huskers at Badgers telecast, probably only Peacock ....
Wisc game will be NBC at night.


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