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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Maryland and Rutgers to join the B1G?

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Remember, this isn't about a schools sports strength. This is about cable TV revenue in big markets. NU was able to join the B1G not because of the Omaha/Lincoln areas, which is small I might add, but it is a national brand. The fact that NU is a football blue blood didn't hurt either. In the case of the 2 new schools, it's all about cable TV revenue, not what they are bringing to the table sports wise. I would opine that you don't want to bring in all big name schools either or you would create a murderers row and you would rarely have one of your teams competing for MNC.

Exactly. If GaTech and FSU were brought into the fold, Ga Tech would be strictly for the Atlanta market although I am sure some on this board would say its for option football.

FSU would be a win every way you look at it.

Makes me wonder if Delaney is getting just a little bit of enjoyment by raiding the ACC...the ACC that Notre Dame "semi joined". Do you think this could be strategic in forcing Notre Dame's hand?
Makes me wonder if Delaney is getting just a little bit of enjoyment by raiding the ACC...the ACC that Notre Dame "semi joined". Do you think this could be strategic in forcing Notre Dame's hand?

While not directly "intentional", I thought I saw a tiny little sparkle in Delaney's eye the other day... one that would make another wonder :Biggrin:

Makes me wonder if Delaney is getting just a little bit of enjoyment by raiding the ACC...the ACC that Notre Dame "semi joined". Do you think this could be strategic in forcing Notre Dame's hand?

It's possible, but you better be OK with Maryland without ND. If the only reason for Maryland is trying to get ND and you don't end up getting ND, that's bad.

Rutgers is the New Jersey state university, I believe.

I like both adds, I think, provided the Big Ten does the divisions and scheduling correctly. They did well with the divisions this last time, in my opinion. Well, except for the division names.

Road games in the outskirts of DC and NYC will be off the charts.

They missed on the division in my opinion...Wisc belonged in our division.
They missed on the division in my opinion...Wisc belonged in our division.

I want to play Wisconsin every year, but then we would need to move Iowa to the Leaders (since Iowa/UW were deemed to be second-level powers and assuming Iowa recovers from its current slide). We'll never finish with a good record if we play all the best teams every year.
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If true, this seems to suggest the Big Ten is stopping at 14 members (or how would he know the division alignments and why wouldn't they include schools #15 and #16?).

Unless they are actually looking to add someone on the west side of the conference in addition to someone on the east side for 15 and 16.
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Rutgers has a better record than us and has won their last 5 bowl games...just saying.

I can't say that their competition is very good. The Arkansas win was pretty good. Lost to Kent State. The rest of the Ws are not much to hang their hats on. Don't know about their bowls - maybe they were respectable.
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