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Maryland game to be exclusively on Peacock streaming - additional subscription required

This will require a subscription of $5.99/mo or $59.99/yr.

It sounds like some games are on both Peacock and NBC, but others are exclusively on Peacock only. This happens to be a Peacock-only game.

I can afford six bucks, but I'm pretty disappointed in this. I already have to pay extra for a TV package that includes BTN, and now this?

I guess these are the deals that help us pay extra on coaching contract buyouts.

Not every Husker fan lives in Lincoln and can attend games.
The dry run test of Peacock access at our Watch Party location was a success! I can connect my laptop to the system in our sports bar and stream the game to all 16 TVs and the sound system. I plan to ask everyone in attendance to turn off their Wi-Fi while they are at the Watch Party so we can maximize bandwidth and minimize buffering (it is a public Wi-Fi). Fingers crossed it will all work and the Huskers will win! GBR!
I apologize if this was covered above (I haven't read the whole string), but I discovered one downside to watching a game on Peacock earlier this season. Specifically, if you are watching it on delay (or even days later), you can't fast forward through commercials.

I need help watching the game tomorrow. We are new to Sioux Falls and will not have TV hooked up until next week. Any recommendations on where to watch the Maryland game?
I need help watching the game tomorrow. We are new to Sioux Falls and will not have TV hooked up until next week. Any recommendations on where to watch the Maryland game?

I don't know Sioux Falls well, but you may be out of luck. I don't think most sports bars are set up to stream Peacock games.

You could call these sports bars (listed on HuskerMax as Nebraska watch sites in Sioux Falls) and see if they are streaming the game, but I would be surprised if they are:

I don't know Sioux Falls well, but you may be out of luck. I don't think most sports bars are set up to stream Peacock games.

You could call these sports bars (listed on HuskerMax as Nebraska watch sites in Sioux Falls) and see if they are streaming the game, but I would be surprised if they are:


No to Peacock, will listen on Internet radio.

I am dropping TV altogether after Bowl season in an austerity move, thanks to the Biden economy. Will be stopping satellite radio in both vehicles as well.

My retirement account is down 28% over the last 18 months, got to drop luxury spending wherever possible. :(
Please keep the political talk elsewhere.

Also, I don't believe you.
I need help watching the game tomorrow. We are new to Sioux Falls and will not have TV hooked up until next week. Any recommendations on where to watch the Maryland game?
Buffalo Wild Wings. I have to be in Sioux Falls that weekend and they told my daughter they would be streaming it. I believe the one over near Louise street west.

i previously said i would not pay. and i still wont. but i decided to spend 3 hours or so raking leaves....

No to Peacock, will listen on Internet radio.

I am dropping TV altogether after Bowl season in an austerity move, thanks to the Biden economy. Will be stopping satellite radio in both vehicles as well.

My retirement account is down 28% over the last 18 months, got to drop luxury spending wherever possible. :(
If you are investing on your own behalf and your retirement account is down 28% over the past 18 months, you have no idea what you are doing. Seek help.

If you are with an advisor, fire him or her immediately and find someone competent.


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